10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for jaasaria

dude. know to search databse will automatically scrooldown the txtbox? hi.. can any one give me example for this code. that will automatically dropdown the txtbox for the other data in databse.. ^_^ sorry for the explanation... can't explain so well..^_^ jaasaria

Member Avatar for jonc
Member Avatar for jaasaria

i have a problem about my database when i press sa save comand button it goes something like that... run time error -2147467259 operation must use an updateable quary.. i cant detect the true error... help help the code in my save are corect check this... Sub saverecord() rsemployee.AddNew rsemployee.Fields("EmployeeID") …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for thaCie

hi everyone, i need a 'lil help here. i'm just starting to use vbdatabse. can u help me? i need an example, a simple one. i'm really interested .... thanks a bunches.... P.S. someone pls help and reply hehehehe cAth

Member Avatar for kaydet_girl2000
Member Avatar for bushman_222

Hey all. Can some please confirm some winsock items, I am starting to doubt my self about it now. The question is this: If you created a client server program, what port does the client winsock.localport actually connect? Is it the same port that you request it connect to, or …

Member Avatar for jonc
Member Avatar for dee2020

hi friendz.... I wanted to add the first element of first array of every record. Each record has two arrays, Each array has 5 values In order to do that i wrote the following code in VB... [CODE] Option Explicit Private Type feedbackdata FormNumberS As Integer Q1(0 To 4) As …

Member Avatar for sivakumar10

Hi, I have an application, develped in Visual Basic 6.0, which interacts with an older version of EXCHANGE SERVER to update OUTLOOK Calender entries and Mailing system. Now, my question is will the same application work with EXCHANGE SERVER 2007. IF SO, HOW? and IF NOT, WHY? Please help me …

Member Avatar for chloevin

Im new about this thing anybody could help me making chat program that can sends pictures and sound using visual basic 6.0. or anybody could contribute a source code to this thing!!!!! pls tnx

Member Avatar for technogeek_42
Member Avatar for lerkei

Help us about randomizing frames with label and texts, or randomizing questions on a frame. or can anyone give us a game related to the game we have started (word games)... thanks.. need your replies

Member Avatar for rajeshkhanna_in
Member Avatar for dragonheart

i am using another software in my VB form using an OLE container. i need to retrieve the value generated by that software into my form. is it possible ? plz help me out and i have another doubt. i am using ADO connection to connect to backend in the …

Member Avatar for venkatramasamy
Member Avatar for lerkei

does anyone here knows how to limit the text box in inputting many characters?...to input a single character in it....

Member Avatar for lerkei
Member Avatar for macbrutal

Sorry for "spamming" But this is really really important for a school project. 1. Can anyone of you paste me back the whole code that will make a textbox saying,"username already taken" When you try to create different account with same username. 2. If possible, publishing the program and then …

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for Derice

Anyone would like to tell me what is the function for setting focus point as the program start executing? For example i have 3 command buttons that is arrange vertically... by default the program will focus on the middle button by having dotted line surround the button. What i should …

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for jaasaria

i created a inventory system... and i want to put a button that can upload thier picture plsss help. jaasaria

Member Avatar for jaasaria
Member Avatar for lerkei

can anyone give a sample code for applying sounds on vb.. thanks.. i already applied a code but it wont work.. Public MTime As Byte MMControl1.FileName = App.Path & "\music\Music.mid" Private Sub Timer4_Timer() MTime = MTime + 1 If MTime = 113 Then ShutYerNoise Play MTime = 0 End If …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for dragonheart

i have to generate a reminder to the user alerting about payment due dates. i am doing it using a label control which is placed in the main page, so just after he logged in, the DB will be checked for due dates and if any date is nearing , …

Member Avatar for dragonheart
Member Avatar for Georgestef

I am using visual basic 2005 in visual studio 2005. When I try to input unicode data from a sequential txt file using (LineInput(#)) I get question marks eg. (?????? ?????) for all the unicode characters (in this case TNR Greek) in the line, or the command, LineInput(#) doesn't work …

Member Avatar for ashishprem

i need to copy first 10 rows from file1 and pasting in file2. i am writing the code as <code> Dim FNum1 As Integer Dim FNum2 As Integer Dim str As String Open "C:\file1.txt" For Input As #FNum1 Open "C:\file2.txt" For output As #FNum2 Line Input #FNum1, str Print #FNum2, …

Member Avatar for bubbleT
Member Avatar for robertlees

I am the only user of this machine, and would like to play with Visual Source Safe. I am therefore the Admin person. How can I register myself as a valid user ? I want to have my VB6 apps covered by VSS.

