10,643 Topics

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Member Avatar for exotic_ang

Hi guys, Id like to use Sliderman in my site as an image slider. I downloaded the code, added it to my site and arranged what I could see needs to be arranged but I cannot get it to work properly! Image1 attached is how it is supposed to look. …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for Random_Integer

Would it be possible to have a screen shot of another website in a panel. Like Iframe except not scrollable and nothing is click-able. Also the content is perhaps fitted to the frame. thanks

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for pavankumarr

Hi Everyone, I want sample code for passing data in flash file and the passed data should be taken or shown as output in aspx or ashx files. Can anyone help me to solve this one. Regards, PavanKumar

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for GiddyupGilbert

I found a website this AM and when I checked the source there were 2 sets of keywords. Also, there were more than 7 in use at each line. They are number one listed in their category on Google. If this is acceptable and the spiders soak up all what's …

Member Avatar for GiddyupGilbert
Member Avatar for totalwar235

what is a good program to write HTML in? i am looking at Note Pad ++ right now since i will need it for lau soon but i would like some opions here first.

Member Avatar for Azmah
Member Avatar for EP_95_Z28

Hello everyone, I'm working on a website for a friend's business. He isn't exactly IT material, which is why everything I've done so far has been linked in from other content management sites. (Photobucket for the galleries, Proboards for the message forum) Basically, I've searched everywhere. I'm looking for a …

Member Avatar for Sogo7
Member Avatar for floatingDivs

Hello everyone, This question is in regards to mobile websites and the "Add to home screen" functionality. The mobile version of the site has been finished, but it's been suggested that the feature be implemented into the site as well. Despite the information available to the contrary, it's definitely possible …

Member Avatar for floatingDivs
Member Avatar for samsnov

Please can someone help me on this problem, Internet explorer and Firefox don’t show my new building site the same way, a Internet explorer messes up the whole thing, can someone tell me with the tag code that I can use to eliminate this problem as I build my site …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for BlueCharge

Hello Everyone, I am just wanting to know how I would display an image at the top left of a DIV container and have text going down the right of it and then when it gets past the image, the text the prints all the way across underneith the image. …

Member Avatar for ansaripk
Member Avatar for exotic_ang

I've encountered a problem with boxes. I have set 3 boxes and alligned them perfectly. Once I add the border to the boxes, they misalign! with his code, the 3 boxes are as image1.jpg (attached) #boxgrey { background-color:#999; width:220px; height:200px; border-radius: 1.5em; -webkit-border-radius: 1.5em; -moz-border-radius:1.5em; position: relative; margin: 30px 275px; …

Member Avatar for exotic_ang
Member Avatar for Pro2000

Hello everybody. I am working on a PHP program that shows some information in table cells.. However, the width of each cell is automatically widen (it becomes wider).. How can I make the width of a cell fit to its content so that if it has 5 chars, then its …

Member Avatar for Pro2000
Member Avatar for WigglesMcMuffin

I'm trying to create a website, and I'm currently having a little CSS trouble with getting the website to flow and respond well to resizing and different screen sizes. Currently I have posted it at: [URL="http://wigglesmcmuffin.kodingen.com/"]my kodingen site[/URL] Anyway, if you go there you may notice that 1) my content …

Member Avatar for WigglesMcMuffin
Member Avatar for azegurb

Hi All, I design my site. But i have problem in mozilla. it works fine in IE but in mozilla it has additional line below main line. My site is [url]www.piramida.az[/url], my CSS is [CODE].toplinks {border-right-style: dotted; border-right-width: 1px; border-color: #8CA7BA} .rightlinks {border-bottom-style: dotted; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-color: #ffffff} .menuust {font-family: …

Member Avatar for azegurb
Member Avatar for eduardc

I want to put the english and spanish flags on the homepage of my website: [url removed]! How do I do that? By links?

