10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for royaloba

hello guys, how can i select from table with a given time then select the nearest time available sample select * from mytable where Time=10:00, i want to get the nearest time ID | Time 1 09:00 2 13:00 3 15:00

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for nikkinyc

Hi, Having read the announcement about kids doing homework I am a little worried now that I am gonna get a backlash. I work for a company that has pushed Access onto us as our Database Function unfortunateley they have not trained our IT to help when something goes wrong …

Member Avatar for nikkinyc
Member Avatar for mohd Hisham

i have 2 table table1 have itemno, qty1 // many item (sum if) table2 have itemno,qty2,qty qty = sum (qty1) i want write value sum of qty1 into column qty in table2. how to code for this statment, what is declaration for open database and record then edit ot update? …

Member Avatar for Aaron H

Hey if you have any questions on 2D or 3D Visual Basic Programming ( Mainly involving Graphics ) let me know, I know a few tricks. Thanks

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for bondbot

hi i am bond, i am a newbie to this website.i got a project in visualbasic in which i have to complete it in 3 months.pls help me which software is the best to work on it.

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for Fenerbahce

Query = "select * from table2 where number='" + Text5.Text + "'" Rs.Open (Query), Conn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly Hi, If "number" is defined as Auto number in Access database, second line generates an error. If "number" is not defined as Auto number then, no problem. What can i do? Thanks

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for plusplus

is it possible to change the color of the form's border usually when form is active it's blue and when inactive it's a little lighter I want it should seem active even when it's not

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for tulsafork

Hi guys this is my first post on DaniWeb, I have searched for help on here for hours on hours. I am the webmaster at my high school and I have been given the project of making a Book Depository for one of our departments, one that would do the …

Member Avatar for cfry
Member Avatar for RonR

I am using the code below to open the printer selection screen. when using it an a network I have to unload my program after making a selection and then restart my program for the printer selection change to take effect. any ideas on why this is happening? it used …

Member Avatar for steve585
Member Avatar for WhitePunk

I formatted my computer and I want to install the visual basic 6.0... I can’t install it using my installer... I’m enjoying making programs and of course experimenting… hehehe… So I just wanna ask... If there’s any possible website where I can download to install visual basic??? Thanks and more …

Member Avatar for WhitePunk
Member Avatar for Simran3

Reading from text files........I have to read in a file which contains the list of all service calls to be done today, the calls have to be assigned based on how far the area is in the 10X10 grid of the sector, assuming the office is in the middle say, …

Member Avatar for Simran3
Member Avatar for sai_kishor5

hi, I am a beginner of visual basic programming. I know form designing and can write the source code also.But i would like to know how can i store my data in the project or programming.Means how to create and use databases in VB. Please give me the reply as …

Member Avatar for steve585
Member Avatar for tgifgemini

Hi everyone, I am attempting to access a database that is located in a shared server/ directory "K:\". Assuming I don't know where the database is located, how can I programatically tell vb to locate this database by searching all the network server directory? My database name is called: `PTS.mdb` …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for xmile

i designed a form that has labels on it that you are expected to insert value (Alphabets and Numbers) an then it will do a calculation and give you a result on that page this page contains about 200 -250 labels i want to make a "save" menu that will …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for dilip_singh3

I have made a report in Crystal Report, fetching records by SQL Query from ODBC Datasource. The query is taking too much time and error is comming after 50 seconds that timeout expired. What would be the problem ??

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for kmacker

I've just started a new job two weeks ago, and as a first project I want to create a VB stle front end that will be used to co-ordinate documents in a control room. Looking for some help as I want to work on this next week so I can …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for sheida

Hi, I Hold a MS degree in Information Systems and I work in a University as a turore, I am to tutore visual basic 6 for next semester, I sont know where to start? I dont know anything about VB. I know Pascal, fortran, and C++ but I have no …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Fenerbahce

Hi, I use VB6 with Access. I have 4 records in my DBF file. When i do Recordcount, it says that i had -1 record. Why not 4? Help please Thanks Dim Conn As New ADODB.Connection Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim Query As String Private Sub Form_Load() Conn.ConnectionString = …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Church

I was wondering what i would have to do if i wanted to Write a program in Visual Basic but wanted to do some calculation(as to make it quicker) in C? Like say i wanted to fine the average of.. bah a few hundered thousand numbers in an array. So …

Member Avatar for cld~dotdot
Member Avatar for k88joshi

Hey, I was programming in excel VBA environment and i came across the need to mail a sheet out of the worksheet using the default mail client, but i am not seem to be able to attah the worksheet in the file. Any Help will be greatly appreciated Thanks

Member Avatar for precilium
Member Avatar for k88joshi
Member Avatar for dilip_singh3

I m working on a multiuser VB project using MS Access as Backend Database. I wanted to know that through VB coding, how to know that any other user is currently accessing the MS Access DATABASE .

Member Avatar for RonR
Member Avatar for TOROOOLOLOOLO

HI I have created database with ms and linked it with vb6 user interface.But i have a problem linking or loading pictures to the records.I need help on how this can be done,and if possible how pictures can be loaded with it's corresponding data into the database at runtime. Thank …

Member Avatar for dilip_singh3
Member Avatar for Richard26

Hi, I would like to use VB to access a field in MS Access db which contains an article but I only want to retrieve a select sample from each article not the whole article. Any ideas Thanks Richard

Member Avatar for Richard26
Member Avatar for dilip_singh3

I m working on a VB project with MS SQL SERVER 2000 as backend database and Crystal Report 8 for Reports. The problem is : When showing a report, after some moments error comes as Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired When I click …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Richard26

Hi, I need to build an MS Access database and include abstracts and articles. I then need to retrieve this information using Visual Basic. I would like to design it so that when someone types in a word in a search facility then relevant info would appear just like in …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for shankar_ns

i am using vb6.0 and crystal report11 and MS ACCESS database how to create a crystal report at run time from a vb form i dont have any idea regarding this please give some suggestions or code would be very helpful to me

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for soujiro32167

Hi This may seem as a trivial question, but I'm new to VB so please bear with me. I'm writing a form to control one worksheet as a database. On PC, I used the ControlSource property of every textbox to bind it to a field in a record. [B]On Mac, …

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Member Avatar for jaorsoftware

Friends. I need to do a program that intercept a job printer, and depending of numbers to page to print, enable o delete the job. Somebody know how to do? Thanks ! JAOR

Member Avatar for kmacker

Newbie question. I want to simply have a form with several command buttons, that when I run the prog, i can click on them it will open either a word document or an excel spreadsheet. (These must be editable and savable) I need to know the actual code for the …


The End.