10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for MCMdizajn

Hi, I am using MIcrosoft access 2000, and before 6-7 months I created database "Invoices". To be sure that no one can see code I used in my database, I have set password in Microsoft Visual Basic (under menu Tools>Invoices Properties>Protection). Since I nedded to make some changes in code, …

Member Avatar for SCBWV
Member Avatar for Jade_me

hi again, i have project which i set form border style to none, but i can't to dragging form anymore. please help me how to do this with code sample cause i don't have any idea... ok. help me all... best regards from u..

Member Avatar for Mbt925
Member Avatar for tcr.biju

i would like to know how can i access MS Word file in my visual basic application form. Iam describing my logic below, An VB application form with a command button; when i click on the command button, i need to open the already saved MS Word Document. Would you …

Member Avatar for venkatramasamy
Member Avatar for kartik07

Hi,I am new to VB6 and doin a project on it. 1.) I need to create a Listbox in a form1 which wil display data from another table in DB(MS ACCESS).Whenever any changes occur in that table,it should get reflected in the listbox. Ex:We have a table containing country names …

Member Avatar for venkatramasamy
Member Avatar for jonrmoore

I copy a form in explorer and even gave it than a slightly different name than an existing form. When I try to add the form to the project, it gives me an error and says a form by that name already exists. How can I get around this?

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for sulphox

Hi all. Is Visual Basic same as VBA? I need to do my final year project in Excel using VBA. The project is in such a way that i can generate curves using Excel. I have been searching for the samples source code for cosine, sine and FFT source code, …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for lawlao

where i can find the library code of digitalpersona fingerprint scanner like DPSDKENGLIB,DPSDKOPLIB and DPSDKUSRLIB in vb.6 thanx.

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for plusplus

At runtime I want to check if a certain form is open. I know how to check if a form is open. I do it like this(where form1 and form2 contain the names of the form) [CODE]For Each fForm In Forms If fForm.Name = Form1 Or fForm.Name = form2 Then …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for Curt69x

How do I convert the result of intBtnClkCount1 += 1 to a percent? I want to result to display the results of single votes and divide them against total votes of 50. Curt

Member Avatar for invisal
Member Avatar for plusplus

When resizing the form, I resize the toolbar on top. When it gets too small for all the buttons on the toolbar to show I want to either Split the buttons into two lines or Add a button at the right hand corner which includes as menubuttons all the buttons …

Member Avatar for plusplus
Member Avatar for nuBudDy

hello, i neeed help badly.my problem is i want to retrieve the record that has just been added. let say: step :load RESERVATION form->fill in details->click the save button->load RECEIPT form as soon as i click the save button, i want the records to be displayed in RECEIPT form. all …

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Member Avatar for AjayKN

Dear Friends i want to know in VB6 what is forms is that classes or objects, since we can have dim a as new form1 a.show() or form1.show() and also please extend same for other controls

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for jshr

I am using DataReport in vb6.0 and i made connection using DataEnvironment add added one Command(for sql query).. but when my DataReport shows(DataReport.Show) it gives error "Invalid DataSource" I have checked connection n other things but still i m getting this error... plz tell me why i m getting this …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for Jade_me

hi masters.... does any one know how to flash window form ?? i don't have idea to do this problem.. please help me.. best regards

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for rinoa04

Hello, I am interested in learning Visual Basic programming language and am a beginner. Can anyone introduce any tutorial resources or e-book for a beginner in Visual Basic. Thank you very much :)

Member Avatar for sadicarnof
Member Avatar for bogdan1sucku

Hello, I'm having a bit of a problem building a search form in my visual basic database. I tried (LIKE @Column + '%') or ('*'). No use because its not showing me the text box in wich i can actually search. I think i'm having this problem because i've imported …

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for zawpai

Hi, I would like to use and know about the golden parser engine in my software. I am using VB 6.0. Is there any ideal for it? I would like to learn more. thanks

Member Avatar for zawpai

Hi all, I have got the problems to sense the mouse's movement in VB 6.0. How should I solve it? At first, I use Form_MouseMove function, but the movement will not be detected while the mouse pointer gets out of form. If so, I can't use it. I know the …

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Member Avatar for atplerry

Hello Seasoning Greating! Hello to you all i am a student in a college and we are in a group we are giving the task to choice a project topic to write on VB and the project should be related to what is in our environment such as! 1) sending …

Member Avatar for atplerry
Member Avatar for Sprinkles

Basically i have a VB6 project where i have a web browser on my form. I have a listbox and command buttons. What i have so far is when you click one of the command buttons, it opens a text file that is on your desktop. That text file contains …

Member Avatar for Sprinkles
Member Avatar for Bob Doerr

Long ago, in the days of Word 2, I wrote a very successful macro ('surname first') in WordBasic. Its purpose was to create proper index entries from text. Because it was used to index a big book, it was apparent that the user, mousing the text, would often inadvertently include …

Member Avatar for P90K

i have opend an excel file with vb6 an d i want to delete a row in the file by clicking a button in vb but i have no idee how i must do that. can someone help ????

Member Avatar for P90K

Im new whith vb6, i onley now de basic of it. but i have a problem with excel. I opend and existing excel file with vb6 in a private sub. [CODE]Dim xlApp As Excel.Application 'Nodig voor werken met excel Set xlApp = New Excel.Application 'excel openen xlApp.Visible = True xlApp.Workbooks.Open …

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Member Avatar for jayDC

Hello everyone, I'm a bit new to this forum, found some excellent posts that helped me alot on this new and advance project I'm working on. I'm creating a program to control Vinyl Mastering Equipment, and the audio that goes with it. The problem I'm faced with is accurate timing. …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for HF SHOOTER

Hello everybody, first this is my first post on this forum and im from Germany, so sorry for some confused language syntax ;-) I developed a electric circuit that controls some LEDs. This is built into my computer to make some light effects. I wrote a controlprogramm for the microcontroler …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for hawisme000

can any1 help me use a progress bar(if im not mistaken) i wanna put a loading bar in my login form but i dont know the syntax i must put thx in advance to any1 who can help

Member Avatar for jayDC
Member Avatar for Sentax

Hello, I'm just curious if anyone out there has ran across a nice ListView control replacement that does LARGE icons? What I'm trying to do is display decent size icons on the left of the control and then on the right side have a text area with title that all …

Member Avatar for Sentax
Member Avatar for ppc

Hi I have created one form with labels as ScripName,LTP1,LTP2,LTP3. 1.Now i want to write an event procedure for On Click event.I want to run the following update query when i click on LTP1 label UPDATE ppc500 INNER JOIN bse500 ON ppc500.ScripCode = bse500.ScripCode SET bse500.LTP1 = ppc500.ltp; ( ppc500 …

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The End.