10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for Jaseem Ahmed

i have a problem in storing the value of treeview in database. i have populated a treeview from database, how can i store the selected item in of treeview in database.. [CODE] RS2.Open "SELECT * from CUSTOMER_ATTRIBUTES", con, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic RS2.AddNew RS2!Customercode = txtpartycode.Text RS2.Fields("CC_ATTRIBUTE_Id") = TV1.SelectedItem.Checked = True RS2.Update …

Member Avatar for Jaseem Ahmed

i have populated a treeview in vb6 from database... now i have problem, that i want to only show childs checkboxes, not parents... parent's checkboxes shoould b visible false.. is there anyway?>

Member Avatar for Jaseem Ahmed
Member Avatar for gstobart

I have the macro below recorded for sheet 3, I would like it to run on sheet three through to sheet 369, could anyone enlighten me. Thanks in advance. Sub sort() ' ' sort Macro ' ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+a ' ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet3").sort.SortFields.Clear ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet3").sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("G1:G92") _ , SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal With …

Member Avatar for bmlkidd
Member Avatar for wilko1995

Hi all, i need help with this code. [CODE]<html> <head> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript"> <!-- Sub button_OnClick Dim TheForm Dim y Set TheForm = Document.form1 If IsNumeric(TheForm.inputbox.Value) Then If TheForm.inputbox.Value >= 1 Then y = TheForm.inputbox.Value * 1.3 Alert("Your $AUD is $" & y) End If Else Alert("Please enter a numeric value.") …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for feedz87

Private Sub MDIForm_Load() show Me.BackColor = &H80000005 HideTBButton "", True frmShortcuts.show CrystalReport0.Connect = "westranet.westham.com.my" & ";UID=sa;PWD=123;DSQ=WMS_TEST;" **Error point on Connect

Member Avatar for samsylvestertty
Member Avatar for nigelv1

Guys help please. I have a form that has a check box. And a form containing a list view. How can I display multiple check box in the list view? Sorry newbie.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for karthiyayiniyp

how to update the different text in vb to the same field in oracle my code is below [CODE]If ar.BOF = False Then ar.MoveFirst ar.AddNew ar.Fields(0) = registernumber1.Text ar.Fields(1) = name1.Text ar.Fields(2) = status1.Text ar.Fields(3) = Form9.batch.Text ar.Fields(4) = Form9.year.Text ar.Fields(5) = Form9.department.Text ar.Fields(6) = Form9.semester.Text ar.Fields(7) = Form9.section.Text ar.Fields(8) …

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Member Avatar for karthiyayiniyp

hi, i need to execute a query for each button in VB. example to insert,delete etc.... please suggest quick reply

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Member Avatar for cabsjonel

hello guys thank you for reading my post , guys do you know how to call stored procedure with out parameter in visual basic? hers my sample code but it is error Cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc Cmd.CommandText = "proc1" Cmd.Paramters.Append Cmd.CreateParameter("@a", adVarWChar, adParamOutput, 255) Cmd.Execute my stored procedure DELIMITER $$ DROP …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for skatamatic

I was trying to convince my boss not to use a hard-coded license key in our data aquisition software. If you open our programs exe file in a hex editor (or even in notepad) and somewhat know what you are looking for, it is very easy to see our license …

Member Avatar for Jaseem Ahmed

can you plz help me how to create a report in execl from visual basic and sql server 2000...

Member Avatar for rekha gautam

Hello , I'm using ms access 2003, i'm trying to delete the selected data that is the name of employee, from the combobox list when i click to delete button. i'm using this code: [code] Private Sub cmdDelete_Click() For I = 0 To combobox.ListCount - 1 If combobox.ListIndex(I) = combobox.Text …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Henry Schubel

I have a legacy VB6 application; simple VB6 front end and Access backend database. Works fine on Win 2000, WinXP, Vista, and 32-bit Win7. Bought a new laptop and everything seems to be shipping with 64-bit Windows now. Out of the box, the application worked fine after I manually re-registered …

