10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for pjacquez68

My friend, help me about vb 6.0 excel as a database. i need your xample project finish, have capacity to save in excel when clicking a button vb 6.0 codes... it is my assignment in school my friend, actually im Pablito P. Jacquez from Philippines 2nd year student IT of …

Member Avatar for samir_ibrahim
Member Avatar for Rombosia

hi guys, if I have a form with, say, a picturebox in it. The picturebox is loaded with an image, and I need to copy just a section of it, say at rectangular points, X, Y, L and W to the clipboard, or to another picturebox. Is it possible in …

Member Avatar for Rombosia
Member Avatar for abbajee

K my question is so simple but i never got any clue from anyone yet i think i've been asked about it from here too but there was no response may be people couldnt find out what i was asking or wot i was trying to ask ? But i …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for j0Hn.rEy_08

Hello! I would like to ask..if its possible to convert the codes form vb6.0 into vb.net web application? If there's a way what is it? Thank You Very Much!

Member Avatar for attiquesajid

Hi, well i am pretty much new in visual basic and trying to get my hands onto this new thing.well i am reAding NMEA data from my serial port in vb6 using another computer that sends nmea data stored in a text file using hyperterminal(FILE ATTACHED). right now i have …

Member Avatar for cguan_77

hi guys, need your help how to achieve this thing.. basically i got about thousand cells.. so here's the case: my data look like this in a single column what i want is to sort this thing to a different columns like: U*** DATA wil be in a single column, …

Member Avatar for firoz.raj

can anybody help me .[B]if not help at least suggestion[/B].i will remain grateful to all of you.any help would be greately appreciated.[ATTACH]9063[/ATTACH] i have taken all the information of listbox1 in strreq.which is a string type variable.since it is a string type variable. That is why i have split strreq …

Member Avatar for firoz.raj
Member Avatar for sillyboy

Hi All, I am writing a VB6 script to interact webservices, and I need to add security to the SOAP messages. Currently, the messages are pretty static, with a few variables (so there are template XMLs with spaces for variables). This works fine without security, but as soon as security …

Member Avatar for sillyboy

Hey all, I haven't had a lot of experience with VBA (Excel), but I think I have done enough research, so now I'm coming here for assistance. I need my VBA macro to use a keystore, so I was going to use System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.Import. My issue is however, I cannot add …

Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for sidatra79

Hi everybody, I am rather new to VBA programming in EXCEL and I could use some of your help. [U]I want to do the following:[/U] In my excel file there are two sheets: SourceSheet and DestSheet. In SourceSheet there are data filling columns A to I and starting from the …

Member Avatar for RahulV

How can one send the data in a Form's controls like textboxes, labels, comboboxes etc. to a Datareport? Does anyone have a suggestion?

Member Avatar for andy_aphale

hello pals, look i need help i am doing the project on construction company's front office mgt system and i need some help. as this is front office mgt system it generates some reports i am having problem that we use "app.path" statement to connect the database which is in …

Member Avatar for RahulV
Member Avatar for sheLoves13

Hello! :) Can anyone help me how to add radio buttons to a list of names queried from the database.. I'm working on a payroll system, and what i need is to DISPLAY the list of employees using DATA GRID w/ RADIO BUTTONS appear before every name.. how is that? …

Member Avatar for ryan311

all i want is if the value of my product stock is 0 then the message box show for example theres no more product stock and also i want is if the user inputted higher value in my text2.text for example my product stock left is 5 if he/she inputted …

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

can anybody tell me why Bold statement is not working. [code] Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim a As String a = MsgBox("You want to Modify....?", vbQuestion + vbOKCancel, " MODIFY") If a = vbOK Then Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient [B]rs.Open "select mr.srno,mr.productname,mr.qty, mr.unit from mrtemp as mr …

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for E.Jithender

Hai, My dear members of DANIWEB, Can anybody could let me know how to get the desired colour in a combo box when Enter key is pressed. A particular text in the combo box must turn into any of the colours, i.e., all the other text that is displayed in …

Member Avatar for sganandhsg

hi Friends Iam using Vb6.0 for one msgbox using this message box title need change plz help me.... Thanks

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for sharmila_deo
Member Avatar for andymercurio
Member Avatar for jhonnyboy

hey guys im fairly new to visual basic, but very eager to learn it. I am attempting to make an employee clock in. I want to make a simple clock in that will ask the user to enter their name, and just click a button that will then post that …

Member Avatar for 4advanced
Member Avatar for jaasaria

hello, by the way im using datagrid in showing all the data in my database... here my codes... ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' form_load set rs = orecs ("select * from employee") set datagrid = rs ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' how can i convert it in list view to view all the data in my database......... plssssssss …

Member Avatar for chanthung
Member Avatar for jeremy7780

Hello, here is my issue. I am having users load images into the application resouces to be used by the application to display them in a random matchup game. I cannot see how I would code to know how many images are in the folder, how to make 2 images …

Member Avatar for SCBWV
Member Avatar for crackerjacker

The title basicly speaks for itself. i need some code to add a string value in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices and then to modify the value data. i have checked every where on google and this site, and anything i have found has not worked. Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for jaasaria

hi guyzz.. in my report i have a paper size of 3 x 5 inches. how can i customized my designer to fit my requirement.. ? i need a driver for this layout? if ever.. can u share this driver for me... thx in advance.

Member Avatar for nor_d83

Hello everybody.. Here I have a question regarding my “Budget System” project. It’s about to link the annual budget amount (txtBudget) from form 1 to the (txtBudget) in the form 2. It means that the system user have to set the value txtBudget in the form 1, so that it …

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Member Avatar for emay

Hello, I need to report frequencies of items from a source workbook & sheet to a target one. If the item already exists in the target, it should just add the count to the correct column, whereas if it doesn't exist, if sould had it to the end of the …

Member Avatar for atsirk

hello guys, am a newbie here.. and i just want to ask for some help.. if any1 knows more on visual basic and how can i interface it with some hardwares (e.g. 7seg, LED, fan, Buzzer) some stuffs like that. Can you help me understand how can i make a …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for vbcielle

hello i am doing a program that saves cell values from sheet1 to sheet2 as my database including the value in the drop down. my program can save the value of the dropdonw to sheet2 ...my problem is how can display return or display any values saved in sheet2 to …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for crackerjacker

heres my problem. i have two ritchtextboxes that are full of file names (one per line) they will be mostly the same except for a few new lines. i need code to pick out those lines and do something with them. i.e. put them in a list box or text …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for En-Motion

I'm trying to validate my textbox so that the user must enter a Table Number between 1 and 20. The click event of the exit button checks this and if invalid input, displays a message box. It works for all numbers except 3-9 where it displays the warning even though …

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The End.