10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for Augustin

HI I want to create an Instance of Class(Object) In Visual Basic.Using "Create Object " Syntax. please refer attached CPP & header File for the class COMOutput. How can i create an object for this COMOutput Class in Visual Basic. And I need to access the Functions Defined in The …

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Member Avatar for jimwall80

Hi community members, This is an S.O.S going out to all and any in the group that can offer me help. I am still an amateur programmer using VB6. My computer has been acting up lately and I was forced to restore it to its original settings. I did back …

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for lz300

I'm attempting to emulate the pressing of the F1 key to a remote app. I can do this using sendkeys, but I need the ability to do it using the scancode command. Here is my current code: Dim objShell As New WshShell objShell.AppActivate "Calculator" objShell.SendKeys "{F1}" Anyone have any ideas?

Member Avatar for plusplus

I have a left join in my select statement which works printing all the info from tbl1 with matching info from tbl2 I also want to print true or false depending on if there is any match for each record of tbl1 in tbl2. How would I do this?

Member Avatar for plusplus
Member Avatar for laxman_project

I need a VB code to open an exisitng excel file and sort a column and store in diff excel sheet.eg i have a column data A,B,C,D,E.the code should sort all the A in the column and store in new excel sheet..as like all B,C,D,E should be stored in diff …

Member Avatar for laxman_project
Member Avatar for plusplus

I have the following select statement which works, I need help to adapt it adobau.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM Liegenschaften INNER JOIN tblbau ON Liegenschaften.Rimo_Liegnr = tblbau.Liegenschaft" my adobau.recordset loops through Liegenschaften and gives me all the info of Liegenschaften that has match in tblbau, but I want some info …

Member Avatar for plusplus
Member Avatar for kehar

Hi, Whenever I run SETUP file to install the programme in another computer I have to either create DSN or make the folder in the same drive with same name as is given in VB programme for connecting the database. Is there any other way so that I may install …

Member Avatar for jagpreet

i want to load bulk data files dynamically inot mysql database by using visual basic as front end. i want to get the filepaths dynamically i.e i just enter the file name into textbox and it will automatically load the data into the database. i have written this code myCommand.CommandText …

Member Avatar for jagpreet
Member Avatar for tgifgemini

[B][/B] VB6 - Generate a new/blank sheet each time I execute my program. Hello everybody, can someone show me the best way I can programatically generate a new blank spreadsheet for my report. Currently, I am populating a spreadsheet using access files (query). The spreadsheet template is located in my …

Member Avatar for alalic

I need to find the 2 highest numbers on an array of numbers. I can't use the sorting fiture. Any help will be appreciated, Thanks Carmen

Member Avatar for hopalongcassidy
Member Avatar for aynn

hello. my problem is, after login username and password in one form, then a new form will be appear. how to create coding to insert username in a label at new form after login. i have tried this coding but still not appear. please help me. thanks..... Public Sub loadInfo() …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for RJ83

I've recently wrote some code to update an inventory table within a database. The program works great; the problem is that many machines access this database at any given time, and I'm concerned that at one point my program will not be able to update the table because of too …

Member Avatar for Lavendor
Member Avatar for mohanavv

Hi! pls very Urgent I have a network of about 55 computers (netware & NT) all running Win98, XP and W2000 workstations. We have about 5 network printers and copiers to which a computer can print. What I'd like to do is build, if possible, a simple VB program to …

Member Avatar for tzatziki
Member Avatar for cguan_77

Hey guys, How to disable the windows key using VB6? Any input is highly appreciated Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for dilip_singh3

I am using an Access Database through Visual Basic 6. Is there any other way to access the database excluding the following code. Set CNN = New ADODB.Connection str = "\\SYS8\DATAX\EMP.MDB" CNN.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + str + ";Persist Security Info=False" CNN.CursorLocation = adUseClient

Member Avatar for plusplus
Member Avatar for bluanwht

Here is the code I have. I am trying to collect five scores and then print each score followed by the average score. Seems like it would be simple but I am having problems. Any suggestions? [CODE]Option Strict On Public Class frmScore Private Sub frmScore_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e …

Member Avatar for sajjaaaa

hey i wonna know how to make a program to input a text and save it in *.txt as a notepad file.

Member Avatar for A_member
Member Avatar for dilip_singh3

I am using MS Access database by a vb6 program for multiuser environment. In the program I have written code for autogenerating employee_id which is primary key in the table. When entering records simultaneously from two or more workstation, It gives a problem Run time error The changes you requested …

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Member Avatar for Prozeen

Hi all, I would like to save my project's code in a text file when the project runs (so that I can keep track of any changes) I know how to open/print/write/close a text file, but how would I capture the code that is running? Any ideas/links/thoughts? Thanks.

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Member Avatar for Prozeen

Hi, I am displaying a dialogbox to the user. If the user clicks the "Cancel" button I want to show a message box, then I want to continue displaying the dialogbox. The best I can come up with is...[code]Do comdia.Filter = "*.doc" comdia.InitDir = "C:\" comdia.filename = "file01" comdia.ShowSave On …

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Member Avatar for hawisme000

ive made a multiple choice quiz that gets a random question and a random choice the problem is i cant get the correct syntax that will determine if the answer i chose is correct my form is composed of 2label(1 for the question and 1 for the score when i …

Member Avatar for hawisme000
Member Avatar for roycollingwood

I dont know if this is the correct place to ask this question, I know nothing about visual basic! I have win2003 server, (new from dell, pre-installed) I am trying to install 'sage manufacturing' it worked ok on 200 server, xp & vista. when I run the program it gives …

Member Avatar for jake22007

Hi, I would like to use my dragon dictate to control windows by firing off macros that are voice activated, however I can only afford the version that does not do macros (over 500 pounds!). So as an alternative is there a way in VB5/6 that I can run VB …

Member Avatar for kehar

Hi I have placed two datepicker and one text box in the form one as [B]dt1[/B] and another as [B]dt2[/B] if I select say [U]12/12/2007 [/U]in dt1 and [U]28/12/2007 [/U]in dt2 then in [B]text1.text [/B]the number of days elapsed between the two days should be appeared. So will any one …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for plusplus

I've been using MSHflexgrid for my last project. Now that I'm starting a new project, I was wondering what the differences are between Data Grid MsFlexgrid MshFlexgrid what are the advantages and disadvantages?

Member Avatar for kb.net
Member Avatar for six888

im new in macro programming and vb im doing a project office automation how do i open (without showing) existing excel? so i can manipulate the data most of the snipet i see in the net is like this Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set ExcelDoc = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(m_strPath & "project.xls") i …

Member Avatar for kb.net
Member Avatar for newb_smarthome

Hai, I'm read temperature data using MSComm.. The temperature was successfully display on vb6..but how can I update/automatically refresh the temperature on web according to current temperature? could you kindly please help me over here? thks! Below is my coding: [code] Private Sub Form_Load() MSComm1.PortOpen = True MSComm1.Output = "temp" …

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for plusplus

I have a frame, inside it a few labels and text boxes. At some point while the program is running I want to move that frame to a different position. Is it possible to move it with all the lables and textboxes without moving each label and textbox?

Member Avatar for plusplus
Member Avatar for plusplus

The way I understand it, is that rowdata and coldata can be used to keep some data for some specific row or column. What if I want each cell to have some data go with it, how can I do this? I need this to identify what each cell contains.

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for regina_s

The End.