Member Avatar for sharmadha
Member Avatar for samsylvestertty
Member Avatar for saddas

hello i have a form and a database linked by SQL. i have checkboxes in the access database that are ticked when a product is sold is there a way to make a checkbox in access tick once the product has been selected in the form? thanks, help would be …

Member Avatar for reygcalantaol
Member Avatar for geekme

Hello, I need to design front end of my c++ code in visual basic.Kindly help me provide the code as I'm a beginner. Regards

Member Avatar for davidchilders
Member Avatar for satti

iam facing a problem ,i want to add a form to my project from another project,when i add the form and try to run it give me error,i dont know what is the problem i have added its module and database also but still giving me [COLOR="Red"](ERROR:Run time error 3709 …

Member Avatar for reygcalantaol
Member Avatar for vinothmca

I am Using Datareport but the label name was once i changed but not Changing new name in properties Caption is name New Changed name but not showing,showing only last name,so how can i change it?

Member Avatar for ZER09

hello to all, i got some problem in vb 6 in reports. actually i tried to create a simple ordering system, and i used ms acces for my database, now the problem is that when i generate a report it will show the first data of the row of the …

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Member Avatar for satti

Hi , i use enable choice function to enable or disable the ADD button for data grid. now when i tried to use the code for update button its not working.. need to add cmdUpdateEntry. here is the code..[CODE]Sub EnableChoice() ' disable to remove button ' check to see if …

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Member Avatar for happy006

Hello, I had convert my program from vb6 to vb.net, how come there is a error when i debug?? [url]http://img51.imageshack.us/i/debugerror.jpg/[/url] Pls help me, URGENT!!!!!

Member Avatar for happy006
Member Avatar for pito_donje

Public Declare Function SystemParametersInfo Lib "user32.dll" Alias "SystemParametersInfoA" (ByVal uAction As Long, ByVal uParam As Long, ByVal lpvParam As Any, ByVal fuWinIni As Long) As Long x = SystemParametersInfo(97, 1, CStr(1), 0) 'Disable Ctrl+Alt+Del Keys combination 'Use as in --->>> If KeyAscii >= vbKeyA And KeyAscii <= vbKeyZ Or KeyAscii …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for vinothmca

I am Using datareport When i was add the data and print to ok the output of report has Previous datas all are showing? so how can i get current data alone?

Member Avatar for reygcalantaol
Member Avatar for j23

Im trying to write a program which simulates ten coin tosses and returns the results to the user .can anyone help please!! [CODE] Imports System.IO Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.ControlChars Public Class Form1 'write a program that simulates 10ncoin tosses using Random Number generator + Returns the results to the user. Private Sub …

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Member Avatar for Anthonynz

Hi. I have written a process that takes a list of values from a spreadsheet and updates a foxpro table, adding records if they do not exist, or updating them if they do. I determine if the record exists by a seek command, which works fine. But if my process …

Member Avatar for sidnei
Member Avatar for TheDocterd

Hi There I just wanna find out how I can save some data to a text file or access database (doesn't matter - the one that's the quickest). What my form does is it has a list box with ID's in it. I can select them. Then I have a …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for pito_donje

on each form is the "X" at the top right of Form. how ya how to disable or remove "x" is it?

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for jasneg16

i'm trying to make a hangaroo game imitation but i dont know how to make the 4 labels to individually be marked as "X" when i click the wrong letter. i made all the letter answer invisible and the "X" mark invisible [CODE]' the Answer is "PLANTS VS. ZOMBIES" Private …

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Member Avatar for shena

Hi all, I have a column with duplicate serial numbers. I would like to find those duplicates and then highlight the whole row. How do i perform this in macro? Pls help anyone.

Member Avatar for ITKnight

Hi all, I already save my login config at registry. Thanks to Jx_Man and Debasisdas for helping me on previous thread. My following code running nicely. [CODE]SaveSetting "AddressBook", "Login", "Username", Trim(txtUserName.Text)[/CODE] My settings currently saved on "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\AddressBook\Login" How i can save it one level more deeper. …

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The End.