10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for Y2A

Hey, I was reffered here by a friend and said that you solved his problem. I am in High School and im doing SDD. I have been asked to design a washing machine user interface. I have pretty muched finished. I have a timer, which has diffrent times for diffrent …

Member Avatar for w00dy
Member Avatar for msme

hi everybody I beg to say that I have three numbers. but i want to know that which number is random these are number 1 73163474394643734240 number 2 42651524357702920737 number 3 24965462478679919220

Member Avatar for Stibbeh
Member Avatar for tom_h_500

Hiya I keep having this probelm with my script Basically I want it so when you click a command button some text shows up in my text box now I know how to do this but it does not seem to word wrap if I have a lot of text …

Member Avatar for extofer
Member Avatar for wallis_online

I am trying to use the data form wizard to create a chart for my program using the information in a database. On the section that asks you to select the database, I click browse, go to whre my database is saved and click ok. When I try to click …

Member Avatar for frogman_fizz
Member Avatar for selot
Member Avatar for invisal
Member Avatar for nathanoverall

I have a program in which a series of events occir each time the timer runs. However i want to stop the timer when a certain variable reaches another variable. I have tried If variable1 = variable 2 then timer.enabled = false but the timer continues. Why is this. If …

Member Avatar for w00dy
Member Avatar for Thong_Ispector

When can you use FSO in a VB 5 program? I got it working... I know it is supposed to be for ASP... But why does it work in some applications ans situations and not others.? Here is the code Private fso As New FileSystemObject Private strName As String Private …

Member Avatar for maylim26

HI! Anyone here know how to access files sharing using VB 6.0 though server computer?: I hv done Package and Deployment Wizard(PWD).I no idea to do it. :sad, But i no idea to start the server connection. Anyone here can help me?I wil thanksful to u all.

Member Avatar for LA-Vida

Hi all, I was wondering if someone had an example on a piece of code on how to read out the amount of system memory is used during given time. I'm making a piece of software that using an API that connects to a CAD program. The models used in …

Member Avatar for grandfilth

I've looked in a couple of books, and can't find this anywhere, i'm looking for the opposite of the cos funtion, i.e. I know the cos of the angle, and need to know the actual size of the angle, is there an implicit function? If not, how can I achieve …

Member Avatar for grandfilth
Member Avatar for Slavrix

well, ive been using VB6 for a year now, but i cant get this to work i have 3 txt boxs, and a cmd button, and a timer thingy(dont know how to use timer yet :P ) it needs to count down in seconds, min and hours. this is the …

Member Avatar for Slavrix
Member Avatar for SpS

can anyone tell me about send keys.....if possible attach a small code also

Member Avatar for The_Inferno
Member Avatar for user777

Dear programmers, Could somebody write code for this project please. For search option, I need to search by delivery date or invoice date (like: From 05/05/2005 to 01/07/2005). Thanks for any help....

Member Avatar for The_Inferno
Member Avatar for cx323
Member Avatar for The_Inferno
Member Avatar for TraderX

Hello all... I am completely brand new to vb and could some guidance as to where I should go to start to learn. I am only trying to create a simple Pivot Points calculator (used for trading stocks, currencies (which is what I do)). I have found some on the …

Member Avatar for The_Inferno
Member Avatar for grandfilth

HI, sorry if this is really thick, but I'm abit stuck...I have written this piece of code as part of a bigger function: If Z = 1 Then SIDE = W - (V / 3600#) End If If Z = 2 Then SIDE = W + (V / 3600#) End …

Member Avatar for w00dy
Member Avatar for bybruno

hi i try building a bandwith monitor with the report of total connections to/from my pc so far i do a report of ip source/destination but now i want to know the lenght of data that belong to each ip. for example: i want to know de down/upload of each …

Member Avatar for srjtpl
Member Avatar for ahmed_1

Hi, Is their any way to create user and assign user rights/permissions for any table(s) in ms.access through vb6 code (ADO / DAO). waiting for your reply. Ahmed

Member Avatar for jwshepherd
Member Avatar for psbb2005

How To Format Rpttext(color,font,etc.,) In Data Reports In Vb Based On A Criteria At Runtime

Member Avatar for mnemtsas
Member Avatar for ahmed_1

Hi I need Help in SQL. I've created a VB Project of Accounting, Using Access as a Backend database, In database I've 2 tables: Table 1: Trans Table 2: Trans_Details Following Fields are in "Trans" FieldName (Type) FieldName (Type) FieldName (Type) Vno (Text) Vdate (Date) VNarr (Text) Following Fields are …

Member Avatar for mnemtsas
Member Avatar for bops

hi everyone, I am doing a project for college, which involves programming using VBA in Excel. I have most of it sorted and i am having trouble on this 1 part. I need to find out how to use variables to access a sheet and range within the spreadsheet variable1 …

Member Avatar for bops
Member Avatar for Lunaticrr

I have 3 text boxes and one command button on this form. Users are supposed to input something into text1 and text2 and click the command button for text3 to show the results. However I would like the programme to consider the values of text1 and text2 and based the …

Member Avatar for jwshepherd
Member Avatar for tom_h_500

I was wondering if it was possible for me to write a simple program that either lets you use command prompt with visual basic (i.e. press a button and it does a command in CMD) if it can't be done in VB is there any other programming languages that allow …

Member Avatar for jwshepherd
Member Avatar for Lunaticrr

I know pictures can be added to picture boxes and backgrounds by using the "Properties" and adding something to "Picture". But I want to know how I can actually get the program to display an animation or picture say, after inputting something into an inputbox, or say after a particular …

Member Avatar for jwshepherd
Member Avatar for user777

Hi, I am using ADODC Connection. I saw in one project it is written as following: Dim rsT As New ADODB.Recordset Plz let me know whether ADODC=ADODB. And can we change the above example as below: Dim rsT As New ADODC.Recordset

Member Avatar for Alvein
Member Avatar for user777

Hi, Could somebody write code for search button plz. I am attaching the project here. Thanks in advance for any help.

Member Avatar for w00dy
Member Avatar for user777

Hi, I would like to change the caption of "ADD COMMOND BUTTON" to "SAVE" when it is pressed at run time. Could somebody is there to help me in this regard. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for jwshepherd
Member Avatar for SpS

Basically what i want to do is....whenever i drag the form...i should be able to see the current top and left coordinates...i know there is a resize event but it does not updates top and left...it only updates height and width.... is there any way to simulate reposition event

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for user777

Hi Could somebody let me know in the following project which is attached herewith how to write code to auto calculation for the following: Opening Balance & Balance Amount The above two text boxes should be updated and show the calculations automatically when we fill in remaining text boxes. Thanks …

Member Avatar for user777

Hi, friends! Could somebody tell me what code should be written for the following buttons to search the database ( I am using ADODC CONTROL) : Find First Find Previous Find Next Find Last I will be grateful for any response...

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The End.