10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for aomeen

Dear all I'm trying to write a VB code to write a binary file. I already did the job but the problem is that an extra 00 byte is always added at the end of the file. I believe the problem is that after I finish writing, the file pointer …

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Member Avatar for anto_nee

i have to pass caption of a label to the data report label can i do it plzzzzzzzzzzzzz urgent

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Member Avatar for anto_nee
Member Avatar for orvet

[B][/B] i successfully saved picture file as pathfile to database but i do not know how to open this picture file by relevant program suh as internet explorer, acdsee or else?

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for nuBudDy

hi, im having problem with my current project which is to insert values from variable into fields in access database. i know how to insert values from textbox into access but im having problem using variables.can anyone please help me?

Member Avatar for nuBudDy
Member Avatar for winInMFC

ever think of decompile your vb product ? P-Code are possible due to it is a Intermediate Language, but that's hard to decompile Native Code. i tried VbDecompiler, but i just get Procedure name, or is there some good dec tools i can buy ?:icon_eek: it is just for a …

Member Avatar for scrypt3r

does any1 know how to make a app when u minimize it insted ov going to da bottom of screen to go as an icon near clock like the msn messinger icon

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Member Avatar for culebrin

Hi, i've been with this in my neck a month ago, I need to write and read a image file to an Informix DB, but through a COM+ application (3 tier app). I googled this several times with no luck. So please any help would be apreciated. I have tried …

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Member Avatar for tgifgemini

VB6 - "FindFirst" with multiple search Criteria Hi everyone, I am trying to modify and expedite the execution of this VB module that was started by an someone else. If you look at the underlying module, you'll see that there are numerous nested loops(Loops within a loop). I understand that …

Member Avatar for tgifgemini
Member Avatar for suneel kar

hi eveyone , Am not gettin time to study from books .I am tryin to generate a code for CD Drive. i wanna on a single click it should open the drive and on next command itshould close the drive too. Anyone give me suggustions how to do???????? specially my …

Member Avatar for suneel kar
Member Avatar for suneel kar

hello everyone and my old frnds is there any list of lib (like Microsoft ADO 2.5 lib)to be included in project refernces and components which we can add everywhere in vb 6 project which will work eveywhere except default ones. that is without lookin on to project requirement we should …

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Member Avatar for orion_nsk

Hello Everyone, I'm doing a Project for Touch Screen. I have Designed an ON SCREEN KEYBOARD. My Problem is that "How can i Enter Text through my On-Screen K/B????" For Example : Suppose User Click the Button "A" on "On-Screen K/B" Form then I want "A" to be typed in …

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Member Avatar for vijayasanthi

Sir, This is Vijayasanthi.I'm using Visual basic 6.Now the problem is i can enter only 255 characters by using input box but i have to increase the maximum length or can i set the maximum length property as '0' for input box?kindly give any solution for this problem. Thanks and …

Member Avatar for iT_maN
Member Avatar for hanky

Hey can anyone there give me link to get a list of all the functions supported by VB6.0 like time and date,

Member Avatar for hanky
Member Avatar for shear

hey, i have project in my visual basic laboratory, but i'm just a newbie, so can anybody help me.. they say that its just a simple syntax, but it is not simple for me.. so please help me.. it goes like this, a quiz that has a radio button choices, …

Member Avatar for Prozeen
Member Avatar for eway2vicky

hi Frns ;-) i have a c#.net project .i am creaing the dll using this. the procss i am following: 1)tlbexp (to create typelib) tlbexp ComInteropExample.DLL /out:ComInteropExample.tlb 2)regasm regasm ComInteropExample.DLL /tlb: ComInteropExample.tlb after this i m taking the ref of the .tlb file in my vb project. i am not …

Member Avatar for Hamrick
Member Avatar for tgifgemini

Hello members I reading - Looping through a recordset (MS Access Query) that has 49 records. Note: the query is generate on the fly(dynamically). The processing is supposed to exit the loop at EOF but it keeps processing indefinitely (sort of an infinite loop). Does anybody know why this is …

Member Avatar for tgifgemini
Member Avatar for plusplus

How do I check if two dates(within same month) occur within the same week, week starting sunday. Already found the answer I used Datediff("ww",,)

Member Avatar for sTuPiD gUrL

my groupmates and i are making a project which are very ifficult for a begginer. in our project, we have some of the codes. the problem is when we run-start it.... and click the command button (which are factorial and fibonacci) the answers will not appear to the result text/label... …

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Member Avatar for Probleminfinity

Hi, I have been trying to Copy a worksheet into another workbook and rename it using macro. But while running it Gives me an error: Run-time error '40036': Application-defined or object-defined error. Any help will be appreciated.

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Member Avatar for orion_nsk

Hello Everyone, Can anyone tell me [B]"how to get the Name of the Control (Mainly for TextBoxes), Who is Setfocused" [/B]??? Thanks in Advance.

Member Avatar for orion_nsk
Member Avatar for tgifgemini

People, this is a wired one for me. I am executing my module and I am getting a compile error - "Loop without a Do" even though I do have a "Do". Below is my module: [code] ii = 5 ii = ii + 1 Do Until M.qBW.EOF xlWksht.Cells(ii, 1).Value …

Member Avatar for tgifgemini
Member Avatar for Prozeen

Hi there. I've got two forms (form1.frm and frmoptions.frm.) The first form contains a variable (multip = 2.) When I click on the first form let's say I want to see that variable in the second form's command button's caption. This doesn't work. All I get is a blank command …

Member Avatar for Prozeen
Member Avatar for tgifgemini

Hi Members, I am directly referring to you because you have firsthand idea of what I went through developing this little piece of vb apps. which produces an excel spreadsheet. However, the program is working perfectly okay, but when I make the spreadsheet visible or when I print the spreadsheet, …

Member Avatar for tgifgemini
Member Avatar for sixer_ch
Member Avatar for shahriar2403

I am getting the list items from a access database to a list box in my form. But it is showing the list items in a line for each items. As the list box is a narrow one, i cant see the whole line. How can i see the whole …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for coco86

hi .... im having trouble about how to not save text file... 'i create a textfile like this ..' Set ts2 = fs.CreateTextFile(vtxt & "_" & Format(Date, "ddmmyy") & ".txt") vsmg = "my text" ts2.writeline (vsmg) 'call a notepad' Call Shell("notepad.exe " & (vtxt & "_" & Format(Date, "ddmmyy") & …

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Member Avatar for venkatramasamy

hi, i want to build an DLL,an timer need to be used in the class section,kindly help me to complete this task,i expects sample code for this -N.Venkat

Member Avatar for ClaireS

I am using visual basic to open multiple spreadsheets and copy rows of data into one spreadsheet. I have done this by using workbooks.open and then specifying the filename, however, I would like to open all spreadsheets in the folder without having to add the names of each as these …

Member Avatar for yadavrahul143
Member Avatar for plusplus

I have a main form and every once in a while another form is popped up, waiting for input from the user. I have a toolbar on my mainform. When that [B]other[/B] form is shown [B]while[/B] the user is in the sub of menubutton_click, then the program gets stuck, it …

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The End.