10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for chern4ever

how do i edit the existing data in a txt files? example of text file "string1","string2","int3" string3 is an integer, i wan to edit it everytime i click a command button numppl is selected by user i wan the new int3 to be old int3 + numppl can sum1 help …

Member Avatar for army88m2

O.k. this is my first scripting class and I need someone's opinion on this code. I need to write a code for a modularized program that will: 1.) read each record from the inventory database 2.) print a price tag for each item in inventory 3.) count and print the …

Member Avatar for chid_
Member Avatar for praksk

I am relatively new to visual basic. I need to take two 8 bit byte values, join them to makea 16 bit binary value and then separate the 4 msb as a 4bit binary vale and the 12 lsb as a 12 bit binary value. Thanks in advance for helping …

Member Avatar for dmf1978
Member Avatar for sddproject

Hi! I'm trying to make a coin toss program using a random generator, but i'm not sure how to upload the image of the heads and tails from its file on my PC. Image names are Tails.gif and Heads.gif . Here's the code so far: [code]Public Class Form1 Dim headCount …

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Member Avatar for puma8085

My project is to receive data from MRI machine, which has a com port can send serial signals. The data come thru pin3 of the com port and we want to save and read them on a pc. I've check the data with a spectrum analyzer and found the signal …

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Member Avatar for Tekito

I'm new to class modules, and the compiler seems to be enforcing a correlation of the number of input vars for a Get and Let procedure of the same property. The Let property must always have exactly one more variable (the NewValue) than the Get procedure. So the code I've …

Member Avatar for Tekito
Member Avatar for dubey.pankaj

Hi.. I m using vb6. plz tell me how can i access data in sql table by vb coding like.....eg. In sql table i hard code the 20 question i want every time when we click the next button on vb form then display question no-2 & IInd time i …

Member Avatar for preethi_ga

Hi, Actually i try to use FlexGrid in VB. But i donno how to use that. Can anyone help me how to bind the database in MSFlexGrid?

Member Avatar for VIeditorlover
Member Avatar for osewa

i am writing program in vb 6.0 with msacesss as the database.what the program is about is hardware insurance management system.there is date registered in the entry form and date expir.i want explanation on how to use the date diff with code on to calculate the date difference.so that when …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for kehar

Hi, I would like to pass on a parameter from VB6 for the date.value from datepicker. Pl help me how to convert date.value into string as the parameter I have created in Crystal Report is string type. The parameter name in Crystal Report is chdate. I wrote the code as …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for hartoksi

I've searched all contents of Daiweb and found similar topics but not exactly good on me. I'm trying to build a activex DLL without any form. This DLL will be used by others as a function library about a specific purpose for "color matching". I wish to declare an array …

Member Avatar for Teropod
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec
Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I want to create a form for retoprt section in my VB6 project. What do i add into my form and from where? Thanks

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for vbgirl

i have an question... this is my text file data [COLOR="Red"]1234567,08072008,2 8767768,08072008,4 9988776,08072008,6 7891234,09072008,8 4567891,10072008,1 5213789,11072008,2 7854123,11072008,3 4561237,14072008,1 7879145,15072008,2 5218510,16072008,8[/COLOR] i would like to separate it to 3 part. this code izit correct? [COLOR="Green"]Dim a(50) As String Dim c(50) As String Dim ProductID(50) As String Dim i As Integer i …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for vbgirl

can everybody help me... [CODE]Public cnName As Connection Public rsId As Recordset Private Sub cmdImport_Click() Dim a(50) As String Dim c(50) As String Dim ProductID(50) As String Dim i As Integer i = 0 cdbOpenFile.Filter = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt| " 'Specify default file name to open cdbOpenFile.FileName = "" ' …

Member Avatar for vbgirl

[code][COLOR="Green"]Public cnName As Connection Public rsId As Recordset Private Sub cmdImport_Click() Dim a(50) As String Dim ProductID(50) As String Dim i As Integer i = 0 cdbOpenFile.Filter = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt| " 'Specify default file name to open cdbOpenFile.FileName = "" ' Specify default filter to *.txt cdbOpenFile.FilterIndex = 1 …

Member Avatar for vbgirl
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Hi, I would like to know about difference between Function and module and Procedure for making and use module in visual basic 6.0

Member Avatar for hartoksi
Member Avatar for vbgirl

i need a help how to printer Out the data which is store in list box then connect to printer server to print out?? thanks..

