10,993 Topics
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hi, I want to create a pdf from excel sheet using visual basic 6.0. Can you people help me describing or sending me a ready codes regarding the same. Thanks with regards, Sayyad H.A. India. | |
How do I install visual Studio 6 in Windows 7 Visual Basic Not completed the installation at the access to the installation of Microsoft Vrtual Machine ( VM ) What is the way ? What i do ? Because, I need to use the Visual Basic Now. :'( | |
Hi All, I am currently making a server monitoring application that pings the server to check its uplink, so far it creates all the picture boxes and labels for each server, and then pings the server, although I have a picture that I want to change dependant on the result. … | |
[B]Hello all it's my first question[/B] [B]I am new to database with visual basic .... I am working on a application form that allow users to register log in and get a profile page .. the problem is i need a code of leting me printing data from the databse … | |
there are quite i few data that are required to update in one time... And the default setting for a list box is that u need to update once at a time? Can any1 plz teach me how to select 2 or more item in the list box and update … | |
Hello I want to open a program and press the START button in that program and it has to run on a server so have to use remote desktop any ideas on how i could approach this? Thanks, Phi7iP | |
Hey all, I have a picture box, and I want to detect whether the ctrl key is being pressed. Since I want to simulate... ctrl and left click for multiple selections. what I have done: 1. set beingpressed as boolean 2. in keyDown event, I set beingpressed to true 3. … | |
Ok i have this form used for registering user for my program (User and Admin type) When i run it, i get an error that says "Invalid Property Value" This is my code for my GetUsers function called on my Form_Load event [CODE] Public Sub GetUsers() ' On Error GoTo … | |
![]() | Hi all, I want to compile the cobol program with a click of a button in toolbar provided if its compiler location and command to compile is specified. e.g [CODE] c:\cob>cobol hello.cob 'command line equivalent [/CODE] VB equivalent: [CODE] Dim command As String command = "cd " & app_path 'app_path="c:\cob" … ![]() |
Hi, Me again. Now the requirement is slightly changed now. Requiremetn: When I enter a employee id in a text box and click "Show calender", the code will run a query to fetch Allocation date and release date of the employee for a project and the dates between Allocation date … | |
Hey, im trying to get some information out of my database, which i have tableadapter and dataset. Both created with the VS2010. I have made 4 queries in the tableadapter taking different parameters, to make a WHERE clause in the sql sentence. But it simply doesnt work and i dont … | |
Hi ALL, Am using the below vbs script to get the full path or absolute path, from the current directory path. The current directory path is "D:\JAMER\TestCases\Hammy\TC2_Enabled_both" The below script is used to get the full path of the current working directory to the file ScriptingFilePath.txt for later references, [code] … | |
Hi I have this form which works well when it is in list box. but when I change the list box to combo box, the form does not works and I will be stuck at "record does not exist" even though i choose the record from the combo box. this … | |
Hi, I have a requirement that when a user click on a record in the datagrid (the record holds Emp_id and his/her project allocation date and release date), then the dates from allocation date to release date in monthview should display bold. I have written the code but i dont … | |
Hi, I have a question regarding VB and VC++ connectivity. Can a program, written in C++/VC++, take input from a module written in VB? Someone please help me..... | |
How to create a data report,were did i click and what kind of components?[B][COLOR="Red"][/COLOR][/B] | |
I was wondering, how exactly would I go about doing that. I want assign the arrow keys to command buttons. For Example: Command1 would be the UP arrow key, command2 would be the LEFT arrow key, command3 would be the RIGHT arrow key, command4 would be the DOWN arrow key. | |
Hey, whenever I compile the code below the program compiles and runs but after a while I get the following error: System.IndexOutOfRangeException was unhandled Index was outside the bounds of the array. Also, when compiling I get the following: A first chance exception of type 'System.IndexOutOfRangeException' occurred in array_mult.exe The … | |
Hi Andreret, As per the dicussion today on my previous thread, i am creating a new thread for the function to convert the numbers on the grid to a date. I am waiting for your code. Kindly share once you done tomorrow or the day next | |
I'm working on an application that has a slew of database connections throughout. The application is being developed on a system which is 100% disconnected from the server on which it will run. Every time I open a form object or attempt to compile, I have to wait n seconds … | |
hello everyone, i need a tips about "search coding" im using adodc connection: [CODE] Adodc1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\sistempengurusanrumahsewa.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from Owner" Set DataGrid1.DataSource = Adodc1 [/CODE] im trying to make "search" button to search a Name in my datagrid1. can anyone … | |
Hi, I am developing a new Application and am getting the below error Error Description: When I click the record in DataGrid, then the values should be populated from DataGrid columns to respective Text boxes. However if i click in the datagrid when there is no record then there should … | |
Hi! I'm new member here. I am graduating student and I need help about my thesis project. I was plan for a flood detector and monitoring. I want to monitor the level of water. Can u help me what I need for that thesis. Thanks and advance.. | |
I am into VB.Net to VB6 since vb6 is already phasing out. but I grew up with this language and now they're killing it!! and Actionscript 2 also to AS3. c'mon!! T_______T | |
Dear Experts, I have no idea how to send big endian format data on server using winsock in vb 6.0 e.g. i have to send 2 bytes of data 0000001000001011 in big endial format. winsock1.SendData ??????? Best Regards, pardeep | |
Dear Experts, good morning, I am working on a project. In which i am unable to send data on a particular ip in 8 bits unsigned integer kindly guide me. I have to send st first 2 bits unsigned integer then 8 bits unsigned integer. e.g. i have to send … | |
hi! having issue with duration time in crystal report. i want to sum duration time 0:48 1:05 2:00 0:45 I want to sum the time in crystal report.The sum of the time should be 4:38 not 3:98. Please help.Thanks in advance | |
Hi there I have a problem. My code works perfect, but now I want to, instead of displaying multiple sheets, display all data in one sheet. Below is my code I used: [ICODE] Private Sub Picture2_Click() Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass Dim tempAss As String Dim xlApp As Excel.Application Dim wb As … | |
hello everyone i need help about msgbox "Insufficient Data" coding. below is my coding: [CODE]Private Sub cmdSave_Click() On Error Resume Next Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew Adodc1.Recordset!Dateregistration = txtDate.Text Adodc1.Recordset!Title = cmbTitle.Text Adodc1.Recordset!Name = txtName.Text Adodc1.Recordset!Ic = txtIc.Text Adodc1.Recordset!Email = txtEmail.Text Adodc1.Recordset!Phonenumber = txtPhone.Text Adodc1.Recordset!Address = txtAddress.Text Adodc1.Recordset!Address1 = txtAddress1.Text Adodc1.Recordset!Residential = cmbResidential.Text Adodc1.Recordset!Gender … | |
[CODE]Dim MyTime As Date, DataTime As Date MyTime = Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss") DataTime = 'Get the time from your database here If MyTime > DataTime Then ' Code to Open Door Else Code To Close Door End IF[/CODE] im having a hard time with SQL, please help with the codes of … |
The End.