5,080 Topics

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Member Avatar for Iggystooge

Sorry to bother this forum, but I don't know who else to ask. