10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for Scope9000

Can any1 just give a quick explination to each of these and what they do thanks. [code=vb] Private Sub cmdAverage_Click() picBox.Cls picBox.Print "Name", "Ass1", "Ass2", "Ass3", "Total", "Average" picBox.Print "__________________________________________________________________________" For a = 1 To c Average(a) = calAverage(ass1(a), ass2(a), ass3(a)) picBox.Print names(a), ass1(a), ass2(a), ass3(a), total(a), Average(a) Next a …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for ruichenma

Hi, can picturebox display pdf file in vb4? How can I display a pdf file in vb4 Thanks in advance :)

Member Avatar for ruichenma

Hi, I would like to put one list control, which will list file names, and a window which will display a pdf file when the user click to choose a file, should I use a simple document, or mdi form, I am using vb 4.0 Thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for mladen17

Hello! I was reading a lot about all kinds of programs here for COMport but i need samothing less complicated so i lost interest in rreading kilometer post thet are more advanced form my level. Thnig is that i just need to output 0 or 1, i don't need any …

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Member Avatar for sawant_deepu

[B]i am doing project on company store management.i have created a login form which asks for userid and password.this userid & paswword will be stored in database in oracle.so when the user types his id and password and clicks ok button it will first check whether the id corresponds to …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Scope9000

Hi guys just wondering can any1 help i have a project for collage and vb6 is really not my thing yet Its my firdt year in collage and im doing computer maintenance and repairs Vb6 is apart of it and to me it doesn't make any sence to me can …

Member Avatar for Scope9000
Member Avatar for raman

Hello Expertz I am using following function to compare two string.But i want to compare String with strings list like: str1="A" str2="A,B,C,D" [code=vb] Public Function CompareString(ByVal str1 As String, ByVal str2 As String) As Boolean Dim i As Integer = 0 For i = 0 To str2.Length - str1.Length If …

Member Avatar for nisrin

A calendar can be created easily in VB..but can the details be stored in Oracle...will it be too complicated? I want to create calendars for different departments and store them in separate tables for a Patient Management system.. Please advice..

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Member Avatar for Nosipho

Can someone please show me a code syntax on how to update an SQL database programmatically ( execute on click of button). I want to get all records from the "Student" database table where StudentStatus = 'New'' .Find a particular RegDate (2001/02/02) , StudNo ( 200144176) and update it's StudentStatus …

Member Avatar for Nosipho
Member Avatar for Seyha Eng

Hi, How can I call the program that have exetension *.pps(PowerPoint Show) ? Not .exe! thanks! :sad:

Member Avatar for tupadjia
Member Avatar for Havokie

Hi guys, Been an IT student for a few months now, and I've been kinda struggling along until now, but my last assignement I can't do. I don't expect anybody to do my homework for me, but I do want to just be able to understand the code rather then …

Member Avatar for Havokie
Member Avatar for dont767

My problem is that i have been asked to try and find out how to, and to make a program in VB which is linked to an access database. I help out at a charity band thing which happens every week. there are three bands play (but that doesnt matter) …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for michael.ngobeni

Hi Guys, I am using that inet FTP control in VB6. I can download files from the FTP server to my local directory, but during the download, i lose network connection and the application just bombs out. How do I resume the download to where it left off in VB6? …

Member Avatar for stan yost

Could someone please suggest a way I can get the following sub to work? I'm trying to check to see if a field in a datagrid has been changed. I get runtime error 424 Object Required. Thanks [Private Sub DbGrid1_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) If DBGrid1.Columns(1).Value.DataChanged = True Then ' Check for …

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Member Avatar for melaneva

Hello, I am very new to the IT field and I just need some type of guidance and types on making flowcharts, data dictionaries, and pseudocodes. I think I am making them harder than what they are. I have a homework assignment that I just need some guidance on how …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for ndicuh

I am using vb 6.0 and i would like to get the difference between two time of the same date. Thanks

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for sydryz

I had created one project using Ms access as backend.I have four forms in it.I cant able to create exe for that project.When i click make exe it is not responding(when i click the task manager it displays that not responding.im using xp os).Can some one help me pls....:sad:

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Member Avatar for stan yost
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Member Avatar for Ram Sharma

Hi, guyes, i am finding the multiple projects executable file which r developed in vb6.0 but can someone tell me how to intrupped other executable project files when an executable file is already running:p

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for JohnKelly

I have a client application that needs to talk to a server. I am using UDP through Winsock to pass the Client IP address so the Server can then talk directly using TCPIP to the client. I need to uniquely identify the client machine and thought that using the MAC …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Geo1

Hi there I was wondering how to get visaul basic to bring up another form when a button is clicked. what I am looking to do is have a database (SQL 2005) that uses two tables but in the same database but have each table on a different form. but …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for shiman999

i have written a small application in vb, and i want to write a installation program, so as if we click on setup file my application should start installing, and even i want to detect other hard drives that exsits on the system and want to copy the application backup …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for BABYDY21

HI.im new here..i would like to know if you could help me with the codes of the timer control.heres what i like to do...i would like to create a timer that has a time limit of seconds for example after 10 second the next form will appear..as simple as that..but …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for robertlees

My mouse won't let me scroll through pages of my code in VB6. It works with other apps like MS Word or Explorer

Member Avatar for gintom
Member Avatar for arvin2006

hello there everyone! i just want to ask if what would be the process of copying data coming from the excel worksheet to a vb database? so that no need to encode data in the vb program, just insert the storage device then copy the data to the vb program …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for batakkeren

Please help me, about make class module to manipulation database ACCESS (*.mdb), so i can execute SQL statement like SELECT, INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE database itself.. I made my own project sample VB6.0 with no class modules at all, i thought my code/script not very powerfull.. Can you help me??? …

Member Avatar for batakkeren
Member Avatar for NewVBguy

Hi there, I am trying to import a dbase file into an access database. Is there a way of doing this at a command level? I can do it using recordset but it's extremely slow. Pls help. thanks in advance. Please I need a code. Newvbguy

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Member Avatar for Sandaseeli

Hello, My work is a data base in acess 2000. In a form for a combo box I have set the rule 'No duplicates' to avoid duplicates as the primary field of the form is a differrnt one. However as the form carries many fields after this thers is no …

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The End.