Hi All,
I have a sub and trap the error with:
private sub mySub(mydoc as string)
On error goto goto handlemyerror
kill app.path & "\" & mydoc
msgbox "I cannot kill it"
end sub
mydoc is word document with 2-3 pages length.
It works fine to avoid the run-time error if the mydoc is currently opened...
But, the annoying thing is, the error still exist although mydoc is no longer opened :(
When I erase handlemyerror section and modified the sub into:
private sub mySub(mydoc as string)
kill app.path & "\" & mydoc
end sub
then I can kill mydoc without any runtime error... (when it is no longer opened).
My question is... the error trap is still "finding fault" while there is no run time error? If there is other error, I only interested on trap "run time error", I don't care about any other error, how can I ignore them?