Member Avatar for catherine sea
Member Avatar for Ravi Singhal

Hi all, My query is that I have some tables in MsAccess. Using that tables I want to create some more table by putting some query. (Like I want to merge two table in a single table.) How it is possiple by using VB6.

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for ukinaru

RUN-TIME ERROR '40006' WRONG PROTOCOL OR OR CONNCETION STATE FOR THE REQUEST TRANSACTION OR REQUEST. that is my problem,, here is my code that has an error. Private Sub Text2_Keypress(keyascii As Integer) If keyascii = 13 Then keyascii = 0 List1.AddItem (Text2.Text) Winsock1.SendData Text2.Text Combo1.SetFocus End If End Sub please …

Member Avatar for ukinaru
Member Avatar for nilma

Dim dbnil As Database (not identifying the database name by the APP.Path) Dim rscustomer As Recordset Private Sub Command1_Click() If Text1 = "" Then MsgBox "please enter ID", vbCritical, "customer" Text1.SetFocus Else If Text2 = "" Then MsgBox "please enter the name", vbCritical, "customer" Text2.SetFocus Else rscustomer.AddNew customer(" ID") = …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for dee2020

hi friendz.., im working on "feedback form analysis" project the first main aim of my project is to store data submitted by the user from the feedback form in a text file which can be accessed randomly. For that.... i wrote the following code: [B] CODE:[/B] Private Type feedbackdata Laboratory(0 …

Member Avatar for dee2020
Member Avatar for kartik07

Hi,I hava proj wherien I connect to ACCESS via VB and retreive data.Now I need to represent the data in flowcharts or with some other graphics... how do I approach this props....

Member Avatar for bushman_222
Member Avatar for technogeek_42

[ICODE]['5 command buttons: 'cmdRestart; cmdLogOff; cmdForceLogOff; cmdShutdown; cmdForceShutdown Option Explicit Private Const EWX_LogOff As Long = 0 Private Const EWX_SHUTDOWN As Long = 1 Private Const EWX_REBOOT As Long = 2 Private Const EWX_FORCE As Long = 4 Private Const EWX_POWEROFF As Long = 8 Private Declare Function ExitWindowsEx Lib …

Member Avatar for bushman_222
Member Avatar for tagpi

how can i pass or put a row of data on a datagrid into a bunch of textboxes? on my datagrid are StudentID, LastName and FirstName, i have textboxes named txtID, txtLname and txtFname, i have command buttons named cmdEdit and cmdSave if i select an entire row and click …

Member Avatar for tagpi
Member Avatar for Mbt925

I want to introduce some good and practical activex component at this topic. 1.[B]LargeTm[/B] Vb Timer object can get until 60000 miliSec interval and don't accept largar than it. this timer can get each interval you want. 2.[B]MBClock[/B] This clock is a simple clock that show system time in your …

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Member Avatar for bredes
Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for kharri5

I figured it out! Huzzah! In order to grab data from cells of an excel spreadsheet from an outside excel app into PPT WORD, or other office apps, jam that data into a custom class and jam that into an array of CustomClas type you do the following: [CODE=VB] Public …

Member Avatar for AndreRet

Got stuck completely. Need to shell to an app running on IP***.***.***.***, Server is running windows server 2003. Normally connect to app using remote desktop connection. I need to let client connect from MY app to this server - forms part of app I'm developing.

Member Avatar for rajeshkhanna_in

Hi all, Is there a way in which a TSR program could be made in vb6.0. Something like If an EXE of a software written in vb6.0 is run, then this TSR program should load and remain their for as long as it wishes to (the program cannot be stopped …

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The End.