10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for tgifgemini

[B][/B] Gentlemen, I have two badly designed tables - I didn't design these table, they where passed on to me. The tables are so cumbersome I have to create a new table, to be able to use their data. [B]Please see attachments to have a clear idea of the table …

Member Avatar for pip1975

Hi there, I am having trouble with public variables. I am trying to create a public variable when a button is pressed. and then recall it on a different form. I cant seem to get it working. The code on form 1 is: Private Sub cmdstu_Click() fmpay1.Text1 = "Students" fmpay1.Text2 …

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Member Avatar for mohanvamsi_18

Please tell me .. how can i Initialise 2 dimentional integer array in visual basic 6.0 ..... if i am giving like this .. it returns error .. at ([B],[/B]) Dim intScores(,) As Integer = {{75, 90}, {9, 25}, {23, 56}, {6, 12}}

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for mohanvamsi_18

Please tell me .. how can i Initialise 2 dimentional integer array in visual basic 6.0 ..... if i am giving like this .. it returns error .. at ([B],[/B]) Dim intScores(,) As Integer = {{75, 90}, {9, 25}, {23, 56}, {6, 12}} please guide me ... i want initialization …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for binu777

i am using visual studio 2005 and working on program. But whenever i try to debug the code i get a error saying " win32 exception unhandled " what should i do to remove the eror...please help me

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for Teder

Hi all, I've been designing a program in VB6 to extract certain rows of data from a SQL Database and shoot them out over email. Problem is, the farthest I can get is to printing them on the VB form, and can't do much else. I get an error when …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for Aaraggornn

I am trying to call the GetLayeredWindowAttributes(hwnd, crKey, bAlpha, dwFlags) function but it does not work. I use Visual Basic 6 on Windows Vista Home Premium. I declared it using: [CODE]Private Declare Function GetLayeredWindowAttributes Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal crKey As Long, ByVal bAlpha As Byte, ByVal dwFlags …

Member Avatar for venkatramasamy
Member Avatar for pranavdv

hello, i want to find record with number field and text field. please help me

Member Avatar for venkatramasamy
Member Avatar for technogeek_42

who can help me to derive this C++ codes to VB that can draw the triangle [CODE=c]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<math.h> main() { clrscr(); float a,b,c,S,D,A,B,C,Area,R; printf("Enter the lengths of the three sides of the triangle : "); scanf("%f%f%f",&a,&b,&c); S = (a+b+c)/2.0; // S is the semiperimeter of the triangle D …

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Member Avatar for jim fleming

I am trying to retrieve the index location for separate bars from a bar chart created in VB 6.0 Pro. using MSChart. I need to click on an individual bar to get it's index value. All I can get is value for the first bar on the chart. The method …

Member Avatar for jim fleming
Member Avatar for Sawamura

hi all, i want to take snapshot. how i can do this with api function?? i didn't know api function to do this thanks to the attention best regards hope.

Member Avatar for x2per14
Member Avatar for Annex
Member Avatar for pranavdv

Hello, with the information of person, i want to add his/her photograph. please help me for that

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for ashishprem

Hi, I have written a code in VB which replaces comma(,) in a file with semicolon(;). The syntax is snextline = Replace(Inline, ",", ";") where inline is the string which needs to be replaced. Is there any way that i can show the progress using progress bar for the replacement …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for reggyrolls04

I have written a VB6 application to query an industrial MSSQL database and installed it locally to run on one network machine, Is it possible to install it on the server to allow all users to run it? Is the compile/build any different?

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Member Avatar for goroogee

i m a student of BS(CS), How can I call Crystal 9 Report from VB 6.0 , usin MSAccess as database.. ther is no Crystal Report Control Component as in Crystal Report 7.. plzz give some solution... i have very shot time to submit my project....thanks in ADvance!

Member Avatar for zahirjaved
Member Avatar for pranavdv
Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for Rob_ledo

Hi, I'm new to Visual Basic and this forum and I would like to ask if anyone could tell me if there is away of linking option buttons with text boxes. I have to do a mulitple choice program where the questions and answers are stored in an access database. …

Member Avatar for Rob_ledo
Member Avatar for janvanderpeet

I have examined and tried several software products for protecting software against illegal copying, reverse engineering etc., but they are all time-consuming and often poor. So I think about making the protection myself, but have no idea how to do that. Does anyone know a tutorial for this or a …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for kartik07

[B]Import all XML files from directory to ACCESS[/B] hi , I am new to VB6 and as part of my project,I need to create a module which imports XML files from a directory and stores in a singleDB(I am using ACCESS 2007). All the XML files wil be stored in …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for janvanderpeet

Hello, I have a VB program, developed a few years ago in Visual Basic 4.0 16-bit, and adapted later in Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise Edition. In this program I use 16-bit DAO databases. As long as I used this program privately, this was no problem, because I also had Visual …

Member Avatar for SCBWV
Member Avatar for Mbt925
Member Avatar for theonlyhugeg

hi everybody im working on this little application for myself... when its done i want it to take screen shots of the entire screen at a given time. like every hour for example. right now im still stuck on the fist part. how to you take a full screen screen …

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Member Avatar for janvanderpeet

Hello, I have to use complicated mathematical computations in an application. There is commercial software for this, but that is extrmely expensive. So I want to use Solver from Excel 2003 in Visual Basic 6.0. Does anyone know a tutorial which explains how to do this? Thanks in advance for …

Member Avatar for aldosan

hello all... i have a problem with connecting VB 6 enterprise edition & crystal report 11... now, i have added "crystal report control" component, and i try to load report.rpt (crystal report) from VB6... but error occurs : UNABLE TO LOAD REPORT in script below : >>crystalreport1.action = 1 i …

Member Avatar for ola_q
Member Avatar for pranavdv

how to validate email field and website field. Means, in email [B]@[/B] and [B].[/B] is compulsory and in website [B]www[/B] and [B].[/B] is compulsory, something like this

Member Avatar for pranavdv
Member Avatar for theonlyhugeg

hi everybody! im in a basketball team n my coach asked me to make a scoreboard program for the huge screen we have (he knows im the only one from the team that does some programming) im using Visual Basic 2008. i pretty much know how to do everything except …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for selicon.valley

i want to have follwing data in mhf Grid here is the text file named closing.txt i want to show those details who have mention in heading for example Code, Name , cls, opn, lst, low and volume total 7 fields i want to display those records into microsoft herachical …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for rec

Hi All, Can any of you please provide feedback to me on what operating system and programming language would be best suited for migrating from an industrial Human-Machine Interface (HMI) that presently is implemented in Quickbasic 4.5 running under DOS and must include the capability to communicate with external controllers …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for guest11

HI all, I want to know the result of common dialog control. My code is : CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlCCFullOpen CommonDialog1.ShowColor Label1(0).BackColor = CommonDialog1.color But i want to assing CommonDialog1.color value to label1(0).backcolor only if user click ok button of commondialog control if user click cancel button then default color is …

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The End.