10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for jayDC

Hello everyone, I'm a bit new to this forum, found some excellent posts that helped me alot on this new and advance project I'm working on. I'm creating a program to control Vinyl Mastering Equipment, and the audio that goes with it. The problem I'm faced with is accurate timing. …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for HF SHOOTER

Hello everybody, first this is my first post on this forum and im from Germany, so sorry for some confused language syntax ;-) I developed a electric circuit that controls some LEDs. This is built into my computer to make some light effects. I wrote a controlprogramm for the microcontroler …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for hawisme000

can any1 help me use a progress bar(if im not mistaken) i wanna put a loading bar in my login form but i dont know the syntax i must put thx in advance to any1 who can help

Member Avatar for jayDC
Member Avatar for Sentax

Hello, I'm just curious if anyone out there has ran across a nice ListView control replacement that does LARGE icons? What I'm trying to do is display decent size icons on the left of the control and then on the right side have a text area with title that all …

Member Avatar for Sentax
Member Avatar for ppc

Hi I have created one form with labels as ScripName,LTP1,LTP2,LTP3. 1.Now i want to write an event procedure for On Click event.I want to run the following update query when i click on LTP1 label UPDATE ppc500 INNER JOIN bse500 ON ppc500.ScripCode = bse500.ScripCode SET bse500.LTP1 = ppc500.ltp; ( ppc500 …

Member Avatar for watson100
Member Avatar for plusplus
Member Avatar for Burra8
Member Avatar for jigry

"MS Development Environment has not been installed for the current user. Please run setup to install the application." when i start visual basic: may be this is because of soem windows update: is there any way to resolve this problem

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Church

I read my text file into a string with something like [CODE]String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("textfile.txt")[/CODE] now the text in the file looks something like xxx xxxx xx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxx and i have to seperate everything into several arrays.. which really wouldn't be a problem but i can't seem to figure …

Member Avatar for lawlao
Member Avatar for Guets

Hi all, I developed a program in VB5 that uses a lower version of crystal reports. I installed SAGE AccPac (As you may know SAGE ACCPac uses a higher version of crystal reports) on the same machine where the developed program sits. My reports are distorted. I dont think VB5 …

Member Avatar for mslooks4u

Can anybody help me with adding the records of access to combo and then searching through that by typing in the combo

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for ashishprem

Hi All, I need to color few items in a list box having style as checkbox. I can understand that getting this done is not so easy. But I need to do this for my project. Can i use any other component instead of listbox like listview. can someone pls …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for jarojasp

Hi guys, I have been programming with vb since version 3 writing commercial applications. I have to write applications using the internet as the base block. I have never dealt with vb and internet controls, so I have no ideas as to how to write an internet app. with vb6. …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for kimmi_dk

Hi all .. Hope that this forum can help me . I have to make a program that can talke to my Atmel ( micro) thu the ISP (In Serial Programming). I only have the source code in devcpp (c++) and dont know anything about c++ ... the source code …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for ibeast

hi well i have a program that can print wav data in a text file. Is it possible to make a wav file with the available data from the text file and play it in VB. Playing the file isn't that difficult, but i m still scratching my brains as …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for Qpido

I've been searching a lot, but couldn't find anything about what I would imagine to be pretty easy. I'm trying to get a number out of a List, that is getting information out of an Excel file. But I don't think that matters. I then want to give it a …

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Member Avatar for pogiding

i need to program a (number- word) ex. from 100 convert it to one hundred by using vb 6.0 ... by using one command button and two text box. need help. pls. tnx for those who want to help.this is my project for my first program in vb 6.0. just …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for guinness281

I'm trying to write a macro for Excel. Here's what I'm trying to do. I have a list of 25 rows of data. I want to copy one row, paste it in another, and then print another worksheet to PDF (and then repeat with the next row). I can only …

Member Avatar for philipshaw

Hi, I am trying to read a old basic (qbasic4) into vb6. As expected Im told to convert to text first. Problem is I dont have qb any more! Is this freely available or is there a read and convert prog available. Thanks for any help! philip

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Member Avatar for hawisme000

hi every1 , i need a help pls on how i can make an installation form for my project, i mean, like when a burn my project on a CD, then after installing it, there will be a installation form(it will auto run), then that form will store the project …

Member Avatar for hawisme000
Member Avatar for nschessnerd

Hey, I have this code i wrote in vb 2008 express that works fine on vista but not at all on xp [code=vb] Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick Me.Visible = False Dim fw = FindWindow(vbNullString, "Logoff Warning") If fw = 0 Then Else …

Member Avatar for cruisx

Hey guys first time learning VB6 and i have to do a Hangman project for my Gr 10 class But i need some help. I am have trouble figuring out how i make the dashes come out in my label box when someone inputs a word. Like say someone inputs …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for Dell XPS

I have made a program and published it using vb 2008... this program saves various values in a txt file.... but when i open the folder where the program is installed there is no txt file.... Sois it safe to store and retrieve passwords from a txt file?? Think it …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Jicky

I am new with vb can anybody help me with port ios how to manage the ports

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Member Avatar for nazrulcckl

Dear Sir I am new in vb. I am facing a problem. I create table in Access. where(ID, Name, Salary) field is there. I Make front page with VB.6 now i want to input data name, salry. ID should be generated by machine increased one by one. How i will …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for hosanna

i am trying to write some vba code to copy 200 workbooks from 200 folders on a network. example i have a directory called F Within F i have staffstreamA within STAFFSTREAMA i have 200 folders named as forth A1,A2,A3 ETC TO A200 Within folders A1 is a folder called …

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Member Avatar for locsin

Season Greetings! Searching database file in the application path I want to determine the database file is existing or not... If the database (".mdb") is existing then msgbox "The database .mdb is not existing" if not existing msgbox " The database is not existing" If the database is not existing... …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for Dell XPS

I am doing this program that has listboxes and 2 combos Listbox 1: 1-3 Persons Listbox2: 4-7 Persons Combo1: 8-20 Combo2: 21-50 When I click on a number of persons the price is displayed... But I need a way to change the prices so they must not be in the …

Member Avatar for Dell XPS
Member Avatar for kehar

Hi, My database in Access contains record since 2005 and it is not required for frequent use unless the Audit ask for. So I would like to take the backup of the data through VB6 by writing code instead of going to Access and copying in CD So will any …

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The End.