10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for david7azul

Hello everybody... How can I get the Object properties contained into a web form? I mean, how can I know if the web form opened has some command buttons, text box, and how many objects has. I have another question, how can I send a TAB key, move de Mouse …

Member Avatar for KWITS

Good Day, I am a novice with VBScript but would like to leverage its power to effectively manage HTML files. I am looking for sample code. Here is my scenario. I have a collection of a dozen HTML files and would like to automatically merge each file to one concatenated …

Member Avatar for chris con

Hi all, I hope that someone can help me, I have been given a task in work to create a simple VB6 countdown program for a school quiz. The user can enter any given time to countdown to, but when the counter reaches 30 seconds, it opens and plays an …

Member Avatar for chris con
Member Avatar for ten

i would like help on how to have people logging on using there passwords to my application in vb6 and access database

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for wuchi

Hi! I am trying to add data to existing excel file. So i open the file and i add data to for example cell 1,5 but it erases data in that cell i want to continue writing to that cell so number only increases. It works when i try to …

Member Avatar for RonR

I am having great success with using an access 97 database & VB6. what other database options do I have? with access 97 it is a problem to have mutilple users even looking, printing data because this will corrupt some records if more that one person even looks at the …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for locsin

Greetings! I am afraid to download mp3 songs for free maybe it will cause my computer at risk. Anybody can give me a secure, virus free and good site where I can download mp3 songs for free. Thank in advance.

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for kehar

Hi, When I enter roll no in (which is available in query) text1.text the report is generated. but when i enter another number not available in query then runtime error window appears. I know the code to search the database and show the message. (eg. if rs.eof then msgbox "not …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for jatinder_44

How to copy data from serial port to notepad,by the save button on the form without calling notead to write it in ,can we directly place the data to notepad from textbox which receving data. thank u wating for reply

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for Fenerbahce

Hi, I am using VB6. I use Datagrid to list my data from a Dbf file. When i click on a row of Datagrid, it doesn't trabsfer actual data into Textboxes. It transfers previous clicked data into textboxes. What can i do? Private Sub DataGrid1_Click() Text3.Text = Adodc1.Recordset("Number") Text4.Text = …

Member Avatar for Fenerbahce
Member Avatar for aclogics

Hi, I need to create multiple TXT files from splitting 1 single TXT file that should look something like this: xyz;0;12345;data;data;data;data xyz;0;12345;data;data;data;data xyz;0;67890;data;data;data;data xyz;0;67890;data;data;data;data xyz;0;54321;data;data;data;data xyz;0;54321;data;data;data;data Let's say the original file was like above, and named original.txt, I would like the resulting files to be like so with the program …

Member Avatar for NoobertGames
Member Avatar for nsrivi

Hi, I have a problem while opening a VB application. The error message is [B]The instruction at "0x00409719" referenced memory ay "0x7c80be31". The memory could not be "written".[/B] I have tried debugging this error, rebooting the system and also re-installing VB. But the problem persists. Please help!! Thanks and Regards, …

Member Avatar for dilip_singh3
Member Avatar for dilip_singh3

I m working on Multiuser VB Project with MS Access as Database. I just want to check (from codding) how many users are currently accessing the backend database . Is there any way ???

Member Avatar for bluepiper

Im going to create a project with vb6 and ms access. I have to set password to open the DB for security. In vb6, how can i connect the database in data environment through data link properties setting the provider,database and the database password?? If I can do this, are …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Simran3

hi I have to read in a file which contains the list of all service calls to be done today, the calls have to be assigned based on how far the area is in the 10X10 grid of the sector, assuming the office is in the middle say, e55! The …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for gblue07
Member Avatar for gblue07
Member Avatar for kittykattz

So, I have this website. On the website I have WordPress installed, and WordPress is what I use to make all my pages. Okay, well, I need the code to make a table with a vertical scrollbar. I've tried about a bazillion different codes already... Including this: [code]<div style="position:absolute; width:470; …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for xmile
Member Avatar for johaynser
Member Avatar for mike4

What's up people? Who has the code for printing a msflexgrid which CAN INCLUDE a header and footer sofar ive downloaded a code which only prints the msflexgrid. the header&footer can be a label or textbox. Pliz help

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ransomjulian

Hi.. All. Just to the point.... - I'm working on inventory program, but I have no idea, some my code NOT WORK... just like that.. I repeat... NOT WORK. I usually use that method and always fine. - I'm a Newbie VB Developer for 3 years. For all that years …

Member Avatar for kshrini

Hi All, I want to access rptImageControl at runtime to change the image displayed in the control. Is it possible? I'm getting error "Object does not support this method". Also how to display the image from the database on rptImageControl?

Member Avatar for mohammad2700
Member Avatar for JaceDBN

Hi., I am busy with another access project when an idea occurred to me. Is it possible to refer to an object, lets say a command button - "Com12" using a VB expression. In application as follows: Do until cnt = 15 str = "Com"&Cstr(cnt) [B] str.visible = True *****[/B] …

Member Avatar for themaj

Hope there are some good gurus out there that can lend a hand to this discussion. Can anyone here give me some advice on methods and strategy for maintaining and upgrading existing Access DBs as my VB6 (not NET) application develops and/or grows? The story goes like: MyApp.exe and my …

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Member Avatar for ashblynn02

First off, Thanks again for all your guys help :) I worked on a project where the user was supposed to enter numbers one at a time. After each number is entered, the program is to display the number of inputs, the total numbers entered, the average, the maximum and …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for luke.easdale

I have a problem. I spend hours each week typing data from Excel in one format in excel into another format in excel! My theory is that if data is in excel at no point should I have to do any manual data entry to manipulate data into my desired …

Member Avatar for hopalongcassidy
Member Avatar for limra

Dear Friends please help me., How to write data to parallel port and how to read data from Parallel port, If you have any API function please share with me. Regards M.Sakthivel

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for Pareshja

Hi Guys, I need some help. My application reads an excel file and dumps it into a recordset. The problem is that if a coloumn in excel has numbers and text in it only the numbers are dumped into the recordset and not the text values. The text values are …

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for madhura09

hi im kind of a dodo in VB6 as a part of my project im trying to build a media player in vb using Windows Media Player control but the code that i had written on another system (windows 2000) is not working on my system (windows xp). the error …

Member Avatar for madhura09
Member Avatar for WhitePunk

i have a code which is in the if-then-else statement... then i want to use the select case statement... and i dont know well on this... hope you can help me... the code is Private Sub cmdGo_Click() Dim postA As Single Dim postB As Single If Combo1 = 1 Then …

Member Avatar for themaj

The End.