10,649 Topics

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Member Avatar for Chaky1

[COLOR="Green"][B][I]Hi I am a amatuer web designer working in web design company and I was wondering if you surf the web , you visit sites and like their design and set up are you allow to built a site of your own copying the other web sites design. I don't …

Member Avatar for HI2Japan
Member Avatar for dwd

I've got a really strange problem that I haven't been able to crack. On my [URL="http://www.daviddaniell.com"]web page[/URL], when viewing it on IE7, most of the hyperlinks do not work when the link is rendered near [I]the [B]top half[/B] of the body of the page[/I]. For example, see [URL="http://www.daviddaniell.com/discography"]the "Discography" page …

Member Avatar for RoofTopMedia
Member Avatar for lighthead

hey, i am a newbee to web development.i was wondering as to what is the best platform for creating dynamic websites.... i mean which is better php/myql. , asp , coldfusion etc... with respect to ease of coding and hosting

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Cobber

Hi, I didn't know where to post this so I chose here :o A one-man operation affiliate program I belong to has a generic website. To get to your own affiliate site, members simply add /?username to the URL. No problem there. However, when advertising your affiliate site, the ?username …

Member Avatar for PlatinumBullet
Member Avatar for woofytalk

Dani, How did you make your home page come up when you type in [url]www.daniweb.com[/url] The forumhome page in vbulletin is stored in /forums/index.php so how did you avoid that and have your homepage come up when a person just types [url]www.daniweb.com?[/url] -Jay

Member Avatar for PlatinumBullet
Member Avatar for janicefernandes

I make small websites with admin pages coded in asp. The client can change the text and images on certain pages like products and gallery using the admin pages. I sometimes face problems while developing the site and want to put the entire site and admin side on some free …

Member Avatar for janicefernandes
Member Avatar for aswaddling

I am using dreamweaver and am trying to desgn a page that has a horizontal banner with product images in it. i would like these images to scroll to the left when the mouse moves to the left (on top of the images) or to the right when the mouse …

Member Avatar for ajaxius
Member Avatar for Geminyi

New to CSS, and am just learning usage of dreamweaver so sorry if my question seems basic, and yes i am guilty of using WYSIWYG software. Usually i fight until i figure it out, but this problem has got the best of me this time. What happens is everything seems …

Member Avatar for Fungus1487
Member Avatar for janicefernandes

where can I get a list of extremely beautifull websites in various industries like stone industry, telecom industry and other major industries. When I get a website project for a particular industry - example - stone industry, i usually try to see maximum websites for stone industry through google or …

Member Avatar for rudevils
Member Avatar for techna
Member Avatar for techna
Member Avatar for Mr.popo

Ive made my main navigation linkable. The problem is that there are gaps between The images which are links. Its definetly the links because i tried it without links and it works. Why is this happenening and how could I sort it? I have set img { border: none; }. …

Member Avatar for Mr.popo
Member Avatar for cherryteresa

Hi guys! I'm a n00b here on this community. So hello there! I re-did my myspace profile [URL="http://www.myspace.com/cherryteresa"]www.myspace.com/cherryteresa[/URL] in CSS and I can't figure out to fix a certain issue. For users who have smaller screens or resolutions of 800x600 or less, the left side of the screen is not …

Member Avatar for cherryteresa
Member Avatar for nonpersonal23

Greetings, Im an amateur programmer.Actually i just started programming, and I have a part time freelance i took up on lotus web application. I am having problem trying to figure how to create a button on the web using lotus notes to send an email to a particular recipient. The …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for welshbaloney

Hello, I'm another newbie. I've been trying to create my site using css rather than tables and frames and I'm almost there. My page consists of a content area with an image wrapped around it. I've broken the image into divs as follows: [code]<div id="wrapper"> <div id="header">header image here</div> <div …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for sassy14udd

[URL="http://www.geocities.com/sassy14udd2/soul.html"]My Problem[/URL] I would like to place the sub links from the left on to the right side with sub links to each individual poem or story from My Soul. I want the sub-index to pop up in the white box when the selected sub(Poetry, Erotics, Internet)links are clicked on... …

