10,649 Topics
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ok let me first thankyou forlooking at this.... the site : [url]www.yourcompsolution.com[/url] It all looks ok structure wise when your browser ismaximised, however, resize it until you see the top navbar squish down. You'll notice that yourscrollbar gets largerat the bottom, scroll over andyou'll see how everything falls askew... How … | |
I'm not happy with the control, nor copy on my pages. I've seen some justified (fairly crisp) type at different web sites, but I've not been able to duplicate this adequately in my application. I've tried several things. First, I like Photoshop CS, but you can't justify there. Then I … | |
I use Hotdog as an editor, and I've used the "Justify" alignment tags around type, but nothing happens. In otherwords, I'm not sure the tags work period. Most everyone still uses flush left, which is fine, but there are some things I'd like justified in my work. Can anyone tell … | |
Ok, I've heard so many times that a macintosh platform is better for graphics, video editing, etc. Aside from programs that come with the mac os, I see no evidence that the mac is truly better for multimedia. Somebody PLEASE prove that the MAC os is better for multimedia than … | |
Hi all, Anyone know of any really good web design boards with a lot of traffic? I'm not getting any responses on here. Thanks & have a great Saturday :lol: Michelle | |
Here is my blog, but I want another place to chat using posts such as a message board similar to this one, and I want to use the blog soley as a home page, so... A) How can I disable messaging from the blog. B) I know how to add … | |
Hey dani, I notice that all of the links in these forums always open up a new window, is that a feature of vbulletin or is there someway I can declare that globally? | |
Does anybody know how I can use a css defined div to keep a footer at the bottom of the page regardless of how much content is in the page? I found a solution [url="http://mail.sladesfaculty.com/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://scott.sauyet.name/CSS/Demo/FooterDemo1.html"][u][font=Arial][color=#0000ff]http://scott.sauyet.name/CSS/Demo/FooterDemo1.html[/color][/font][/u][/url] but it's incompatible with opera :(. please help Thanks in advance, Cheers, Slade. | |
i was jsut about to start on python, and i was googling around, and came to a page on begining programming, and ect. And he recomended i learned html first before any programming language, but he didnt say html, he said xhtml. So i was wondering Is HTML mandatory to … | |
i have flash mx pro 2004 and director mx 2004. I want to bulid an animated menu in flash and then burn it with dvd content. I know that macromedia director can make dvds but i dont know how and dont know if those dvds play on dvd players. So … | |
Hmm... Please excuse my technical knowledge [ Which you will see from my question :evil: ] . My question is that I created a table on the bottom of my page my page. What I want to do is that I want the font size absolutely fixed... i.e. if someone … | |
Hello all I wonder, if any one downloaded the free footage from [URL=http://www.backmoves.com]backmoves.com[/URL]??? Ok!! how can use them in my website ??? Thanx in advance | |
Greetings. I have 2 columns layout using <div>. Say, <div id="navMenu"> and <div id="content">. Is it possible to target links clicked on "navMenu" to be displayed in "content"? I have done this using iFrame. Can I do it without using any frames? Please advice. Thanks. | |
Ok, so I've just spent a couple hours getting my site set up the way(in my limited abilities) I want it. I'm ok with the layout, and I set all the fonts for the text. I did this using an Apple, but in Windows IE makes all the text look … | |
I know it's a simple thing, but I've never tried it. Can someone tell me the HTML to do this with? :o Thanks, BuddyB | |
Ok guys, here's the deal. I am using css for my website, everything is super duper, except for ONE page. It's the login page, I have used a table for the login box so as to position everything properly. What I want to know is, (btw the table is in … | |
Hello, I designed a web page (index.aspx) in C# showing the country map and the cities. There are city names (linkbuttons with click event) under the country map. On the country map, I have city maps and their links: <body MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout"> <map name="Map1"> <area shape="POLY" coords="41,25,48,20,54" href="london.aspx"> </map> <form id="Form1" … | |
I was just wondering if you think that these forums might operate smoother with underlined links? A lot of newbies visit the tech support forums here, and they're all used to associating links with underlined words. Many other people do so as well. Do you think that underlining links makes … | |
With my good share of web surfing i have seen some horrible color schemes and i thought i should share 2 color secrets i know of. one i found and one i was recommeneded to;) The first which i use alot is behr.com's color smart system. you may thing wait … | |
Greetings. I have attached herewith a snippet of codes from my web page. I tried to "protect" the original image + I would like to center my original image. By using this css option, I realised that both the original & transparent image moved to the left relatively. How can … | |
I'm trying to make an eBay ad with an HTML editor (FrontPage '02). What I'm selling is over 1500 rare collectible cards, and I've very painstakenly created a worksheet using Excel '03. My whole objective was to create the worksheet (spreadsheet or database, not sure if I'm using the right … | |
[i][font=Tahoma]Hi! I'm delighted to have found your site! Here's the issue: After initalizing Digital Image Pro 7, it hangs up when I attempt to access the open files icon. The error message and details are as follows: szAppName : Pip.exe szAppVer : 7.0.709.0 szModName : hungapp szModVer : offset … | |
Does everyone here design for 800x600 resolution or for 1024x768, are there any tricks to making sites look good on both, flash, html, etc... | |
Is there a program (such as Dreamweaver, Visual Studio.NET, etc) that will parse my HTML code and make it XHTML complient? For example, I'd like to throw at it all of the pages of TechTalk forums and have it automatically convert, for example [code]<input type=submit name=submit value=Go>[/code] [b]to[/b] [code]<input type="submit" … | |
Like on [url]http://www.popsci.com/[/url], when you click on the menu icons, they stay there while the page loads. How is this done? Thanks. | |
Hello i would like to put a blob on my site. [img]http://casacuddeford.com/blob.bmp[/img] ^ this is the kind of of thing want. Thanks | |
hello everyone, I am creating a website but i need to put an image at the very top left of the page, there is always a gap between the edge and the image. I used this code, [CODE]<body leftmargin="0"> [/CODE] but it only moved the image along slightly more to … | |
I have to know the definition of Bouncing and Forcing frames for some work I have to do... what does each do? I'm not sure all I get when I look in google is stuff about bouncing balls. Thanks in advance Slade | |
I recently upgraded to a G5 Mac and it's not compatible with Virtual PC yet. I used to use MS Internet Explorer on VPC to check what the Web site I was working on would look like on a PC. Fonts and some table would display different, so I would … | |
I am trying to find out code or way of making sure noone can right click and save images on the website..there must be a way..I am working on Dreamweaver - so I am not very code literate...any suggestions?? |
The End.