10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for fgarcia90

i need a vb code to pop-up the save dialog box in some time i inicialy put in another simple dialog box in a start of all the programs i work and i will will put this program

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for locsin

Hi everyone! It is possible in visual basic 6 to save and open picture file on a database like nortwind sample database program in Microsft Access. Anybody have idea to save and open picture file on a database using visual basic 6. thank you in advance

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi

Hi, all here is my question:- My application uses vb6 as front-end,ms sql server7.0 as back-end. i connect my apps with the rdbms using an odbc dsn connection. now i've created some reports for my apps using crystal report 8.5. the print is going well. now i want to export …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for shahriar2403

Let, i have a msàccess db with 3 tables having 'cost' field in all of them . Now in my report i want to 1) Show the sum of costs of indivisual table under the heading of each table (let $3000 for every table) & 2) show the sum of …

Member Avatar for shahriar2403
Member Avatar for laupitajs

Sorry for the nooby question, but could you help me find some list (extensive preferably) of commands for visual basic? I am very new at this, but i would like to make some macros'es that would take over some extensive formulas that i usually just enter in excell. :) I …

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for kehar

Sir, I have prepared programme using VB6 and Access2003. The programme is working very fine so far as adding,deleting,modifying the record through VB is concerned. I have installed Crystal Report 8.5 and have prepared a report and save as (bill.rpt) but I dont know how to connect the report with …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for aynn

hello. how to do if when we double click at list view, then the information from list view will be appear at label. many times i tried but always debug (run time error '_2147217904(80040e10) 'no value given for one or more required parameter) . Private Sub ListView1_DblClick() checkConnection strSql = …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for jhowell

hi to everyone, Im creating an application which it can show all records of the two tables in single form. its like costumerTable and OrderList. how can i show a record of specific costumer from costumertable together with his product order details from OrderList table. Supposed I have costumerNo field …

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for Zababa

Hello there, guys! I'll get right to it. I am coding in VB, using Visual Studio 2005, and I need to retrieve the data from a MS Access database. The thing is, I need to use a SQL statement to do so, right? Therefore, I need to know the number …

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for pramesh

hi, Every one, i am creating a from .in this i have calender control and label buttons avilable. i click calender day . i want to display the date at label.. give me a suggestion.

Member Avatar for kb.net
Member Avatar for leovicAustria

Guys please help me. I'll try to create a program which computes average for the entry of students grade through NOTEPAD..The file "Scores.txt" is in my desktop. If ill try to run my program this error appears: ""run time error 53" file not found". What should I do. Where will …

Member Avatar for leovicAustria
Member Avatar for leovicAustria

Hi guys, can you please help me. Is it possible to get data from NOTEPAD,Store each data into a new table of MS-Access, Thanks..God bless

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for avanthik

Can anyone help me in creating a VB code to send data to the serial port using VB6. Have to send three hexa bit streams each with a 1ms delay. Thanks

Member Avatar for leovicAustria
Member Avatar for shahriar2403

Let,in my msaccess db there is 3 tables. Now in my report i have to show 1) The datas of each table wth a heading of table name, sum of each table data( let $3000 summing all datas on that table ) under the heading, and 2) Sum of all …

Member Avatar for ReeciePoo

[code] [COLOR=#000000]] Dim GETWORD[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] Dim GETLINE[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] Dim ARRAYNUMBER As Integer[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] Dim itmx As ListItem[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] nFileNum = FreeFile[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] Open "C:\Documents and Settings\Reece\My Documents\I.T\Visual Basic\Reece\client.db" For Input As nFileNum[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] If Input(LOF(nFileNum), nFileNum) > "0" Then[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] GETLINE = Input(LOF(nFileNum), nFileNum)[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] GETLINE …

Member Avatar for reeturaj
Member Avatar for JaceDBN

Hi, I have created a database using Access 03 and VB, and I will be letting some people use it shortly. I would like to create a way in which the program cannot simply be copied onto another computer. I was thinking of using VB and referring to some system …

Member Avatar for kb.net
Member Avatar for rajksarswat

Is there any method to assign the particular number to the current page number control in data reports using vb6.0. This is required to assigned the continous page numbering for the different report generated by the Data Report.

Member Avatar for CLAY ROBINSON
Member Avatar for wmr30075

I have created and populated an Excel workbook with 3 worksheets. Sheet1 contains data; Sheet2 and Sheet3 are empty. I massage the data in Sheet1 and enter the output into Sheet2. I would now like to delete Sheet1 and close and save the Excel file. I am embarressed to say …

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for Anupkumar

Hello, I have installed VB6 and SQL * plus (Oracle 8i). I want to connect VB6 and Oracle. That is, I want to preapare an application where in, if I enter a value in the text box, it should get appended in the table in SQL. I know how to …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for bakedsushi

I am making a simple payroll program that keeps track of my hours, jobs, descriptions, etc. It also keeps track of the checks I've gotten. I have three main tables: Hours consisting of date, time started, ended, total hours, customer, job, description, Payperiod number, I know this one could be …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for kclif9

[B]I am tring to print a list in vb 5 does anyone have a code for it using printer.print[/B] Thanks

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for locsin

Greetings! I want to change the button message in visual basic 6.0. It is possible to edit the button message. Like vbokonly button display "OK", i want to reply this "OK" with my own word. Anybody have idea to replace it. Thankyou in advance

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for royaloba

hello every one.. good day... first i was able find the solution in this site on how to open the textfile and save it to the database, i'm using mysql as my database...thanks to sir "jomet" ;) . now what i want to do is, i want to open a …

Member Avatar for christophertheo
Member Avatar for Mickomitiku

hello everybody I am here to get some help abt developing timer with VB,meaning a countdown timer to remind me sth. after some time, tx in advance

Member Avatar for plusplus
Member Avatar for tgifgemini

Hi, I need help setting a spreadsheet printing Range because when I print, after printing the area with data, it prints additional blank pages. So how can I set my print range from "A1" to the last cell that has data? Example: [code] xlWksht.PageSetup.PrintArea = xlWksht.Range("A1:???????").Address[/code] Note: in the code …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi

Hi all, this is my question :- I've created a table in ms sql server 7.0 using the enterprise manager. there i've a field named "address" which is a varchar type field. now in my vb6 apps i used a multiline textbox to write address. now when i'm trying to …

Member Avatar for shahriar2403

Let i have a 2 column table in access database. Is it possible to show the items of a column in a list mode by using 'Flexgrid' option in my vb form? What should be the code? Please help me.

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for noobyy

i just want to know if it is possible in SQL select statement to have more than one column to be compared for the searchstring(recordsource) like for example select * from [Tablename] where lastname like ... AND firstname like ... because the VB is giving me a run time error …

Member Avatar for ryan_vietnow
Member Avatar for Mickomitiku

I am i need of ur help before that let me tell u exactlly what i want to do. I am doing a mentenance scedule for some machinaries with VB.I want the timer to remind me and give me a kind of mesg for the next scedule as per the …


The End.