10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for gdlgplic

I created a file that some vice presidents are looking at. They are very inexperienced with excel and I am trying to think of every possible error that could happen. However I know of an error but do not know how to fix it. They open the file, and it …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for mechbhaskar

Hi , Presntly i am working on Graphics migration, for this i am developing a dll file. starting function of this dll will take VBInstance handle as the input parameter, and creates Graphic objects on VB graphics editor, while creating graphic objects, my properties dialog is flickering continously while adding …

Member Avatar for Lea

Hello you all. I am an MA student in Creative Music Technology and currently trying to write a little game based on voice recognition. I downloaded the speech SDK 5.1 from Microsoft and had a look at the example code. Evertime I hit "run" I am prompted with: "Runtime Error …

Member Avatar for lexicalthinker
Member Avatar for hitpatel256

Dear All, Could u please tell me how to write VB script to control Windows mediaplayer. Thanks in Advance.

Member Avatar for Marikanna
Member Avatar for rasto

Hello Guys, Is there any way one can get pwd en uid of users by attacking LAN (intranet) data dictionary using vb6? Regards

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for sheeja_k
Member Avatar for Marikanna
Member Avatar for petzoldt01

Ok, I have programmed in c++ for a while, but recently, I have found an emulator that supports vbscript files and have some questions about it. What I need to do, is detect a keystroke with the vbscript. How does one go about detecting a keypress with a vbscript, while …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for bogeybrown

I have posted items on my vb problem with detailes of my code to sort in vb with very little response, so i will be brief and present only my problem. The only practical advice I got was to search for arrays and sorting through search engines. Several of them …

Member Avatar for bogeybrown
Member Avatar for royaloba

2005/11/09 18:32:11, Event:Access, Door:entry, Card No.:2727, Description:266:55748 Date time event door card no. description +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2005/11/09 18:32:11, Event:Access, Door:entry, Card No.:2727, Description:266:55748 2005/11/09 18:32:13, Event:Access, Door:entry, Card No.:2345, Description:266:55732 2006/01/11 14:07:02, Event:Cover Removed Return to Normal, Door:5 2006/01/11 14:07:02, Event:Cover Removed Alarm, Door:5 2005/11/09 18:33:58, Event:Card No. Error, Door:entry, Description:266:51792 …

Member Avatar for Yomet
Member Avatar for BombAppetit

greetings.. I'm currently working on a form using Excel VBA. The form displays graph of a certain area in a worksheet. How do I create a multiple series chart, with one of the series being a line graph, and the rest being bar graphs? I currently use the multiple-dimension array …

Member Avatar for BombAppetit
Member Avatar for richiecomp

I am trying to design a small database project for school. I have gone over this for about a gazillion time, and it seems to have turned into a challenging maze. This is from the book "Visual Basic 6 How to Program." Anyway, where is the problem: Define a complete …

Member Avatar for richiecomp
Member Avatar for learnerd

Hi, I am trying to use the "My" functions in Visual basic, but every time i run the code, it give me a Runtime error 424 - object required. I am a newbie at this, please help. I don't have anything else in the code, just New Project, Stantard EXE …

Member Avatar for learnerd
Member Avatar for bpmccall

I have created two ActiveX EXEs, one is the client, the other is the server. I want to set up a system where a single server class handles the method calls of multiple instances of the clients. The problem is, the only way I know how to create a reference …

Member Avatar for roopn

[code]echo "hai"; sir i need help how to write data into the serial port using vb6 code[/code]

Member Avatar for adalita_m

Okay I am after how to make a password protected logon to access the program I am making in VB. I have a TXT file with the passwords in it.

Member Avatar for arvin2006

i am doing a project, and i am not that good in database. pls help me to solve my problem regarding my thesis. i know how to mainpulate controls in visual basic and other aspects, but with regards to database access, i only have basic knowledge.. my project goes like …

Member Avatar for naheed

i hve created avi from bitmap but not finding the solution how to add wav file to avi. if anbody know then pls provide me code in vb6 i will be thankful to u tell me pls how wav file can be added to avi. reply me as soon as …

Member Avatar for BombAppetit

greetings I am currently working on a vision system platform that inspects the marking and orientation of ICs. I have at my disposal is a PC, PIC circuitry, motors, steppers, their respective controllers, and a monochrome progressive scan cameras. The PIC controls all the functions for mechanism as it receives …

Member Avatar for BombAppetit
Member Avatar for jbennet

Ok i need the user to be asked for a number by an inputbox (Using VB 6) and have this number checked. If its prime i want them to be told via msgnox , if not i want them to be given another attempt Any ideas?

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for nihilks

i use ADO in VB6 to connect to my Oracle database i made a connection object 'con' and opened the database using it when i executed the statement con.Execute "insert into employee(no,join_date) values(424,'12-SEP-2004')" i found that he new record was inserted into the database(i checked it using sql*plus) . But …

Member Avatar for nihilks
Member Avatar for seibor

hi all, can anyone suggest me how to display propercase in vb eg. HELLo WOrld is Hello World

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for stan yost

My vb 5.0 program is adding 2 identical records to a table each time I run it. Does anyone know what would cause this? Thanks

Member Avatar for stan yost
Member Avatar for LiBOC

Hi guys! I was trying to upgrade a VB 6 program that involves updating of databases through SMS by in putting AT commands through Serial port to a GSM modem(SIEMENS) There are certain syntax that are not recognised. I need to seek your kind help if there are any good …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for tswaters

Ok, I'm having a little trouble with the DataReport Object. It's a very simple report, showing users and their information -- but also there is one field, a Memo that is their "Comments". When the whole report is displayed, it looks much like a table with the headers showing the …

Member Avatar for aparnesh

Sometimes when I am trying to package a project, I am getting the message 'Dependency File for <some File> could not be found. If you are sure there is no external dependency Click OK' etc. Interestingly, the same setup (same set of Visual Studio CDs) installed in a different machine …

Member Avatar for firstbizsoft

Hi all, Working in a Pos System and using this code for print all product from the list. The code wrk fine the only prb is: The text begin printing from the middle of paper and not from the left side. Where is the prb? This is the code: Private …

Member Avatar for Marikanna
Member Avatar for bobbymusic

Hey all, my problem is when I start to compare two texts with different lenght. The point is that the texts are loaded in two RTB and I don't know how to compare them. I found that I have to parse the strings and then to compare word by word,but …

Member Avatar for sugarboy rider

i have to comunicate from vb to control a nec vt480 and I have not much idea how to send the instructions correctly . Acording to the information given by nec, this are the codes to control projector: 001. POWER ON 02H 00H 00H 00H 00H 02H 002. POWER OFF …

Member Avatar for sugarboy rider
Member Avatar for vheart20

hi am in urgent need of a good vb 6.0 project with oracle.i will be very thankfull if u could help me as soon as possible

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for stan yost

Has anyone ever had a form freeze up in vb 5.0? When I run by program the form is displayed in the smaller size and the 3 buttons at the top of the screen (the minus sign, the box and the X) are not functional.

Member Avatar for stan yost

The End.