Member Avatar for sassy14udd
Member Avatar for Grantmitch1

Hello Daniweb Community. I am developing a website for my web design coursework qualification. I have made up a system which uses a database to calculate blackmarks on a users account (as in warning level) now this works fine but to show it on the users profile page I have …

Member Avatar for saranya_arun

I have 4 radio buttons and 4 text boxes, say for eg: r1, r2, r3 and r4 and t1, t2, t3 and t4 respectively. [B]On load of the page all 4 text boxes will be disabled[/B], when i click on r1, t1 must get enabled. When i click on r2, …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for Canea

I am building my first website using a company which offers hosting services and ready css templates. I am learning the basics searching on the net and through books for newbies. Asked for help to the company customer assistance and the answer was again: ‘cannot assist you on this’. This …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for kobi

Hello there im using the following command: <OBJECT data ="C:\AA\bin\my_html.html" width="500" Height="300"></OBJECT> In order to show other frame in my html page. when i load the page on the browser i get the folowing error: "Cannot find file: '///C/AA/bin/my_htm.html' Make sure the path or Internet address is correct" as you …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for sm3truckin

The "Blog Archive" widget in my Blogger nav bar has the first ~2 letters cropped off when viewed in IE7.0. any idea how to fix this?? ([url]http://truckinthroughlife.blogspot.com[/url]) the cropping's consistent in every tier, even though the position/padding's obvs different. also, changing css for .widget-list or .widget-content padding/margin/position has no effect …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for frezek
Member Avatar for csteverun

What I am trying to achieve is a 3 layer effect. The first layer should be fully visible. The second layer should black but 50% transparent, showing through to the first layer's content. The third layer should be on top of the transparent layer, but fully visible (no transparency). When …

Member Avatar for csteverun
Member Avatar for Rion

[COLOR="red"][B]Has anyone here ever gone and taken a graphics class? I am taking one right now and I am not sure if I would recommend it unless you do not have your own software. I feel that I am wasting a lot of time in the class when I could …

Member Avatar for HI2Japan
Member Avatar for ksbr

I am creating a website and would love to have animated cartoons like the REDBULL ones shown on TV as part of the branding of the site. I have found RINGTALES.COM and atomfilms.com but cant find a directory of websites/cartoonists who might be interested in working on this. Can anyone …

Member Avatar for theimben
Member Avatar for punkrockbboy

Hi all, just wondering if anyone here can help me out with a headache that Dreamweaver CS3 is causing me, when i write my HTML i have a certain way of laying it out so that i can quickly look it up and down and find any problems (not that …

Member Avatar for Dsiembab
Member Avatar for janicefernandes

suppose I have a flash slider displaying 10 images as a slide show using dynamic flash. I mean the 10 images are not incorporated into the flash itself, but read from a subdirectory using dynamic flash. in static flash, the entire flash file of 200kb is downloaded to the pc …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for magneto

could I please have some help turning the following CSS document so it looks like spring instead of winter (including the sub-menu): [ICODE]html { overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; } form { display:inline; } img { vertical-align:middle; border:0px } BODY { font-family: Verdana, Tahoma; Arial; sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #64758c; margin: …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for janicefernandes

I am a amateur website designer / developer. I realize after developing some websites that in terms of user interface and physical beauty, there are stunningly beautifull websites online. They also have a host of wonderfull features like site search, slide shows, news scrollers etc etc. i have an idea …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for janicefernandes

a website is made up of many components like logo, menu system, news scroller, flash image slider etc etc. take a menu system - earlier we used to search at random on google for free scripts to make menus. then we discovered top professional software like sothink dhtml menu which …

Member Avatar for tommyt755
Member Avatar for phattykatty

I have constructed a web application in Dreamweaver CS3 and uploaded it to my server which uses Hostmonster. I would like for the form to be emailed as it appears with the applicants information allocated to an email address. Hostmonster supports php, cgi, etc. scripts. I am a novice when …

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The End.