10,643 Topics

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Member Avatar for rockbd

can anyone please give me script code with example for button? i want to control scene to scene. i.g when i click the contact button i will navigate to contact scene. and please ell me how is this site.. [url]www.arksylhet.com[/url].

Member Avatar for rockbd
Member Avatar for jonesc5

I currently have this in my css. But for the life of me IE7 won't do as it's told. The page looks GREAT in firefox but refuses to wrap in IE. [code] pre { white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-3 */ white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Mozilla, since 1999 */ white-space: -pre-wrap; /* Opera …

Member Avatar for npatel0317

[url]www.insanecricket.com/EVisionbeta/index.htm[/url] I would like to know how to activate the controls automatically on the right bar so it activates auto when page is loaded everytime. I know there are .js out there but i tried to make it work but it doesnt work. Thanks NPatel

Member Avatar for npatel0317
Member Avatar for rohitrao

While working with div and css.. please let me know how this is possible... If we have a HTML layout with divs... and i want to swap the leftnav and the main content area, how can i do that using CSS and the HTML Is there a way possible, that …

Member Avatar for wendell00741
Member Avatar for OpalSos

How do I dynamically show the author of each post next to the post in question? This is a team blog, with 5 contributors, and I'm looking to display each post author once they had posted their own article. As for now, the simple solution is that I put an …

Member Avatar for OpalSos
Member Avatar for tjl30

So I decided I would try to make a website that is completely valid, and very simple. So far this is working out well, but there is a white space in between the main content area and the navigation area that I don't know how to get rid of. Here …

Member Avatar for tjl30
Member Avatar for GL.Za

Hi all, I hope I've slotted this in the right forumn. My project group and I have taken a new web develpoment project, thing is, the sponsor wants it to look awesome as it will be used predominantly by the public. So its new to us in that we have …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for kavithakesav

Hi, I developed one website. Now i want to link one audio file to image. (means if any one click on that image audio has to start) Can any one Help me in this. Cheers...

Member Avatar for aravelli
Member Avatar for sfadelta

I am new to CSS layouts, so this is probably a really dumb question. I know this is a common problem, but for some reason I cannot find the simple code to fix it: When using a one column fixed layout with header and footer, I have a blank space …

Member Avatar for kavithakesav
Member Avatar for richWnewkey

(I'm exhausted, so please overlook grammar, syntax, and spelling mistakes.) I use Dreamweaver 9 with the rest of CS 3 on Mac OS X Leopard. Everything I do is done in split view to the source code. The design view is only for instant gratification and it makes it easier …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma

What do I have to do to link from one page to a document.html and target the main frame of another frameset? -thanks -Steve

Member Avatar for phper
Member Avatar for GuyH

Hello , I am setting up new site in WP and want to be using aWeber. Now I would like that the sign-up box for my list looks attractive.. Can this be done within aWeber? My theme has a unit from 300x250 that I would like to use for this …

Member Avatar for tarsem

[CODE]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Show hide content with sliding effect</title> <meta name="language" content="English"> <meta name="robots" content="follow"> <meta name="googlebot" content="index, follow"> <style type="text/css"> body{ font-family: Trebuchet MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Arial, sans-serif; /* Font to use */ margin:0px; } .ad{ position:absolute; top:10px; right:10px; } .dhtmlgoodies_question{ /* …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for weleh

Here are my css kode can u check it cause i'm a newbie in this case. [code]/*KODE INI NGIKUT DR OM KANAL AMA OM CUPU*/ .commonbox, .commonbox_noborder { margin-bottom:0px !important; } /* PROFILE BACKGROUND */ body { background-image:url(GANTI URLNYAH); background-attachment:fixed; background-position:center; background-repeat:repeat; background-color:#000000; } /* GLOBAL FONTS */ .usercontent { …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for logiq

Hello everyone. So I coded a site in HTML and CSS. But I have some problems.. This is how the codes looks like: [B]HTML CODE:[/B] [code] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"> <html> <head> <title>TealTemplate</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> <img id="header"/> <img id="headerbar"/> <img id="headerunderbar"/> …

Member Avatar for logiq
Member Avatar for feiticer

Could someone explain why it's a good idea to have blank index.html or maybe not blank in every folder on the site?

