10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for Hotshottech

Is there a code in VBA that will read data from a RS232 port and import it into the selected cell in excel or can I buy a program that will work.

Member Avatar for BombAppetit
Member Avatar for JohnKelly

I am using the Common Dialog ShowOpen to select a file to open using VB6. How can I ensure that the control is centered over the calling form. If I use two screens often the dialog control opens on the other screen and is hidden behind other windows.

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for tezmin

[CODE] Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub Command1_Click() Me.CrystalReport1.DataFiles(0) = App.Path & "\Database.mdb" Me.CrystalReport1.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\Reports\BRYeild.rpt" Me.CrystalReport1.SelectionFormula = "{NewJob.strShipmentType}='" & Combo1.Text & "' and {NewJob.Date}>=#" & MaskEdBox1.Text & "# and {NewJob.Date} <=#" & MaskEdBox2.Text & "#" Me.CrystalReport1.WindowState = crptMaximized Me.CrystalReport1.Action = 1 End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() …

Member Avatar for shabina

hi, am facing problems with taking contents/added items of a listbox in one form(Add) and displaying it in a similar listbox in another form(Modify) which has an adodc for navigating thru records. now i know textbox works fine but listbox is giving a hiccup...any ideas? :!:

Member Avatar for shabina
Member Avatar for daniwebaccount

Is there any way to like 'dim obj as _______' and then control real objects with it? Like... obj = text1 obj.text = "blah" ..and it work?

Member Avatar for daniwebaccount
Member Avatar for stan yost

I've created 2 tables in Access and have created a form for each table in VB5. Each autonumber field is the primary key of it's table. When the first form comes up the autonumber field has a value but when I go to the second form the field is left …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for shabina

attached is my project and i'm kinda facing problems with listbox. this is a simple project of adding, modifyind, deleting records. In frmAdd i have a listbox which enables attachment, this is working fine as it adds to the database, however, it does not add to the other listbox in …

Member Avatar for mikefromchitown

Hi, I'm hoping that someone can help me out. The Range statement below has an issue with the right hand side of the equal sign. If I leave out the "& i", the information in the first text box is copied into all of the cells. However, I want to …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for stan yost

I've got a bunch of fields displayed in a form and I can change them on the screen and the changes are saved in the database. How can I make them so they cannot be changed?

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for Stewie

As far as I know when a check box is check the value should be 1 and when it is not checked it should be 0 correct? In my case if I don't check the box its null and if I do its -1 Here is my code [code]Private Sub …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for 15w40

does anybody nows if there´s a decompiler program for .exe created with vb6???. I have compiled a program and in the process a lost a form!!. The only way to get all the coding back is to decompile the .exe

Member Avatar for lover99509

Guys, I have a problem. I want to locate my database directory so taht i can connect to it ok. I decalred a variable in the general part of the form and used commonDialog object to have open file dialog and get the Full directory name using CommonDialog.fileName property. But …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for Tiregal06

I have inherited an Access 2000 database that has a text box where you click on a file path that is already entered there and it is suppose to bring up a Word or Adobe file. Sometimes the file will open and other times Adobe will open and the document …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for StatiX

In my program I want to add records to the database and then reference them by a unique identifier such as a user id. Even if the user name is the same as another, The would be different IDs so I could pull data on the correct one. So my …

Member Avatar for StatiX
Member Avatar for daniwebaccount

I recently started a game for me and my friend to play while he's away at college. I just tested the connection with him, and the test failed. I'm able to connect to, and my own ip with ease, but when I try connecting to my friends, it just …

Member Avatar for daniwebaccount
Member Avatar for shabina

any1 have any guidance with coding email attachments, like that in the email textbox, like underlined filenames so that when its clicked, it opens that file...using vb6.

Member Avatar for shabina
Member Avatar for StatiX

I have a text box that will be populated by data, sometimes to long for the form and I wanted to add a vertical scroll bar to it, but I'm not sure how to link them together. I can place it on the form but it doesn't work the textbox. …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for lover99509

I am facing a problem with my project. I want to Update my database through DataGrid Object which is a tabular one right !. But, I want to control the number of empty rows that are available. But it has only one empty row that means i can enter only …

Member Avatar for lover99509
Member Avatar for cricketinfuture

Hi, I want Visual Basic so bady and i m trying to get it so can you please give me links or something like that. can you please send me on [EMAIL="cricketinfuture@yahoo.com"]cricketinfuture@yahoo.com[/EMAIL] i'll really appreciate your struggle. THnx....Ankit.

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for StatiX

I'm new to VB so my question is probably very simple. anyway here it is.. I want to make a side bar showing one form that is like a sidebar in a web page such as on the left side of the MDI form. Which holds the programs main functions …

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for jdm102984

I'm new to VB...Really new. The main thing I am needing to accomplish is this program I am trying to make. It's just a counter. You click the button and it shows the number of clicks in the label. Well, There are 14 counters in the one program. But I …

Member Avatar for sosco
Member Avatar for rosy99

Good day, Iam traying to get result of my record as below If next record is biger than previous show "1" If next record is same previous show "1" If next record is smallest show "0" if next record is same previous show "0" Example id Time Code Price Res …

Member Avatar for rosy99
Member Avatar for garvey

I need to know if anyone using vb6 has hooked up with mySQL database system without any clumsy third party drivers or so.

Member Avatar for George Jump

Hello - I wrote an application to read mag stripe data from a card, parse it and display it's contents. Now I'm attempting to create a DLL out of that logic. I have trimmed down the program to eliminate all those modules, functions, subs etc., that won't be necessary in …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for cyman73

Hello all, I previously attempted to attach an ActiveX.dll control to my form in VB2005 and VB6 without success. When in VB6 the control reference is made and I am able to place the control on my form, however, when I run it the IDE crashes with a Window Error. …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for jsavoor

Hi I have a procedure which I have pasted below. I am using the VBe Enterprise environment and all test machines are Windows XP Pro SP2 with the latest hotfixes. On my machine (the one with the dev env) I have no issues running the application I have written. The …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for Majid Sarrouh

Hi. Can I ask you for TWO favors? FIRST: I want to build an application having a command button that can connect me through my modem to my ISP. Please, can you tell me what are the instructions that must be put in the code of the command button if …

Member Avatar for Miuca
Member Avatar for muhammad_owais

Please Someone Help me I'm making a software like Quick Books and i need help There is a text Box in which Item No. will be placed. Those item Numbers aren't editable. They should come in Automatically when i press the Add command button For example there is a record: …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for BillWebber

Hi to whoever is ready my post and call for help. I am an absolute novice at VB6 and are trying hard to learn this program off my own back from the internet and an old tutorial book i got my hands on. So far ive managed to build a …

Member Avatar for BillWebber
Member Avatar for keratinimp

This seems really stupid seeing as they are used so often but how do i create a database using vB 4.0? I am creating a login form and when the command button is hit it compares the username and encrypted password to the stored username and encrypted password, if its …

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The End.