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When I open my VB6 project file(i.e .Prj), an error is encountered saying "The instruction at "0x77fcca36" reference memory at "0x006f0067" . The Memory could not be written". Can any one explain me why this err comes and what must be the solution of this problem......

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Sloaner715

I have a simple Excel Workbook with many worksheets within. I have a simple macro that will extract the selected sheet and allow me to save it individually. For some reason all date fields within the worksheet are changed when the worksheet is copied out. For example if the date …

Member Avatar for epok13hart

[code] Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from brecord where month_borrowed = " & _ "'" & frmonth.txtmonth.Text & "'" Adodc1.Refresh Rptlibrarysystem.Show [/code] is my code alright do i have to set code in data environment or data report im using ms access the problem i'm having is printing a certain date …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for shuvo

I want to create new table in Access database during the runtime of my VB code. I am developing a "Library Management System" using VB6. At first i have used SQL statement to do the job. But it worked for once & then it stopped working. No error message was …

Member Avatar for dalwadijayen30
Member Avatar for elanch

hi friends! From my Microsoft Access form I would like to hyperlink to a pdf document. At present each record contains a document name and a full file path to where the document is stored. I would like to open adobe Reader and view the specified document. please give me …

Member Avatar for dmotah

hi, im using msaccess as database. can u plz tel me how to delete records using vb (it should serch nad delete) tkx

Member Avatar for epok13hart
Member Avatar for t_yalthis

hi everyone I want to use datagrid to form a calender that shows only one particular month but I don't know how to name the columns and navigate through cells.. I will use this calender in my rezervation program that shows the occupied days oc a choosen car.. thank you

Member Avatar for guru511

hi, i want to make a setup file for the project... i tried to load the component "package and deployment wizard" itz showing the error "Error in loading PDWIZARD.OCX" can u plz tell me y its throwing the error guru

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Hi, I want to update the database from a flexgrid. Is it possible in VB 6.0? I came across an article where it said.. its not possible. But there was a way to do it ... by placing text boxes on the cells of the grid and making those text …

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Member Avatar for shardulDoon
Member Avatar for AV Manoharan
Member Avatar for piyush gandhi

hi all of U. :) Please suggest me the code :?: >> to create a text file >> to write the data to that file >> to save that file >> to open the file >> to read the file >> to retrieve the data from the opened file anybody …

Member Avatar for AV Manoharan
Member Avatar for elanch

hi Friends! i need to open a pdf documents from MsAccess. Please send me the code. Then i need to create a BROWSE button such that BROWSE_BUTTON Text_box When i click the browse button it should work as ordinary windows browse button and when i select some files, the "File-Path" …

Member Avatar for AV Manoharan
Member Avatar for tgifgemini

Good morning everybody. I need a quick direction here. A column ("Comments") in my spreadsheet that is is supposed to have text values is displaying: "#VALUE!" Note: my input data is coming from an access query. The underlined Below is the data in the "Comments" field in the query (recordset): …

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Member Avatar for tgifgemini

Hello all, I am trying to populate a spreadsheet with data from access query. Even though the recordset(input file) has approximately 49 records, only 1 record is written on the spreadsheet. What am I doing wrong? Below is my code: [code] Set rsin = M.DB.OpenRecordset("qBiWeeklyPeriodCombined", dbOpenDynaset) If rsin.RecordCount < 0 …

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Member Avatar for aparnesh

Is there any utility that allows you to develop card playing games (like go fish, bridge, etc) ? Where can I get the playing card pictures and how to understand which card has been clicked ? Does anyone know of any such free library/utility ?

Member Avatar for carlster5000

im pretty new to vb6. i have two problems with my calculator. first, when i divide by zero the calculator does not show the error message i have set it show, instead it shows 0. my second problem is that after i click the equal sign, and click a number, …

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Member Avatar for tgifgemini

Hi all, I need some input from you smart folks. I am populating an excel spreadsheet. Each time, I want to clear the spreadsheet content before repopulating it. I am using the codes below and it is clearing the first 3 rows in the spreadsheet and every other data stays …

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Member Avatar for plusplus

I am trying to understand a program someone else wrote and don't understand what the following is for [CODE] Private Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib _ "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" _ (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal _ lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpString As Any, ByVal _ lpFileName As String) As Long Private …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for Friendly Shark

How do I insert an Excel file into VB 6. I need to be able to view the file in a seperate form. I know the coding to change the forms is [code]Form1.Hide Form2.Show[/code] And I read a previous thread before on these forums that gave me the coding to …

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Member Avatar for kiran_dba
Member Avatar for coco86

i have a prob, when the report is written in a notepad, i can only click on stop button then click play again to stop the the report to write in a sequence .... need help on it how to break the sequence without pressing the stop button.... C:\Documents and …

Member Avatar for AV Manoharan
Member Avatar for elanch

hi friends! I'm new to both vb and dataAccess. Now i have created a form in data-access. I need the datas entered in the form to be appended in the access-Table when i click the save button. For eg: Roll NO : Txt box Name : Txt box Sex : …

Member Avatar for manoshailu
Member Avatar for dmotah

i use this in a form dim alt_date as boolean ....code.... alt_date=false end now i want this alt_date value to be saved and go on to the next form, but by default, it always remains false, even if i change it to true in the previous one. how ken i …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for guru511
Member Avatar for jaasaria

i have a code here but there something a problemss...please kindly help...!! Private Sub cmd_Click() If Text1.Text = "aa" And Text2.Text = "aa" Then MsgBox "fsdafsafsaf" Else MsgBox "invalid" End If End Sub Private Sub Text2_Change() If KeyAscii = 13 Then cmd.Enabled = True End If End Sub i want …

Member Avatar for scudzilla
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Member Avatar for ahmed elweshahy

[I]hey[/I] [I]i want to know what about spread sheet?[/I] [I]how can i use it ?[/I] [I]why it important?[/I] [I]i want any body please tell me [/I] [I]thank you.[/I]

Member Avatar for t_yalthis

hi everybody In my program I don't want anyone write anything to the text of combobox.. The user could only choose one of the indexes from the list of combobox... how can I do that?

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Member Avatar for elanch

hi friends! I'm new to vbasic. I just want to know, how to set the precision for variables defined as double. plz send me the syntax Thanks in advance. bye elanch

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The End.