Member Avatar for tarsem
Member Avatar for truguate

how would i go about letting people upload videos to my website any special progs i should consider is one platform better than another

Member Avatar for gdi
Member Avatar for truguate

am not sure why i cannot load flash file am using dreamweaver but is not displaying on my web page it comes out when i preview it in the brower but will not display when i upload to site only type of files i can get to work are .mov …

Member Avatar for gdi
Member Avatar for nikhita

can somebody help me whether the shortcut icon can be called using a CSS file. other than the following code given below: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon1.ico">

Member Avatar for nikhita
Member Avatar for bunnny

Alright, I am currently working on a new project called Shaise (shaise.com) where I am working on redesigning the forums header. However, I will need to replace all of the forums links (ie. Board Index, Login, Register, and all of the other links that appear when signed in. If you …

Member Avatar for Silverstar_555

Ahe. Hello, I'm just looking for a login/password/register code that would be helpful for my site. <snipped URL> yes, its a role-play site and It'd be really helpful if people could LOGIN and then it would have a list of who's online. My members would have to register, etc. Then, …

Member Avatar for BroKeN
Member Avatar for Lokasip

I'm trying to figure out how to build a site using table for the layout. Like the following: [url]http://img187.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tablelayoutst6.jpg[/url] I know using table isn't the brightest idea. I am just trying to learn how the table tag can be used in different situations. I can't seem to get the "content" …

Member Avatar for Lokasip
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

I understand how to use embed in html, My problem is that i need to arrange my music in such a way,that they will be played with only one player. Example:1<EMBED SRC="rtggfg.mid" HIDDEN="true" AUTOSTART="true" STARTTIME="00:10" ENDTIME="00:30"> 2<EMBED SRC="adsdsd.mid" HIDDEN="true" AUTOSTART="true" STARTTIME="00:10" ENDTIME="00:30"> 3<EMBED SRC="aladdin.mid" HIDDEN="true" AUTOSTART="true" STARTTIME="00:10" ENDTIME="00:30"> This will …

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy
Member Avatar for Loopster

Hello, Appreciate any help on this problem. I have coded a drop down menu that works great in FF, but in IE it won't close when you have moved off of the drop down table. Please review and let me know any ideas. Thank you! There are 4 parts of …

Member Avatar for Loopster
Member Avatar for kevin wood

i have never encounted a problem like this so i dont know if this is the correct place to ask the question as i am not sure if it is a development problem or a server problem. I am developed a content management system and you can access the home …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for CassieJ

Hi, I'm hoping someone can either tell me I am missing something simple or direct me to a good resource center. I have just transitioned to Dreamweaver CS3 and am having major issues with layouts. I don't want to use pre-made layouts and I've made a layout with Div's but …

Member Avatar for CassieJ
Member Avatar for forzadraco

i have a code like : [code=html]<table width="242" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="Form"> <tr> <td width="11" class="leftTopForm small">&nbsp;</td> <td width="174" class="centerTBForm small">&nbsp;</td> <td width="55" class="rightTopForm small">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" class="mainForm"><p>User :<br> <input type="text" name="textfield2"> </p> <p>Password: <input type="password" name="textfield3"> <br /> <br /> <a href="#"><img src="_images/submit.png" border="0"></a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="leftbottomForm …

Member Avatar for forzadraco
Member Avatar for bunnny

Hello, I need clean web 2.0 xhtml/css design with valid code and integrated to phpBB3. The design must be similar to this websites: [URL="http://www.sprintbio.com/"]here[/URL] [URL="http://www.talkfreelance.com"]here[/URL] [URL="http://eden.cc/"]here[/URL] [URL="http://www.twistsystems.co.uk/"]here[/URL] [URL="http://capturethevalley.com/"]here[/URL] [URL="http://www.energycrew.ca/"]here[/URL] [URL="http://www.wellcodeit.com/"]here[/URL] [URL="http://www.kompakt.cz/"]here[/URL] [I]you may follow the color palette of # 4 and 7[/I] IE, FF, Opera, Safari equal! If you can …

Member Avatar for knight fyre

Is there any way to make a form so that it sends the information to my email with just xhtml and css when submit button is used. A colleague suggested using "mailto:myemailaddy@hotmail.com" in the action attribute but that did not work.

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for amandamay

Hello, I have built a site that looks just how I and the client wanted it in Safari and Firefox, but Internet Explorer tears it to pieces. I would post code here, but I just don't know which part of it is wrong - the site is [url]http://www.sarahamosstudio.com[/url] Please tell …

Member Avatar for CassieJ

The End.