10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for spinnetje

Hi, i'm a bit of a VB-virgin in destress :) I've wrote some vb6 to manipulate words in a text-box. It has some bugs but it does the main job. I like to compare it with a real VB-expert solution. Does any of you can show me a small program …

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Member Avatar for DanH

Okay, I finally got my external program to open but how do I actually get it to run??? What I am trying to do is open a syncsort file called mjwsorter.srt (I can finally get it to open). Next, however, I want the program to execute... which is done by …

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Member Avatar for student101

Hey e1, I went out of the way to make my project fool-proof. U can c the pic below, I have 2 input textboxes and 1 output text box. Im trying to get my code to where if you enter a [U]Character[/U] i.e. "abc" , then A mSGBox will tell …

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Member Avatar for Croft .L

Does anybody know of a website that has Visual Basic tutorials. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for w00dy
Member Avatar for Stibbeh

Hello, Is it possible to edit the target of an exe and then once the new target line is executed, it returns to its normal self or something along the same lines as this, using VB? If it is, any help or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Member Avatar for w00dy

During the program, Word is opened and displays a document. When Word is closed by clicking X or selecting File>Exit, the program must detect the event and reset controls. How is that done, anyone?

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Member Avatar for Jon182

hey guys, I know that in VB data can be taken from an access database then displayed in a flexigrid and I was just wondering is it possible to display the same data in a series of labels rather than a flexigrid as I was thinking about doing this for …

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Member Avatar for w00dy

I need to search the pc for all files with a particular extension. Can anyone point the way ?

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Member Avatar for maylim26

i m develop a system related car in/out records. I got data fields like date, time in, time out, car numbers...... My problem is How to count the repeat records base on repeat car numbers on a certain date?( my purpose is count how many times a car in/out on …

Member Avatar for Yomet
Member Avatar for Yomet

Hi, I am programming an app that I will use to launch different applications depending on the file type specified. I have found, and know how to use, ShellExecute from VB and all I now need to know is how to get the default action specified by the user when …

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Member Avatar for Jon182

Hey guys, I am thinking about creating a sudoku game in VB in order to improve my programming skills and as I am quite new to VB I was wondering would it be best to try this task using labels and text boxes or a felxigrid? Thanks in advance.

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Member Avatar for R.McCarty9793

I need to create a field in Access that included both text and the autonumber feature. We are a non-profit hospital organization and we have multiple locations so we want to create an ID field that is unique by location and still uses the auto numbering feature to generate the …

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Member Avatar for student101

Just finishing up this assignment.. I need a code for the "Highest and Lowest" cmd button that will display the name and score in text boxes for the golfers with the highest and lowest from the golfer.txt file. Here is my GUI & code so far..... [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/rc_og/vb1.jpg[/IMG] Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click() …

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Member Avatar for olayb

hi, im a newbie in making database program using vb and access as database..i have problems on how to run my search query correctly, actually i have two tables that i'd like to connect with, attached hereqith is my sample program.. could somebody pls help me...

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Member Avatar for grandfilth

I've been trying to create a macro which closes excel without the save pop-up coming up, anyone got any ideas? I don't want it to save, this is because i don't want anyone who uses it to muck it up!

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for grandfilth

Can someone help please? Is there a way that I can make everything on the screen disappear except for my program when it loads?Any help would be much appreciated...

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Member Avatar for bang2711

hi , i need to know how to split up and place in diff label.? and randon up the labels i attach a sample program of wat i need. can anyone please help me..

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Member Avatar for selot

I have got some problems with making a cd player. But I do not know what it is. the code is as follows: Private Sub cmdSpill_Click() mmcSpiller.Command = "play" End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() mmcSpiller.Notify = True mmcSpiller.Wait = True mmcSpiller.Shareable = False mmcSpiller.DeviceType = "cdaudio" End Sub Private Sub …

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I'd like excel to write the time when one of my macros tells it to copy and paste some cells into another workbook. I'd like it to paste the time into the other workbook. Any help would be much appreciated.

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Member Avatar for Kamikazi23xl

At my school we put our work onto VHS and DV tapes to store them but when we use them too many times it fries them. I was curious if a video demagnitizer would work for erasing them. Thanks :>

Member Avatar for Kegtapper
Member Avatar for bang2711

hi guys, i doing a program on how to drag and drop from 1st label to another label, then do a compare whether is it correct. i need to random up the whole Sentences with detection on spacing. then each word will be put into a labelA. example. " i`m …

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Member Avatar for billyb

Hi all, New to this site asd VB6 AAAAAAA i'm trying my best. Anyway here goes need to store names and numbers names in lstbox number in an array. select the name from the lstbox and display the number in a lbl. here's the code so far can someone please …

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Member Avatar for Stevon
Member Avatar for jto

i am also getting the error " the instruction at 0X77fcca36" refernced memory at "0X00004d52" the memory couldnot be written " click on ok to termiante the program click on cancle to debug the program " why i am getting such massage at the time of loading my project which …

Member Avatar for Gargol
Member Avatar for cancer10

hello, here is a working code for a bandwidth meter. Can someone plz tell me how to reset the bandwidth meter with a click of a button. *Download the attachment. Thanx

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for bang2711

i have some problem here. i dont know how to explain in words of wat i wan. i have attach the file in i dont know how to create new checkBox in picture Box by using coding? :rolleyes: when ever i click. the button wont go over to the new …

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Member Avatar for jto

i had built a simple project in vb6 and ACCESS for simply update the database and fatching the required data from existing data base. previously it was working , but when i formatted my pc and again run the project it was showing so many error massage at the time …

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Member Avatar for bops

Hi, i am making a blackjack program in Visual Basic for a college project, in order to generate a random card each time, i need to make a random number, after numerous failures to do this using VB, i have made a small program in C++ that generates a random …

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The End.