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Member Avatar for coco86

let's say 334536999902920193 123 445465781 Id = left(d,3) location = mid(d,4,9) as you can see that my substring is empty..... what's the proper code for it? If you can help me .... please

Member Avatar for coco86
Member Avatar for nuinaifen128

I have a MS Access database. If I want to create a function in VB6 that adding data into my data base by typing the new data on textbox and click the button. Is it possible. How do i adding new data to my database? Hope to getting help from …

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for jireh

[B]I want to show the tooltiptext below the textbox when the user type an entry on it[/B]. As we know when that the pointer of the mouse pointed on the textbox the tooltiptext will show up but my problem is if the user uses only tab for transferring the cursor …

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for coco86

hello , im making a loop .... whenever i want to print the error it'll update my label , this mean it will print the last error record only...So how to print list of errors. Can anyone help me?I think using label is not suitable , what should i use …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for jaasaria

this is my first letter here in daniweb.plsss help... actually Im only a beginner in VB. i would like to make a form that can browse picture and text file that will be display in my form... I have a sample here but there are so many error. pleaseee kindly …

Member Avatar for jaasaria
Member Avatar for shoby

pls guide me to build a asset mgmt system on VB. what are the components involve and hw do i make my system innovative than the traditional ones?

Member Avatar for shoby
Member Avatar for themid
Member Avatar for themid
Member Avatar for teklu

I would like to access a webpage in my VB6 form. I have read an article about this how to get it in netscape navigator like <webBrowse Navigate "microsoft.com" >. But my Internet Browser is internet explorer.I want it using internet explorer.

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for suneel kar

i am new to visual basics.plz tell me how to read data from databasr and write to text file recordwise .if any book which will gide me though this . thanx reply soon suneel

Member Avatar for suneel kar
Member Avatar for paodzy
Member Avatar for guru511

hi, can u plz tell me how to slpit a string using a delimeter... exp: my string is like guru\text now i want it to be splitted into guru text any 1 plz tell me...

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for coco86

something is not right with these code the [COLOR="red"]Is True Then , pls help me to correct it.... [/COLOR] If isEmpty(Mfgno) Is True Then lbl1.Caption = "Error" Else lbl1.Caption = "NoError" End If Debug.Print (Mfgno)

Member Avatar for coco86
Member Avatar for marlon ng

Hello. The code below is for a program that uses the classis Access sample database called Biblio.mdb . The controls on the form are: 1 commmand button, 1 Datagrid control, 1 textbox, and 1 ADO Data Control. [code] Option Explicit Private Sub Form_Load() txtUserQuery.Text = Adodc1.RecordSource Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource End …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for coco86

Please help me!!! i've done somecode but it doesnt seems to match... error Out of stack space.. Public Function isEmpty() Dim MyVar As String, MyCheck As String MyCheck = isEmpty(MyVar) ' Returns True. MyVar = Null ' Assign Null. MyCheck = isEmpty(MyVar) ' Returns False. MyVar = Empty ' Assign …

Member Avatar for lasherz2

Hi, i got a datagrid that has its gets records from a table in the db.Its workin perfectly well but i want to have a textbox to search and display the records in the datagrid.I guess the change event will come in handy.I really dont know how to go about …

Member Avatar for tscpb
Member Avatar for jaasaria

this is my first letter here in daniweb.plsss help... actually Im only a beginner in VB. i would like to make a form that can browse picture and text file that will be display in my form... I have a sample here but there are so many error. pleaseee kindly …

Member Avatar for jaasaria

this is my first letter here in daniweb.plsss help... actually Im only a beginner in VB. i would like to make a form that can browse picture and text file that will be display in my form... I have a sample here but there are so many error. pleaseee kindly …

Member Avatar for jatinder_44

I have used 2 combo box ,how can i enable 1st combobox when i click on 2nd combobox viceversa .if i am entering a data in 1 of the combobox then another should be disable ,but after entering data in the any 1 of combobox ,again clicking on the another …

Member Avatar for jaasaria
Member Avatar for tgifgemini

Hello everyone, I am having a problem completing my outlook email setup through VB. I am gettin Run-time error 424 - Object required: Actually someone got me to this point, but I'm bumming out on this line: "[B][U]lvw.ListItems.Add , , OutlookAddressEntry.Name"[/U][/B] - basically all the lines that have the prefix …

Member Avatar for planethax
Member Avatar for coco86

let's say i want to read the substring and compare so i make a function Public Function tracingFNHdr(h As String) Left(h, 2) = Spid Mid(h, 3, 5) = Loc Mid(h, 6, 6) = TermType Mid(h, 7, 8) = TermNo Mid(h, 9, 13) = BatchNo Mid(h, 14, 15) = BatchType Mid(h, …

Member Avatar for Mr.Wobbles

The button changes an ugly peach color, which doesn't go well with a green theme, when they are clicked. I can't seem to find where to change this color. Any help is appreciated!

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for tscpb

I am completing the coding of a utility that reads data from a database and writes the returnset to a text file. The writing to the .txt file is performed by the client. The text file can range in size from 1 line to 20 million lines. When a file …

Member Avatar for tgifgemini

VB6 - Email attachment not working Hi, I wrote this program to send email through VB. The email is working okay but the attachment I need to attach to the email is not being attached. See my codes below: [code] Set OutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set OutlookMail = OutlookApp.CreateItem(0) Set NSpace …

Member Avatar for tgifgemini
Member Avatar for lasherz2

:confused: Hi, i have four tables each capturing data on assets.Each asset is required to have a unique code and serial too.So no entry is supposed to allow a double entry epecially the code and the serial.How can i implement this is in access?Someone knows how to go about it?If …

Member Avatar for lasherz2
Member Avatar for nuinaifen128

i have a database which is a food menu. i have successfully display on the picture box. However, i cant copy all the content in the picture box to the text box. i hava code but only display the last sentence... hope to getting help here ^_^ here is my …

Member Avatar for nuinaifen128
Member Avatar for coco86

hello guys... im having trouble to open up the 2 files , i tried so many times , but i can't think what's the right directory should i put at the '??????' .... the purpose is to pass the value of directory so it can read and open up 2 …

Member Avatar for coco86
Member Avatar for Pmaster

Hi all, Does Visual basic net support inline c or c++ code and if so what keyword method, etc. ,do I use to do this. Thanks in Advance.

Member Avatar for cwood
Member Avatar for laoli

Can VB6 only link to access97 but not work with accessXP? and can i use vb6 in windowsXP?

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for itstar

hi, i m a learner in VB6. I used a control VNC.. and i want to make it on my own.. but i dont know how to start.. i dont have idea abt connectivity to internet with VB.. plz help me..

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for ro_10

Hi, i am new to VB and am working on a project to develop simple tool that will be able to monitor the traffic/bandwidth of LAN topology. For VB i just know the basics, like making forms and others. Please, if possible give me guidline and also workable code that …

Member Avatar for AV Manoharan

The End.