10,991 Topics
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Hi All I want the form look like image. I mean that the form should be shaped as the image. for example when you click on skin mode in windows mediaplayer you will find the window like head shaped. i want my form look like that Pls any one help … | |
I have a project which has 2 parts - an exe and an ActiveX DLL. Earlier I could have the 2 parts running in separate instances of VB 6 simultaneously. Now when I am trying to run the exe portion from VB environment, with the DLL running in a separate … | |
In my form I have two rich text boxes.In both of them I put two different text files(.txt or .rtf).I looking for some code to compare them, and to have the result as marked differences into the second rich text box.How I have to compare them-as strings or as files? … | |
I am doing Acess database with VBA. I have 3 tables (you can look at the code below). The codes works when searching for records that are exist in the tables. But when I try a record that doesn't exist in the table, I din't get the warning message that … | |
how to update an existing databases not replacing the item just only a quantity... help me... plssssssssssss.... tnx:sad: | |
Hi Guys, I just need a bit of help in VBA. What I'm trying to do is to open report from a form. The reports are based on Query. The form consists of a combo box and a command button. What I want to do is to select the condition … | |
Hey guys..... can someone tell me why when I pass a NULL value to this function, the logic comes back as NULL and not an empty string?...... Thanks, Ken [CODE]Public Function Field2Str(strValue As String) As String If IsNull(Trim(strValue)) Then Field2Str = " " Else Field2Str = Trim(strValue) End If End … | |
Below I have listed my code. I am having a problem searching through multiple sheets in an excel workbook. As of now, it will load cboPcMark with only the first page of search results. It will also duplicate a couple of them. Can someone please take a look. Thanks in … | |
I was going to make a program on visual basic 6 to adodc. and my problem is how to update an existing file, not replacing a file just only a quantity.. plssss help me.... tnx:sad: | |
Hello there, I am trying to connect to an Oracle database that contains 210,799 records with 50 columns. My plan here is to compare the speed between MS Access database and Oracle. Ms Access took me less than a minute to open the database and display the first row while … | |
[COLOR=#555555]Hi Guys[/COLOR] [COLOR=#555555]I am a beginner at this. I have a spreadsheet that has all the customer's sales i want to create a macro that will match the product numbers in this spreadsheet to those in a template. Something like that:[/COLOR] [COLOR=#555555]IF Product Number (in spreadsheet) = Product Number (in … | |
Hello everyone, This is my first post on this board, I have a problem that I cant find any answers for on the web. I have a Private sub on a form, and I have sql code that draws the information that I want, but does not work when I … | |
hi, i have a lot of menus in my aplication now i want list all menus with the following code: [CODE]For i = 0 To Me.Controls.Count - 1 Next i[/CODE] this detect all the controls in the program but now i want know what controls are menu and others that … | |
I am just learning how to write macros and I need some help linking two If..then:..else statements. I have two drop down boxes that I want to link together. I am trying to tell it that if one statement is true then filter row else filter for criteria cell (2, … | |
[COLOR=black]I'm new to Vb and need some of your EXPERT help!:mrgreen: [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] What I need to write or copy is a script that will[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]1. shut down log file services on windows 2003 server[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]2. copy the application/security/event files to a .csv file[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]3 delete entries on the logs[/COLOR] … | |
Hi, I'm facing a problem. I open two separate applications of Excel, one application has a spreadsheet that will run a Macro (every 10 mins. or so) and the other application has a spreadsheet that links (I think via OLE) to the spreadsheet that is running the macro. If both … | |
hello there!! i am creating a vb project, and i want that my mainform could not be minimized by any keyboard events, such that it acts like a desktop.. the program should not allow the user to enter any kind of application even if he/she presses the windows button or … | |
i really need to get some data out from a xml and upload it into SQL. i found something about but i miss some things. [code]Dim xDoc As MSXML.DOMDocument Set xDoc = New MSXML.DOMDocument xmlDoc.Load("f:\data\customer01.xml") [/code] i don't know what reference to include, i get "user-defined type not defined" error. … | |
Can anybody tell me if it's possible to write a program in VB that can read and edit the Master File Table of an NTFS system to restore a deleted file.... i know that it can be done in C And C++ but not sure about VB..... | |
I am making a short simulator on ppt using visual basic . I can't figure out how to make my comand botten fade back and not be in front but still be valid. I would be grateful for the help Ruvi | |
i have done project in vb with access . i wish to create setup files for my project.how can i create a complete package including exe and all supporting DLL files | |
Hello everyone, I have to learn vb and complete a project in another 2 months. I have no experience in vb. I have no idea which books to refer for learning. I need it from the very basics. I'll be glad if you all can suggest some books or any … | |
Cause im doing a game so i want to reset the game.. what will be the code so that i can reset all the game and make it like if it was just opened? | |
i have this project in c++ and i want to incorporate it with vb. what i want to happen is that when i click a command button, my .exe file will be opened. I used Shell "C:\........\prog.exe" it did open my .exe but my desired output didn't display. I was … | |
I'm using Visual Basic 6.0 Learning Edition. Does anyone know how to set an Icon for my program (other than the default)? When I click the '...' and then choose an Icon, it claim's I have 'set an Invalid property value'. Can anyone help with this? | |
[COLOR=#000000]I need help with VB in a MS Word 2000 macro/form, hope I’m in the right place.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]We have created templates (with help from a VB 6 programmer) that have a form to fill in information on the word doc. I need to make a major upgrade (the … | |
I am trying to refresh a data control but I keep getting the following message no matter what I try: Run-time error 3464 Data type mismatch in criteria expression. If I leave the where clause out I don't get the error message. [CODE]Private Sub cmdseektask_Click() Dim strsql As String, temp … | |
I am trying to make an interactive seial communication program in Visual Basic but getting problems a lot. Could you please help me in this matters as I am doning small project in this and urgent as well. Thanks in advance | |
i have a vb program , i want to run this program on my local intranet , is it possible that my program remains on a single pc and all other pc will access the same from that single location , i have used crystal report tool also , is … | |
I have a form that I've created in excel. I am trying to write a macro to run behind it to work along with the check box ActiveX Controls I've inserted in the document. I asked one of my programmers to help and he said he cannot get the macro … |
The End.