10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for hiddenben

I need some help because i am trying to do this use a Cn as new ADODB.Connection , and a Dao Rs as Dao.Recordset so i need to put this to together? because i had a test in my university and my teacher put this in the exam, and nobody …

Member Avatar for AycheKay
Member Avatar for ITgal

Visual Basic 6 VBP Assignment Mail Order As a member of a development team involved in setting up the accounting and financial systems for a new mail order business for household items, your task is to develop an application to calculate the amount due for each order. The specifications for …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for komalRawool

i am creating a notepad with the help of menu editor but i have problem to create a menus codes like when i click on the new then open a new form in same form and other menus also

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Member Avatar for linux

I am currently writing a game in Visual Basic 6. It is a role-playing game that has many real-life features, like buying shops, cars, houses, and also joining a gang. I need help with something. On the main GUI, which has options for a job, like a shop owner, a …

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Member Avatar for AnonyMOUSE

have to make 4 triangles * ** *** **** **** *** ** * up to 10 lines on each, but to save space i threw down 4, i have those done no problem here is the code i popped to make those happen, this is VB '05 Command App btw. …

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Member Avatar for paramasivan

Hello to all thread viewers, There is any way to set a control's property through its "TABINDEX"... For example can i focus a textbox by simply knowing its "TABINDEX"... Thank you...

Member Avatar for paramasivan
Member Avatar for prutss

I have a problem with using the datareport in accessing a specified data from the database... example.. i have 100 persons in my database but all i want to print in my datareport is only the datas in person no. 77... can anyone help ? =)

Member Avatar for jasworld

Need a help, or hire VB progarammer to interface between different excel sheets.

Member Avatar for mjwest10
Member Avatar for stormyboy
Member Avatar for virupax

hi, can any one help on how to convert text to voice... i have problem in the project where i use DirectSS component for the same. it works fine in my pc but not in other pcs. can anyone help?

Member Avatar for chirag0310in

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim RetVal RetVal = Shell("cmd.exe", 1) ' Run Command window. SendKeys "telnet ip{ENTER}" ' For pinging ip SendKeys "login id{ENTER}" ' send login SendKeys "password{ENTER}" ' send password End Sub '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Hi Friends, this is my simple program for pinging to my system and then i want …

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Member Avatar for muhdKarim

Need some help on VBP6 Mail Order Code I'M loss with coding Anyone can help [B][COLOR=black]Visual Basic 6[/COLOR][/B][B][/B] [B][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#000000]Visual Basic 6 VBP Assignment Mail Order As a member of a development team involved in setting up the accounting and financial systems for a new mail order business for …

Member Avatar for dmf1978

Hi! Before we get started, take a look on the picture below: [IMG]http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/5440/mapms1.gif[/IMG] If you use your imagination, you could see there a road map with two points: the "start point" and the "goal point". The truck must start in the "start point", follow the "road nº2", then the "road …

Member Avatar for GERARDO

hey everybody, Does anyone have examples or web dir to conect visual basic using winsock to linux postfix. i already can work with smtp server (windows) but my code does not work with the oinux postfix. thanks Gerardo :idea:

Member Avatar for abhishek8267

Hello, I have developed a small commercial application in VB+ MS-Access. Now, I want to sale it with trial version and registered version. However, I am not getting a [I]perfect [/I]logic to write in VB to design a [B]Product Registration Code![/B] Please guide me in this regard. Thank you very …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for jho03

hi... pls help me detect the recycle bin size using VB COdes.. coz im really having a hard time finding some sources over the net... ple help me on how to do it.. pls..pls...

Member Avatar for GERARDO

Hi, Need Some Help. I Need To Connect To Postfix With Visual Basic 6 In Order To Send Administrative Mesagges To The People With Postfix Account, This Is Only Intranet Environment. Regards. Gerardo

Member Avatar for waynewilson1

i already know how to do a login form using a .INI file, but i was wondering if it is possible to make a form that automatically downloads a file from the web on loading, and uses that as a database for passwords and users, i was also wondering if …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for waynewilson1

im not sure, and i dont have msaccess on my computer, dont like the newer versions and the older versions are too hard to find, but i'm pretty sure your able to use a msdb(mdb) file as an ini file, seeing as vb6 will pick up any file type as …

Member Avatar for a51himself

hey I am new here.. HI! I was wondering is it possible to create a "new user" buttion in vb6 anyhelp will be great.. thanks

Member Avatar for waynewilson1
Member Avatar for xairylle

Hi! I have to problems regarding VB6.0 and Access and some other applications... [b]1. I can not open a database from access.[/b] Dim mydb1 as Database Dim myrs1 as Recordset [b]Set mydb1 = OpenDatabase("MyDatabase.mdb")[/b] Set myrs1 = mydb1.OpenRecordset("student") The error appears on the bold text. It says either "Unrecognized database …

Member Avatar for Mr.Markt
Member Avatar for Havokie

Hi, I have a program here, for encrypting text using caesar cipher....except, I don't know how to get it to input the encrypted text back into my input text box! Here's what i have so far: Any help appreciated, I'm sure it's only a minor thing but when I was …

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Member Avatar for MasterTorr

Good day everyone. Please forgive me if this is in the wrong forum/context but I am seeking some assistance which i have been unable to find anywhere. Im currently in the hopes of being able to add a drop down to a particular column each time a row gets added …

Member Avatar for Mr.Markt
Member Avatar for jho03

this is my second time to post a message on this forum, well im not really sure if the first one was properly submitted. i just want to ask help again from someone who knows somthing regarding the detection of Recycle bin size without opening its properties. pls do help …

Member Avatar for isidro

I need to modify a Function procedure, I can do it with de VBE object. But once time I have run this function, the changes made to the code don't take effect until ends the application and I don't want this, I need to recompile only this function. How can …

Member Avatar for bhavna_816

I made a small application for ActiveX control in Visual Basic to test. There is an ActiveX control which have a listbox and some command buttons.But this is not working . The application should work like this: ActiveXcontrol1(Listbox and Refernce to ActiveXcontrol2 as a command button)-> Click CommandButton1 (let's say …

Member Avatar for joseapab

Hi, I'm new to Visual Basic 6.0. Can I start with Visual Basic .Net or should I begin with Visual Basic 6.0. instead? Thanks; Jose

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for cricket2030

Is there any way to adjust the volume per sound when using the sndPlaySound function? I am using an MMControl for background music, and currently using sndPlaySound for all other sounds. The issue I am having is that the sndPlaySound sounds are alot louder the the background. Thanks, Mike

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Member Avatar for davew23901

Never done this before, but here goes... I write VB6 applications and have had little problem installing them on computers at office sites scattered across the country. Now the IT people are putting the clamps down on "non approved" apps and will not give anyone admin rights to the pcs. …

Member Avatar for mjwest10
Member Avatar for markbarrientos

can someone help me. what is the code to print hard copy in visual basic 6.0 i do have a msaccess database and all the information in this database is already linked in VB 6.0. your help is highly appreciated.

Member Avatar for mjwest10

The End.