10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for xlilxmexerex

Hiya I am trying to make a program on visual basic 5.0 to determine weather a word or phrase is a palindrome or not. I need my program to be able to tell if the word or phrase is a palindrome and it not being case sensitive. The code below …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for paodzy
Member Avatar for paodzy
Member Avatar for guru511

can u tell me how to find a part of string using an sql.. Dim inp As String inp = InputBox("Enter the Search Term") exec ("select * from solution_database where search_term like '" + inp+ "' ") i want to get the records whose search_trem contains the string "inp" which …

Member Avatar for guru511
Member Avatar for tgifgemini

Hello everyone, is there a posibility that I can look up email addresses from outlook email address book instead of accepting email address from an inputbox or hard-coding it? See my codes below: Thanks. [code] SENDEMAIL: Set OutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set OutlookMail = OutlookApp.CreateItem(0) OutlookMail.To = EmailID OutlookMail.Subject = "Project …

Member Avatar for tgifgemini
Member Avatar for fraogongi

Hi! Am trying to create a C#.NET dll and use it in VB6.0 application. I've created the class library, generated the type library using tlbexp.exe, registered it using regasm.exe, but after referencing the tlb file in VB6.0, it says "ActiveX component can't create object". Am using MS Visual Studio 2005. …

Member Avatar for Hamrick
Member Avatar for rathiga

hello i met a problem in msflex grid control.it shows thw runtime error "3021"while i run the form do u help me?

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for guru511

hi, can u plz tell me how to insert date in to msaccess i have text1.text=date what is the sql statement for inserting insert into table_name (datecolumn) values ('"+text1.text+"') this is showing error... plz check with this.. urgent...

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for coco86

sry..... ok let me explain abit more detail , hopefully u can understand... i call a shell and it come out like this on 1 notepad... *********************************************************** [COLOR="red"][COLOR="red"]C:\Documents and Settings\T070702\Desktop\02B01P0600679FN.dat -------------------------------------------------------------- Error Record = Record Count is mismatch Error Line = Debit Purse is not match Debit Non Purse is …

Member Avatar for mayank_ati

how can i use two forms simultaneously......... i have one form which displays the entire components..and one which displays the report of selected components..... now if i want the preport to open on click of a button ho can i do that... or is there any way i can use …

Member Avatar for mayank_ati
Member Avatar for paodzy

how to import flash movie to my project. the movie will serve as my splash screen...

Member Avatar for Naveed_Cn

Hi Everyone I m trying to open password protected Database for Data Report applying the following Code in Command Button1. Dim CN As ADODB.Connection Dim RS As ADODB.Recordset Set CN = New ADODB.Connection Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset CN.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" & _ ";Data Source =" & App.Path & ".\MyDataBase.mdb" …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for guru511

hi, how to compare part of the string ex: i have XX-BP-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX i want to check wherther the string starts with XX-BP how can i do that

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for crayzieghne01

hi everyone, this is my first time to use & study VB 6.0, and im from philippines can you help me to solve my problem?? our instructor gave us a project, that we should make a form then convert the inputted decimal into binary, octal and hexa. can you help …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for planethax

I have a database with 3 columns, and approx 60 rows I need to load this into vb6, into a listbox or what ever you think will work best, in the listbox (or???) I will need the 3 columns, plus a fouth column(at the beginning) that has check boxes. Can …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for cliveharber

Hi All The company I work for have a need to obtain a VB5 IDE to change the data in an old, but mission critical custom project. Does anybody have a copy of this that they are willing to sell to a good home? Cheers Clive

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Member Avatar for shams1988
Member Avatar for sayedamin

I have backed up my data from my computer to my external Hard driver (WD Hard drive) so now when I copy the data from External Hard driver to my computer hard disk I receive the Msg [COLOR="Red"][B](The Requested Sector Could not be found)[/B][/COLOR] what should I do and how …

Member Avatar for stigzem
Member Avatar for stigzem

I have received an answer for the question that I asked last time about bringing video in Visual Basic form from the video device attached to a PC.Thank you very much.But the answer was not precise and descriptive to me.It just says "Use MAPIA".What is it exactly and how would …

Member Avatar for guru511

hi, plz tell me how to bind the record set to datagrid.. i have all the data in recordset now i want to modify the recordset and dind that to datagrid... also in one column i want to supress the duplicate values and put balnk spaces in that..hw can i …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for namjeon

I am trying to add 30 days (or 30 times) validation procedure in VB6 code to program, so that people can try it before they decide to buy. I am trying to make program not run 30 days after user install the program or 30 times after user run the …

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Member Avatar for piyush gandhi

What are the following types of files that can be created in VB for eg.: 1>> ActiveX EXE 2>> ActiveX DLL 3>> DLLs etc, etc, etc.. and all of them that we can create in VB e I know only the Standard EXE applications that we create in VB please …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for StuartB

I am trying to write some code in Word 2003 for a document / form that contains a check box and a text field. All I need is for the text field to be enabled once the checkbox has been checked. I cant seem to get this to work ! …

Member Avatar for senfredie

I have designed a VB system along with its database in Access. They are running prety well. Now my problem is create a shortcut to my VB without me evoking it. I want a full screen to appear.. Thank buddies

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for stigzem

I would like to have a code that will help me to bring a video signal from a video device attached to a Pc into my visual basic form. Please help me as soon as possible.

Member Avatar for AV Manoharan
Member Avatar for AV Manoharan

See, here I am going to explain for all concerned in this forum, about the two types of Data access objects which you can use in your VB (?). There are so many postings on this subject. The duo is [B]DAO[/B] & [B]ADO[/B]. It is not misspelled acronym like PHP …

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Member Avatar for seeleo6

Ok if annyone knows how to put usernames and passwords in arrays and declare it and i need a full directions on the code! Thanks Seeleo6

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for cess

My system is about language translation with voice command but i didnt know how to put voice in my system. i use adobe audition for the recordings of the voice and convert it in media player. i want to hear the said voice when i click the translatiuon that is …

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for royaloba

hello guys, how can i sum the total time in report footer? when i use function sum i got this following error data type mismatch in function object function1... is there any on how to do it.?:icon_sad: thanks. regards

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Anybody with good understand on this componets. I just know them shallow.anybody to enlight me? With Regards

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

The End.