10,649 Topics
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This is just odd, for too many reasons. [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8177285.stm"]A file sharer has been fined $675,000 for downloading illegal music[/URL]. He is a student. People have offered him money because they think it's an unreasonable amount to pay. He has turned them down. Why do I think this is odd? Well, … | |
The bad guys of the IT business are always looking for the most effective ways to infect the innocent Internet user, and increasingly that means turning to commonly used web browser plug-ins such as Flash or PDF readers. A couple of years ago we were [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1537.html"]reporting critical vulnerabilities[/URL] for all … | |
Following yesterday's interesting events - in which the story to which I referred changed three times and was then taken down within two hours of my linking to it - here's something a little lighter for the weekend. A family is auctioning its talents and above all its availability to … | |
Now that could be cool, or maybe not: a whole new look to the MacOS desktop could be on the cards after Apple puts in a patent application for a 'Multi-Dimensional Desktop.' The patent application, [URL="http://appft1.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-bool.html&r=1&f=G&l=50&co1=AND&d=PG01&s1=20080307360&OS=20080307360&RS=20080307360"]20080307360[/URL], describes how the planned graphical user interface will have "a back surface disposed from … | |
Zephyr today launched version 2.0 of its namesake software test management tool, which is now available as a SaaS in Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud. Zephyr gives development teams a Flash-based system for communication, collaboration, resource, document and project management, test-case creation automation and archiving, defect tracking and reporting. The system … | |
It seems Apple may be on the brink of yet another iPhone redesign. Not, this time, because of any fault or because of any user demand but because the European Union (that's my continent, folks) is considering a directive that would force phones to have an easily removable battery. This, … | |
one of my more experienced friends has informed me that i was correct in distrusting vista for a number of reasons. including functionality, security, and compatibility to downward products. xprofessional, sp3 is the latest stable(somewhat) product they have come out with. later jfl | |
Have you ever wished that your friends at home could see what your doing when your on the go and away from a computer? Adobe must have wanted the same exact thing because they are making it possible this September. Adobe PhotoShop Express will be a new mobile phone application … | |
In the late 1990s an innovative company called Enroute Imaging came out with QuickStitch, a program that could analyze a series of digital photos and "stitch" them together into a single image. It cleverly figured out where the image data repeated and combined the photos seamlessly. It was really cool … | |
When you make changes to your site design, it’s not always easy to figure out how the changes affect traffic and visitor behavior. That’s where the [URL="https://www.google.com/analytics/siteopt/new_expt?account=5119167"]Google Website Optimizer[/URL] tool comes into play. You can experiment with two or more designs and see which one works best to achieve your … | |
Google Labs always releases new experimental programs for people to test one of these is Google Labs Web Design. I like the fact that people who only want a simple, but nice Webpage can go to google Lab free Web design but if you read the disclaimers that experiment can … | |
Itunes has a hidden clause which Happygeek revealed in one of his latest blogs that Itunes can not be used for mass destruction and that he did not see why itunes put that disclaimer in the EULA. I know it sounds stupid an IPOD of mass destruction but with the … | |
I laugh inside when Microsoft loses ground, even in the slightest way. It’s particularly sweet when Redmond loses to a company like Novell, which owned the LAN market it pioneered through the 1990s, only to have it ripped from its grasp by the totally inferior Windows NT. This week Novell’s … | |
I went to the demonstrations of the latest satellite navigation system from TomTom, and guess what - there's very little new to speak of in any of the devices. Yes, some of them have a wider screen than before and indeed I agree the new mounts for the dashboard are … | |
Watch out Java; Adobe wants a bigger bite of your mobile-device market share pie. The company yesterday said it will drop its licensing fee for including its Flash Player on handhelds and unveiled alliances with some of world’s largest telecom carriers, content providers and chip and handset makers. It’s all … | |
I am not an easily shockable person. Anyone who knows me, anyone who has seen me, will understand this. Indeed, other than the usual trio of sexual or racial abuse and mindless violence it takes a lot to drop my jaw in shame and despair while browsing the web. However, … | |
Hello, I would like to introduce to you a tag, which is unique to FireFox, called <canvas/>. It has amazing graphics, from another world, all with just a few lines of JS. For more information by Mozilla: [URL]http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/HTML:Canvas[/URL] For a complitation of Canvas's capabilities (by me :P): [URL]http://www.mattdsworld.com/shaffer/canvas/basic.html[/URL] Thanks, Shaffer. | |
A British company claims to have developed software which can spot pedophiles online and catch them in the act of ‘grooming’ children in chat rooms and IM sessions. Just as handwriting and voice analysis is used by law enforcement agencies the world over in order to accurately determine age, so … | |
Since recent years, we've come to appreciate the speed and usability of Flash drives. The fact that sudden motion makes no difference to its accessibility makes Flash drives an intriguing prospect for laptop manufacturers. Especially Dell, which is going to offer a configuration option with its Latitude D420 that will … | |
Adobe [URL="http://www.adobe.com/aboutadobe/pressroom/pressreleases/200704/041607CS3Shipping.html"]has started shipping[/URL] their newest version on the industry standard Creative Suite this week. The most popular of that family, Photoshop, has gotten an overhaul and some welcome additions, including an improved UI and tools for which many designers have been yearning. The biggest improvement is in pure performance. … | |
Just as it seemed that Linux users (especially 64-bit users) would finally be able to enjoy streaming content with a minimum of hassle, Microsoft's new Silverlight software promises to throw a wrench in the works. Because of sites like Google Video and Youtube, Flash video has become a common means … | |
Hi all, Flash is one of the most important and widely used Web Utility Software . It can be Used to create Animations as well as we may write programs so that we may give different functionality to different contents. It is also Space Compatible , we may have Videos … | |
So a US Federal Judge says that [URL="http://www.myspace.com/"]MySpace [/URL]is legally protected from any liability as a result of external criminal acts that have been committed by people misrepresenting themselves to other MySpace users. Judge Sam Sparks of the U.S. District Court for the Western district of Texas ruled that the … | |
It's what we have all been waiting for, a flash based solid state memory form that is comparible to a hard disk. Sandisk has launched it's new 32GB hard drive with the use of flash memory. Sandisk claims that this new type of hard drive is faster and it will … | |
Photoshop CS3 beta is now in the Adobe Labs section of their website free for download. You can now download it! so quick get clickin, hey not so fast! unfortunately you can't see it if you don't have an adobe labs login and a valid version of CS2. Well that … | |
A report published by the Social Issues Research Centre, combining data from a YouGov poll with the results of physiological tests on separate study group of Internet users, suggests that there is a link between badly designed websites and negative effects on human health. Specifically, the reports links five key … | |
So why do we steer clear from tables? Well it is basically because they were never created to be used in the way we were using them. They were more intended for word processing and simple "tables" of data not whole web pages with all of their content. I remember … | |
So, this is my first Blog entry. I decided to start a blog today because i now have 200 posts woohoo! Anyway on to the subject. [B]Does Dreamweaver really weaver dreams?[/B] To be honest I don't think there is a simple answer to that. It really depends on how far … | |
A two columned fixed layout with vertical navigation sample. Now all it needs is your great imagination. Hope you find this useful, and help you all the way in your web activities. Enjoy... | |
Although most people speak of HTML code, the fact is that if you write good HTML code, you’re actually writing XHTML. XHTML is a set of rules that, if you follow them when you write HTML code, result in code that is more standards-compliant, and hence more likely to render … |
The End.