10,649 Topics

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Member Avatar for JulieM

I have Dreamweaver MX 2004, and Windows XP. I'm trying to validate and alter a template in Dreamweaver. (Template has one table, and seven editable regions.) First problem - can't make changes to some of the HTML, such as moving header markers outside of paragraphs. I can only change programming …

Member Avatar for JulieM
Member Avatar for cheetuh

when i try to validate my website at w3c i get mor ethan 1000 erros. can some one tell me why? one of the errors is : Error [I]Line 4 column 52[/I]: end tag for "meta" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified. <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us"[B]>[/B]You may have neglected to close …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi all, I need to have a semi transparent picture hovering over a windows media player plugin video. How do i do this? Html preferably... Thanks, Max

Member Avatar for MDGM
Member Avatar for rickymartin001

Please help I have uploaded my site but the submit button code does not work. I want to send details in my email. Please help me out. I do not know CGI or PERL please help.

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for RochelleJoshua

Will someone please explain to me how do you set up a basic table with 2 columns and be able to resize them in html.

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for ChoosenJoe

I have an absolute positioned div that is with a z-index of like 1000 so that it`s over all the elements of the page, but the checkboxes keep poping out in IE, in FF it works fine.

Member Avatar for chunkmartinez
Member Avatar for pmayer

I've used Dreamweaver before and linked mp3's etc. Now, I want to link text to a PDF and test it and I get an error! Please help!

Member Avatar for pmayer
Member Avatar for MDGM

What DOCTYPE do i need to use this script? go on this link to find it: [URL]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/style/csslibrary/item/suckertree-menu-horizontal/P30/[/URL] Thanks! Max

Member Avatar for katarey
Member Avatar for vexhawk

This first issue is actually my main concern: Please go here for reference: [URL]http://www.omegaboi.com/test/[/URL] On the menu, (the blue bar) if you hover over it you can see it turn white, yes? Okay.. Now between the keywords (HOME etc. etc.) you find a " | " dividing them, which is …

Member Avatar for katarey
Member Avatar for travis1776

Please help. Our church is wanting to begin broadcasting our services live online from our website. How do we do this? Any help or direction would be great.

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for R41

Some web sites, like google, work very well on the Pocket PC and the Palm machines. Others, like my feeble attempt, do not do so well. Does anybody have guidlines on how to make a web site be PDA compatible? I'm not using any fancy tools, I use the Notepad …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for dtarp92833

I have purchased a flash template from Template Monster and need someone that can install it for me on my home page of a new e-commerce site hopefully going live next Friday Nov.10. Please respond with background and pricing. I don't believe it is hard if you have the background.

Member Avatar for katarey
Member Avatar for The Dude

Here is something that might help you :) [url=http://www.zeit.ca/mozie]Gecko/MSHTML Comparison Tool[/url]

Member Avatar for sre999
Member Avatar for HLA91

Hi I have some pictures i want to place on my website their on my hard drive.Is there a code to place it on the web page? I've got a HTML book but it doesnt tell me how to it just tells you the basics. I use notepad to write …

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for HLA91

Hi I made a web page for my friends about things that have happened in school. My friend suggested i should place a blog so people can place comments, suggestions etc..... . I googled this idea but came up with nothing. Is there a script to make one if there …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi all, I have set up my website with tables, with columns on the left, then a center with the main content in, then another table will the content on the right. Whenever i have a lot of text in the center, the columns on the left go bigger, therefor …

Member Avatar for MDGM
Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

well the problem i am talking abt is universal among the web developers, i suppose. so when i make page lot of time and head is consumed while checking it under different browsers. i use topstyle pro for this purpose but i am still not satsfied. i dont want to …

Member Avatar for autocrat
Member Avatar for autocrat

Okay... this is bound to result ins a whole bunch of "personal" opinions, but I shall ignore those :) It is possible to apply borders with CSS. What is not yet fully supported are the various special "fancy" border options for things like Curved Edges, Drop Shadows etc... so we …

Member Avatar for autocrat
Member Avatar for chunkmartinez

On my web page i have a footer image that is to go on the bottom of the page, but is also to be centered(like a centered footer on the bottom of a page!!) I know that if i use the center tag, tahat i cant use the position:absolute style …

Member Avatar for chunkmartinez
Member Avatar for phillip9

Hello, Is it possible to create a menu template in CSS? I thought only style code could be put in the CSS, but a friend says that I could create a menu template using CSS. The menu would have 2 horizontal lines at the top for choices and there would …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for cool_78

Hi! i am new to all this web development and I was wondering if anyone is familiar with GoDaddy's website tonight. I got the free one that comes with the domain. I was wondering how do I upload my directory template on it? I cant seem to figure it out. …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for MDGM

hi all!! This is my text only back-up menu at the bottom of my page, but the colours from my origional external css sheet look bad on its background, so how do i make them a different colour? Here is the code for the hyperlink: [code]<tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td height="20" class="stylesheet3" …

Member Avatar for MDGM
Member Avatar for marwan4

i am starting a new forum , and right now i am making a welcome email to be sent to users on registration , i dont know how to make a welcome email that contains pictures and links , i have tried to send some emails to my self writing …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for gilb29

im going to redesign my website. is anyone able to help me on making gold glowy text in photoshop? or know of a tutorial to make it.

Member Avatar for katarey
Member Avatar for Alicat

Hello, I need to implement a search feature on a CD that's comprised of html files. The html files contain names of and links to files (Powerpoint, Excel, PDFs, Video). Most of these files are loaded on the CD. Some are accessible only via the internet. I'd like to have …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for garylee

Hi CSS Gurus, I need your help urgently as my company needs a printed out report in Landscape Orientation instead of Portrait. I have successfully converted all the BODY Text into landscape by using the below css code: [html]<STYLE type=text/css media=print> .page {WRITING-MODE: tb-rl; HEIGHT: 80%} </style>[/html] Unfortunately, I failed …

Member Avatar for Rhyan
Member Avatar for bladerbole

I'm trying to open Notepad through my webpage, but I have script after the open command that needs to be completed, and when I run the script, it opens notepad, but then it says something about having to download the program. But when i press 'open' it opens it right …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

I am making some changes to a website for a friend, (because the guy who created her website charges $50 an hour, and I'm only $25). And I noticed that he has her set up with an index.html, and a home.html. Both of the pages are identical. When you type …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for mage

i just got a new drawing tablet and i want to use it with flash. i can get it to draw like a mouse but i want it to be sensitive to pen pressur. you know a light touch with the pen give you a thin line a heavy touch …

Member Avatar for roryt
Member Avatar for bazmanblue

I have produced the following code so that all div tags mmove with the browser[HTML]<style type="text/css"> <!-- #Layer1 { width:800px; height:800px; margin:auto auto; overflow: hidden; } #Layer2 { position:relative; width:501px; height:115px; z-index:1; left:280px; bottom:780px; background-color: #FFFFFF; } #Layer3 { position:relative; width:250px; height:115px; z-index:2; left:20px; bottom:895px; background-color:#FFFFFF; } #Layer4 { position:relative; …

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The End.