Member Avatar for eduardc
Member Avatar for dhru1

Hello, I have a html page and a drop down menu on top. The drop down menu is for like users. The user has to pick their role and based on that, the page will only show some parts of the content. So I have the drop down on top …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for kanjigirl

I don't have access to the original Flash file - can someone help? Here's my test page. You can see that first test banner not working at the top, with the code provided by the advertiser: [URL="http://www.riftcache.com/test.php"] http://www.riftcache.com/test.php[/URL] If I remove the "?clickTAG...." part from the "embed src" section, it …

Member Avatar for j_rome
Member Avatar for gogreen1

hi guys please share your ideas which color will be best combo color with black ...my suggestions is Black and yellow ..

Member Avatar for asasasasasa
Member Avatar for dream party

Inserting a Flash (SWF, FLV) file into HTML web page is already an old and familiar thing to all of us. It is a rather non-flexible thing that just to edit some options in the template. However, I did not understand some parameters totally in the HTML tag. These days …

Member Avatar for Voynex
Member Avatar for exotic_ang

Hi guys, I have a small prob with my site. Im new to this as this is my very first website and I cant seem to get this right. I added the jquery nivo slider to my site. When I set the margin to 90px, it comes good horizontally but …

Member Avatar for exotic_ang
Member Avatar for think360studio

I do not have much experience with design, but I am trying to create a somewhat disjointed effect in CSS. I have text that serves as a link with an image next to it. I want a border to appear around the adjacent image whenever the linked text is hovered …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for GGomez
Member Avatar for suavedesign

I am having a little trouble with sound on mouseover in my website, if anyone can help, I'd greatly appreciate it. The link to my site is [URL="http://www.trecall.com"]www.trecall.com[/URL]. There are two menus, and each menu has a different sound that supposed to be heard on mouseover. Firstly, sometimes when I …

Member Avatar for suavedesign
Member Avatar for theMediator

I'm working on a new website [URL="http://www.sproutsfamilycentre.com/template.asp"]http://www.sproutsfamilycentre.com/template.asp[/URL] and to make a long story short I want to eliminate all borders, but one table refuses to get with the program. I have tried every combination under the sun to get rid of that one white border, but to no avail. Any …

Member Avatar for WigglesMcMuffin
Member Avatar for BlueCharge

Hello Everyone, I have a quick question which is: I have a signature DIV in my forums and i want the maxium height of this DIV to be 100px but if the user has just chosen a small signature which does not reach 100px then i just want the DIV …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Quinterling

I'm revamping my web hosting site and have come accross a template I can work with in every way but for something called slopes? This seems to be an area where I can add text and when clicked it reveals more context of the heading subject. But I've never come …

Member Avatar for Quinterling
Member Avatar for Loopster

Hey everyone, Has anyone found the best html/css solution for creating a fluid background image on a website? That's to say: 1. Background image to fill the screen no matter of the size of the screen 2. Keeping image size smaller so as to have fastest load time 3. cross-browser, …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for roachae

I've never worked with Flash before, but I need to find a way of displaying a static image if Flash is not installed or not supported. I found several methods but not seem to work (see below). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. My website is mostly PHP/HTML. Everything I've …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for Jessurider

[ICODE] <html> <body> <body bgcolor="#FFE193"> <table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"> <tr> <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#BDECFE"> <table width="75%" height="180" border="1" align="leftcorner"> <tr> <td colspan=2 style="font-size:12pt;color:#00000;" align="center"> <font size=5> Search Employee </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b> Employee Name</b></td> <td>: <input type="text" name="emp_name" id="emp_name"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Department</b></td> <td>: <input type="text" name="emp_dept" id="emp_dept"></td> </tr> …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for SgtMash

I've got the most annoying and strange issue with a the website I'm developing here: [URL="http://www.lisabmagdalena.co.uk/new2/template.html"]http://www.lisabmagdalena.co.uk/new2/template.html[/URL] When the page initially loads into IE 9 it looks as it should, right down to the radiused borders, but if I hit F5 and refresh the page it immediately breaks the layout & …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for Dean_Grobler

I'm actually taking a chance here hoping that someone will know what font this is. Bellow is an image of a companies logo, what I want to know, is what font is being used? It could be that this 'font' was custom made for this specific logo... OR, it could …

Member Avatar for pgmco

The End.