10,991 Topics
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Hi, I'm new to Visual Basic 6.0. Can I start with Visual Basic .Net or should I begin with Visual Basic 6.0. instead? Thanks; Jose | |
Is there any way to adjust the volume per sound when using the sndPlaySound function? I am using an MMControl for background music, and currently using sndPlaySound for all other sounds. The issue I am having is that the sndPlaySound sounds are alot louder the the background. Thanks, Mike | |
Never done this before, but here goes... I write VB6 applications and have had little problem installing them on computers at office sites scattered across the country. Now the IT people are putting the clamps down on "non approved" apps and will not give anyone admin rights to the pcs. … | |
can someone help me. what is the code to print hard copy in visual basic 6.0 i do have a msaccess database and all the information in this database is already linked in VB 6.0. your help is highly appreciated. | |
hi can anyone help me how to compare user and password from a database like access... for example i have registered a user and password in access then when i input the user to VB and the password it will compare if the user exist and if the password is … | |
i've got a project wherein the server listens only from one client on one port...i want a program to make the server lsiten to multiple clients on same port or different ports...watever....can anyone help me out. the foll is my Server side Code [code] Private Sub cmdStartListening_Click() 'listens for client … | |
Hi...I have posted here once with a question but it was way back and i figured it out by myself :) the thing is, i dont catch onto qbasic well at all. it involves math and a lot of memorization which i am really bad at :rolleyes: right now, i … | |
Hello to all. They are new of the forum. I am trying disperatamente a activex that me it concurs to record laudio using the modem or the audio card. I tried something of professional. I hope that someone to help me in this deprived of hope search. Thanks :sad: :?: | |
dears through my search on msdn, i found this phrase "image annotation tool button control " but i cant find any detailed information is this tool exist on vb6,is it helpfull in designing interfaces ? if so , please any help or tutorial thanks | |
i draw lines using mouse events i want add annotation like text to the each line i draw ,which describe what each line represent how would i create an instance(e.g. textbox) for each line and aligned it to its coressponding line thanks | |
Hi all, I have this code [CODE]Option Explicit Private Declare Function RegOpenKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyA" (ByVal hkey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long Private Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hkey As Long) As Long Private Declare Function RegSetValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegSetValueExA" (ByVal … | |
Hi: I'm writing a VBA macro in xls to chart various records that I'm querying from MS SQL. One of the values that are most important for me to chart is the total number of records. The way I have the xls code, I can pull the data into xls … | |
hi i'm george i'm in my 3rd year IGCSE and i have to give my project which is a net cafe after 6 days and i've a proplem with the client login module , when the client logout automatically the system will deduct consumed time of the user from his … | |
Hello All Please help me splitting a lengthy string like (((IR_Val1 And 128)=128) And (IR_Val2,7,7)) here i want the second string ([B]IR_Val2,7,7[/B]) separated from the first so that i can use them to call another function that is internal to my project i was not able to split because the … | |
i am new to programming and i dont know what are these (Unicode, MBCS and ASCII ) and also i downloaded one source and i saw something like this > Chr(&H9F) how we can chnage Text to this form >Chr(&H9F) ANy one please? | |
Please help me how will i solve my problem with login. The requirement is to terminate/lock the system, if after 3 attempts, the user failed to entered a right password. I used a some codes (indicated below). When i enter a correct username & password, it shows the next form. … | |
hello Guys, can somebody help me reading a .dat file then output the file in a textfile sample .dat file 1 2007-02-12 18:13:13 1 1 2007-02-12 18:13:20 1 1 2007-02-12 18:13:23 1 1 2007-02-12 18:14:04 1 12345 2007-02-12 18:15:15 1 1 2007-02-12 18:15:17 1 12345 2007-02-12 18:15:19 1 sample Output … | |
Greetings! I'm asking your help. It's about printing a record. I used ADODC and the data is in access. what i want to happen is that when i choose to print a particular record. how will i do it? please help me to solve this problem.. i have a deadline … | |
i'm a first year student and i have to write a program which calculates the net profit(total after tax),given the gross profit .assuming that the tax is 20% of the gross profit .i must use pseudo code for this program.i don't know where to start with my program [IMG]http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/dani-images/icons/help.gif[/IMG] | |
I am a newbie to VB...and i am doing a project on One to many chat using the winsock component...the only problem i am stuck with now is that i have completed only one to one chat and would like to make it a many to many chat...plz help me … | |
I am a new user in vb6. can i edit the font colour of the command button in vb6. | |
i want to send a text to an html form that contains java scripts. this form is displayed on a browser,but does not have a URL. it only has a title on its title bar.for example "flexcube - Internet Retail Banking".and i think i will reference the page with the … | |
Hey Guys, Could really do with a hand. Needing a VBA whizz. See if you can get your head round this? Problem is: In folder DHSC S&A, there is: 73 files, which are used by managers all with sheets 1-52 and masterentry, summary, monthly breakdown. The 1-52 represents 52 weeks … | |
can anyone help me? How to encryption/decryption algorithm for mdb table? Private Sub cmdSearch_Click() On Error Resume Next HighlightText txtSearch, True If txtSearch.Text = "" Then Else Dim con As Connection Dim rs As Recordset On Error Resume Next Set con = CreateObject("adodb.connection") con.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & App.Path … | |
Hi, I would like to have two child windows within one mdi form side by side, and I would like be able to control the size and not the user, how do I do this? | |
Could anyone help me with a procedure to display a timer in xls (e.g a count down)? Also, could you please tell me what event method causes a macro to get executed upon starting a workbook? I want my macro to get executed without the user pushing any buttons. Thank … | |
Hi, I’m trying to set up a database type program in excel using VBA, you may find yourself asking “why not use access” the answer is the boss wants excel. Believe me every day that I work on this thing I cry, sad…sad little tears :cry: Anyway I’ve got it … | |
I suppose it's about time I ASKED a question for a change. I'm attempting to write a program that records the location of the mouse cursor every time it is clicked. Getting the location of the cursor at any given moment is simple. However, knowing WHEN to get that location … | |
[B]:eek:Please help me in making code for browsing button that connects to a radio button and shows a the picture that i've browse inside the computer, cause i rely don't know how to construct it....:!:[/B] |
The End.