Member Avatar for abhinav.agarwal

Hi everyone, I am working on creating a VB 6.0 application which has excel as backend. Basically I have 3 sheets 1. A location sheet from where I need to pick values from particular range of cells ( say C2: F20). I have different excel sheets for a different locations …

Member Avatar for EddyLLC

The following Code is causing an error when I try to set the AdoConn = New Connection. I receive an "Invalid Use of New Keyword" error. Can I get some guidence as to why? Thanks. [code]Dim adoRecordset As Recordset Private Sub Form_Load() Dim adoConn As Connection Set adoConn = New …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for nanawan

please help me.. i have 40 data to display at msflexgrid. but i cannot do that because it show too many continuations error... [code] Public Function show_msflex(SQL As String) MSFlexGrid1.Rows = 1 Set rekod = New ADODB.Recordset rekod.ActiveConnection = Con rekod.CursorLocation = adUseClient rekod.CursorType = adOpenDynamic rekod.LockType = adLockOptimistic rekod.Source …

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Member Avatar for mandar2886

Iam doing a project on Voice Recognition System in VB 6.0 where in if I say "Open Windows Media Player" it should open the media player. This is my idea pls tell me if it is right and pls help me to proceed with it.

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for splitfinity

Hi guys. Im trying to get a wav file to play on a mouse over event. I want a wavefile to play when the mouse pointer moves over a label and stop wen it is moved off the label. I believe this can be done using the sndPlaySound, i have …

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Member Avatar for yasekwa

Hi, I'm Maya and I leave in Florida(South Africa), I am a bigginner on visual basic.net. I must say I am struggling and really need help on how to retrieve information on access tables using v.b (I already connected the databasess and vb.net...

Member Avatar for zandiago
Member Avatar for AUGXIS

hi guys, i get an error message "554 message is not rfc compliant" while i was trying to send an email. can you please help me with my code... [code] MAPISession1.SignOn With MAPIMessages1 .SessionID = MAPISession1.SessionID .Compose .RecipAddress = "myemail@email.com" .MsgSubject = "For Your Info" .MsgNoteText = "HELP" .Send End …

Member Avatar for dinilkarun

Hi All, Through Shell I am opening winxip32.exe in my vb 6.0 application. I want the application to wait until the shelled process has completed and then proceed with execution of the next line of code. How should I go about it. Please help. Regards, Dinil

Member Avatar for dinilkarun
Member Avatar for electrosoul456

I am using this query sql="select * from student" if rs.state=1 then rs.close rs.open sql,strcon,3,3 while not rs.eof datagrid1.datasource=sql datagrid1.refresh wend where as rs is a recordset variable and strcon defines the connection to the data base. please guide me for correction

Member Avatar for manoshailu
Member Avatar for deftones

Hey people, I have quite a big code and want it to be repeated until the conditions are met. The problem is that every time I try to use Do...Loop statement, my program becomes "hung". Or even when I try to replace that statement with other methods, the program still …

Member Avatar for deftones
Member Avatar for abu taher

I use data control to link access file by data properties not code. use simple code like move next etc. I use find next to find data. but when i want to find i write the criteria like Name = taher. But i want I write only taher in find …

Member Avatar for electrosoul456
Member Avatar for davidao

Hi, I am trying to find a solution for a problem.. I've got a string but I need to format it in a specific type.... #-0.6|141.443719976486|59.8780753410541|-0.6|140.736613195299|59.1709685598 #534359|59.1356132208082|-0.6|140.821466009042|59.1851106954913| #17|-2.03|141.39422501803|59.828577866371|-2.03|140.78611066998259.2204660345 #9042|59.1851106954913|-2.03|140.821466009042|59.1851106954913|#40.82146600902.03140.786110669982|59.2204660345506|-2.03|140.786110669982| #9042|59.1851106954913|-0.67|141.429577840862|59.7932225273117|-0.67|#140.821466009042|59.185110695491| I am trying to end each line with "|" and move the rest of the characters to the next line.... …

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The End.