10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for aj_anil

i WANT TO change the caption using vb6. I changed the caption using form(.frm). I have made the changes in the code files but when I am compiling the new code the error which I am getting is regarding "MSComctlLib.Button". I also tried to include the mscomctl.ocx but it again …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for APEOKUKU

I am writing a music software in visual basic as my final year project and am having problems with displaying a piano and loading sounds into each of the notes.Can someone please!!!! come to my aid. Any help given will be appreciated

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for Mpiangu

Hi every body am emma, am trying to develop an encrypting and decypting software in VB6.0 but am kind of strunded in simple terms am using two richtextbox controls and a button but i can not get the trick to get the text in richtextbox1 to two when encrypted. How …

Member Avatar for hawisme000
Member Avatar for claysteven

HI People, Am new to programming basic, and have been working on a calc. to work out the storage requirements of a bitmap graphic in MB using the inputs Height, Breadth, Resolution and Colour depth has been driving me mad as when i run the programme nothing happens, even the …

Member Avatar for claysteven
Member Avatar for sheenaW

[COLOR="Green"]I am looking for software that will create and installation in for MSI with vb6 code.[/COLOR]:icon_redface:

Member Avatar for abdb911

would any one be able to tell me on how to simulate a run report function when trying to call a report written in crystal reports XI. or any link that will help me in calling a crystal reports report from vb6 interface will be of great help. regards, Ebad

Member Avatar for abdb911
Member Avatar for shahriar2403

I use dim mydb as recordset and also use mydb.update in certain required places like the update command button clicking. It works, by adding the new value in database. I have a list that shows the values of that db. But the main problem is i cannot see the newly …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for francis0ng

i have a VB form with 4 combo box, how can i make the combo box to display the contents o a certain coloumn in an access database, and then be able to make a report out of them thanks

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for gunner22
Member Avatar for rtm_e

Hi, i am using Data Environment to connect VB with my Access Database. Can i use SQL statement in my script (manualy)..?? Please tell me how to do it Thanks RE -Denpasar-

Member Avatar for kb.net
Member Avatar for locsin

Greetings! I designed a simple program in VB6 with a background picture in my main menu form. but when i try to install this program to other computer having different resolution or sized in the screen settings my background picture appears not fit in the entire screen. I used jpeg …

Member Avatar for SCBWV
Member Avatar for mohammadhaneef

Please note this is in Visual Basic 6.0 language not .net : I am facing alot of probem while creating a program which can show 5 different timezone of US on a form on 5 different label in connection with the system time. for Eg label1.caption "should be IST" Indian …

Member Avatar for mohammadhaneef
Member Avatar for rtm_e

Hi... i am a newbie in VB Programming right now i am tryng to make a simple programme that will connect VB with an Access Database Can i use a variable inside connection sintax..? Something like this.... What i want to do is accessing field NmPeg that suppose to use …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for dilip_singh3

I am using a connection object from code and a DataEnvironment in a VB application Set CON = New ADODB.Connection CON.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\AA.MDB;Persist Security Info=False" CON.Open Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset If RS.State = 1 Then RS.Close RS.ActiveConnection = CON RS.CursorType = adOpenKeyset RS.LockType = adLockPessimistic RS.CursorLocation = adUseClient …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for naturegirrrl

Hi all, Need to get this thing running. Need to develop in VB6 and hook up the back end to sql server express. VB6 and sql server express are installed locally. Please tell me how to do this to get it up and running. It is urgent. thanks, b

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for coco86

hello guys , i got a problem with string let's say: i got a string like this : dim Amount As string [B]no error [COLOR="Red"]Amount = 0000780080[/COLOR] error [COLOR="Red"]Amount =000060005A[/COLOR] [/B] the problem now is the amount contain a value A at the end of the string. how am I …

Member Avatar for coco86
Member Avatar for gunner22
Member Avatar for leovicAustria

Hi. good day, can anyone help me please..I'm going to run an application which will get files in folder and store it to listbox,,but I'm always came up with this error: "User defined type not defined" please help me..give me another suggestion....heres my code: thanks.. Dim oFileSystem As New FileSystemObject …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for bluanwht

I really would appreciate it if someone could help me troubleshoot this code for my class. I am trying to get it to take input from textboxes and put the output into a list when the user clicks a button and likewise hide the list when the user clicks the …

Member Avatar for snehas

Hi, I am creating a small application which connects to an MS access database. I am using app to get the path of the mdb. This works fine when I am accessing the exe from my own machine. When I share the folder containing the exe and access it over …

Member Avatar for ryan_vietnow
Member Avatar for razaka

Help! I'm a beginner. I've just done some short studies in oracle database. I need your help... how to show my data in oracle to appear in interface of visual basic. Your help will improve my knowledge. Thx

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for stan yost

All of a sudden I'm getting this error message in vb 5.0: Run- time error '3027' Can't Update Database or object is read-only. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks

Member Avatar for stan yost
Member Avatar for hawisme000

the title said it all, pls give me ideas on what i can use in making a chat box, like is using a many textbox good or a Big Nono, thx

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for vidyahajare

hi folks, i want some help with dlls i want to create dll which will take image file path as input string do some processing, and five different strings as output. how to use it. can anyone give sample code thanks

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for kehar

Hi, There is a memo field called [B]'Particulars'[/B] in my [U]exp[/U] table [U]exp1[/U] database. I have placed the field in my Crystal Report. The length of memo field by default is set to 250 characters. If I extend the field size horizontally in crystal Report my other field will go …

Member Avatar for kehar
Member Avatar for hawisme000

hello anybody know how can i make a search button?? im having a problem on the syntax or coding i need, i mean, for example if i put a word on a textbox(txtUN), then i click on the cmdbutton(cmdSearch) it will retrieve all info about the data that is been …

Member Avatar for hawisme000
Member Avatar for murraydun

hi Let me start with a little introduction of myself,am murray an undergraduate of computer science, am in my final year and i need to write a project for this award. In a nutshell what am saying is that i need about three project titles and its reference. And the …

Member Avatar for kb.net
Member Avatar for plusplus
Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for sivakumarhtsl

hi all, i am sivakumar from india. i am basically a mechanical background working in a software company. i am in a position to learn visual basic, visual c++ stuffs. i want some basic tutorials on programming visual basic. thanks sivakumar

Member Avatar for hawisme000
Member Avatar for Pareshja

Hi Guys, I have completed a vb6 application that uses sql2000 database. I have sql client installed on my pc. I want to install the application on a machine that does not have sql on it. Will it work or do I need to install sql on the clients machine. …

Member Avatar for Cruize_Invades

The End.