10,649 Topics
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In this html file I created an area called “branding” where I wanted my name at least at first flush left in the middle of the branding area. The elements behave differently in IE Release candidate 1 than in Firefox. I assume Firefox is correct but how do I get … | |
Hey everyone, So here's the deal - I've been pretty into website design for a few years now, and I like to think I'm relatively good at it. Over the years I've had a few people ask me to build websites for them, and I used to do it for … | |
Dear all, [COLOR="Green"]Given the requirements: [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]1) A few of my friends would like to log into WordPress account, update our entries. 2) The website that we set up, would automatically retrieve the latest entry on its own and be viewed by the visitors.[/COLOR] What are the things I need … | |
Hi All! I am new to web-development. In my company i get a project i.e based on action script. I have no idea on this. But inthis down time i have no other choice left. Could anybody help me out from this critical situation? Don't hesitate to suggest me anything. … | |
Hello, I am just starting to work with CSS and wondered if there was a good way to make boxes. I found this [URL="http://modxcms.com/simple-rounded-corner-css-boxes.html"]tutorial[/URL] but there are also a number of other ways I have found through Google. What method is the most standard/best? Thanks! | |
So I'm such a poor coder, but I really need help. I think these are really easy to solve if you know what you're doing, and I guess some of you guys here know your way around HTML/CSS. So this is the thing, my site is [URL="http://twimfm.isgreat.org"]http://twimfm.isgreat.org[/URL] and when you … | |
Hello all. I have a very annoying problem with my band's MySpace page. It's DIV heavy, of course, and I've usually been able to correct problems like these by just messing endlessly with the code, but this problem just won't go away. All the DIVs are in their proper place … | |
I was wondering if anyone knows how to get flash to open another html page after the movie has played. im trying to make an opening page to my website which plays a short movie with the company logo on etc. When the movie has loaded and finished playing I … | |
I was just having a bit of a discussion with a few people, and I'm just looking for some more opinions on site administration design. Do you prefer an integrated type of administration system (eg, extra admin links in user profile and news entries, etc. when logged in as an … | |
Hi, I am extracting a set of categories from a database and want them to disply in lines of three. They are each in their own div. I need them to look like this: div1 div2 div3 div4 div5 div6 The code is PHP but I need to know how … | |
My web does not display any icons or pics. My pages are full of those little circle squares and triangles wherever there should be a pic or an icon. This was caused by viruses but the viruses are now gone. How can I restore the pics and icons to my … | |
I looked and cannot find it. On the left hand side of my web page I can hover over links, but there is a small gray box on the right of each link when I hover. [URL="http://www.hmstechnology.com"]www.hmstechnology.com[/URL] Any chance someone could show me what I am doing wrong? It is … | |
hello every one i want to know how i make amazing background like [URL="http://www.elissalovers.net"]www.elissalovers.net[/URL] in photoshop and how or in flash please help :rolleyes: | |
hi! ive started encountering problems with developing sites with pop-up windows. These pop-up windows are not for ads, theyre for picture galleries or to other html windows...etc. Ive gotten calls from 2 clients saying b/c they installed or their friends have installed pop-up blockers they cant see part of their … | |
OK, after a few hours and some Internet research I think I found a way to spread an image across my page. Let me know what you guys think. My CSS: #body { background-image: url(my image url); background-attachment: fixed; } 1) I noticed that the image only fills in 3/4's … | |
instantrankingseo.com - a professional web site design company in india, custom website design, web design and development, web page design, ecommerce web site design, website design and maintenance, ecommerce solutions, ecommerce shopping cart, ecommerce web site development etc. At Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India. visit us at [url]http://www.instantrankingseo.com/web_design_development/index.php[/url] , email : [email]info@instantrankingseo.com[/email] … | |
There is a feature that I like and would like to know how to implement in my own website (If I am able). When a link is posted the user can hover over the link and a small box will appear showing the website. How is this done? Example: [url]www.horizonsunlimited.com[/url] … | |
hi, I have this css code [CODE]#leftcol { position:relative; top:-10px; left:-10px; float:left; width:220px; voice-family: "\"}\""; voice-family:inherit; width:200px; margin:0 0 -10px 0; padding:10px; background:#FFFFFF; z-index:100; } #rightcol { position:relative; top:-10px; right:-10px; float:right; width:220px; voice-family: "\"}\""; voice-family:inherit; width:200px; margin:0 0 -10px 0; padding:10px; background:#FFFFFF; z-index:99; } #centercol { position:relative; padding:0 240px; }[/CODE] … | |
I'm having a little problem with my new site. I have a Div element, which is explicitly set to 226px wide (inside the div is a load of text). To that i've applied a 10px padding all the way round, so the css is currently: [icode].layout_style_left_panel { width: 226px; float: … | |
I need a simple contact form for my website, but I want some defence against spam. Like a Chapta or something. | |
Hallo, Using my adobe Flash CS3 i have built up a Flash Dropdown menu box along with a go button. But I am not understanding how to link and activate the go button, so that after i hit the go button it will take me to the page which is … | |
Hi, how do i display all my other pages in my index page content. e.g. i have a menu and when user clicks on a section like music it doesnt go to music page but shows the music page in contents section of index page. thanks | |
i just read a couple of threads regarding css positioning and i have found something some where a while ago. however, i couldn't find any good explanation of it. would anyone please explain a bit of some of these code? thanks 1. clear:both? 2. margin: 0; padding: 0 // when … | |
Hi I have two movie clips : -wall -man [B][U]I've right clicked[/U][/B] on the man and applied the following code [CODE]onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.man, hitTest(_root.wall)) { gotoAndPlay(2); }; }[/CODE] The hittest is working, however i have a feeling the gotoAndPlay function is applying itself to the movieclip instance and … | |
Sorry for this question but this, I believe is the one area that I am most fuzzy in. I have trouble positioning my content boxes (divs, float, absolute positioning, etc.). I am looking to make whatever boxes I make fixed in one position. When I am in another system the … | |
In CSS the pseudo class :active is supposed to make the object active and apply the given style for a split second. This works in every browser except Internet Explorer, in Internet Explorer it keeps it active until you click away (kind of how :focus works in other browsers). Also … | |
Hi I know this isnt perhaps the right forum for the job but I do understand there are many people that use flash in web design and therefore might be able to help me. I'm trying to create this 45second animation for a school project, its very simple at the … | |
I was wondering if there was a fix to make Internet Explorer treat a:active like a:active instead of a:focus in css. Thanks. | |
i am designing a website ,i am currentlly facing a problem regarding screen resolution, i have designed my website in 1024X768. when i view my website in other resolutions the alignment changes..i mean the size of image and the data remain the same..but the view completely changes i mean the … | |
I don't know why my background image isn't showing up. Here's my code: [code] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Gamer District, your source for Next Gen and Retro Gaming...</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <style type="text/css"> {display: block; } … |
The End.