10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for dinilkarun

i am getting data from a database using VB and then parsing it onto an XML sheet. I find that i'm not able to put a string with number/space/any special characters as the first character for a node. Is there any way to escape this rule in XML? Please help

Member Avatar for erikt

Helo everybody How to convert database type from datetime to varchar? and decimal to varchar? Can I use this code? [QUOTE]CAST(now() as varchar(20))[/QUOTE] I use MySQL version 5.0.21 Other question: If I execute procedure [QUOTE]CREATE PROCEDURE `formatdate`(dtDate datetime) BEGIN SELECT date_format(now(),'%d-%m-%Y') AS idate; END $$[/QUOTE] in Visual Basic 6 using …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for swapna7999

hi i want only that part of a picture which is visible in picturebox the picture may be larger than the picturebox but i want to copy only the visible part anybody help thank u vey much

Member Avatar for swapna7999
Member Avatar for swapna7999

hi i have two forms in the first form i used form2.show and in the second form from1.show but i want to reload form1 again on button click event in form2 is it possible to reload the form as it was first appeared thank u very much

Member Avatar for swapna7999
Member Avatar for wrichardson530

Private Sub cboItems_Click() Dim PosOfSpace1 As Integer Dim PosOfSpace2 As Integer ' code to put ItemId into txtItemID PosOfSpace1 = InStr(1, cboItems.Text, " ") txtItemId = Mid(cboItems.Text, 1, PosOfSpace1 - 1) 'code to put The Item value into txtItemvalue [B]PosOfSpace2 = InStrRev(1, cboItems.Text, " ")[/B] txtItemValue = Mid(cboItems.Text, 1, PosOfSpace2 …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for Pgmer

Hi all i want to use Ms Excel as database and vb6 as front end is it possible? if yes then how to do it plz answer if u know

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for dejazzy1

Hello There; There are several question I would like to asked regarding visual basic and crystal reports Active-X control connectivity. We use the crystal reports viewer ocx to open crx reports on a stand alone vb application. the function to do the opening (calling) are fine. but several question arise; …

Member Avatar for linux

Sorry if this belongs elsewhere, it's BASIC, so VB is the closest. (By the way, long time no post for me, I'm back, yay) Okay. I'm writing a game (a SRPG) in QBASIC (wicked leet, huh?) so that my friends can edit it and crap (I know other languages, but …

Member Avatar for gugus
Member Avatar for selvaganapathy

Hi I Want to display a Form as System Modal. The best Example is [B]Shutdown Dialog box[/B]. How can we create such forms.

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for gurpreetkb

I want to view Autocad drawings within my VB project. Please help on how do i go about it. I want a feature whereby i can view the Autocad drawings and may be at a later stage i would want to do some editing as well. Thanx for your replies

Member Avatar for shamsam
Member Avatar for mahest

Hi, Basically i'm Visual Basic Developer. But now some other client need i used the C# for creating the class library. I want to use the C# class library (dll) in the visual basic program. Could you any one help me! I have use the the "Resigter for COM Interop" …

Member Avatar for wrichardson530

I was woundering if it was possible to do validation on a dtat a grid and how to do it. I know how to generate info and delte it, but not how to validate it. I'm taking a access table and generating the dtat grid from that. I want my …

Member Avatar for jpparis

I have VB programs intended to be used by other than English-speaking people. When I use MsgBox with vbYesNo, the buttons show "Yes" and "No" (obviously). While everybody understands that (fortunately) it doesn't look very good or if I cared not to have the buttons in the language of the …

Member Avatar for jpparis
Member Avatar for sddproject

hi! we have a project where on frm_playername there is a textbox where the user enters a player name and then a button on that form takes you to the game screen form and on this form there is another textbox that should display the name entered on the frm_playername …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for bhoot_jb

hey friends...i am a beginner in VB applications..and while linking databases with my projects i have come across these terms : COM, OLE, OLE DB, OCX, ActiveX Though i vaguely know about them i often get confused between them...i guess because of their close relationships..so please anyone clearly explain what …

Member Avatar for swapna7999

i m doin a project in which i need to use ftp for that i need to include the modJPEG.bas anyone know how? thank u very much

Member Avatar for swapna7999
Member Avatar for bhoot_jb

hey friends...i am a beginner in VB applications..and while linking databases with my projects i have come across these terms : COM, OLE, OLE DB, OCX, ActiveX Though i vaguely know about them i often get confused between them...i guess because of their close relationships..so please anyone clearly explain what …

Member Avatar for laoballer

I have a button that I have set to false on runtime until some event occurs. I would like to display a tooltip for the disabled button to inform the user what has to be done to enable it. tooltip doesn't show while the button is disabled but shows while …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for lisheen

I finally have my program working perfectly on my PC but I don't really know how to go about setting it up to work on another PC. I have gone through the Deployment setup but when I try to run it says file not found. I know nothing at all …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for MP89

Hi. I'm quite new to Visual Basic so my project isn't that advanced and I don't have too much knowledge of it. I'm however quite lost of how to solve the problems I now face. My project is a library where you can enter books. The books take the forms …

Member Avatar for dinilkarun

how to count the number of items(or say elements) in each item of a collection in vb6.0 please help

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for neo-samol

Hello all. Now I working with Project that use VB6,SQL Server . now my RESTAURANT want to update software by use Pocket PC order Food from customer. Plz Help me I don know the way to upgrade my Projcet. I need some idea. Help me please.:idea:

Member Avatar for DavidXu

Hello,every one! I want to get the specification of DataMatrix Barcode,can you help me? Thanks for any help! Greetings, David Xu

Member Avatar for kojek
Member Avatar for jaasaria

guyzz i wanted to make 2 connection in my inventory system. using mysql and access. i wanted to use the mysql as my main database..and if their no internet connection it posible save first the data in my access.. and if their an internet connection it will update and stored …

Member Avatar for werks
Member Avatar for happimani

Dear All I want to Open Soursafe control in VB application for example After creating new application when iam clicking one button Sourcesafe login page should appear how to do this regards Narain

Member Avatar for dinilkarun

Hi, I am trying to save a Vb form values to XML, I am able to write to a XML, but i am not able to append more pages. I am using the following code: ' Save the current values. Private Sub SaveValues() Dim xml_document As DOMDocument Dim values_node As …

Member Avatar for rapperhuj

Good Day Sir/Maam, I want to interact cellphones using pc through usb.. i want to know how to control the cellphone using programs.. what should be the interfacing code to manipulate the phone through usb.. thnks..

Member Avatar for Titers

Hi Im Titers and I wanted to create a glassy button using VB6, can you help me guys how to create a glassy button with mouse over effect. Thanks!

Member Avatar for Chartar

I have a VBA Word Project, which opens another Word document and exports a module from one project to another. When I run the macro while within the VBE (i.e., by clicking Run Sub/User Form button), it works fine, but when I try to run the same macro from the …

Member Avatar for lisheen

Hi All, I would like to start by saying that what I want to do is probably against the rules but I thought I would try and find out if it could be done. I am creating a VB program where you fill out a form [B]"FORM1"[/B] and then select …

Member Avatar for sendoshin

The End.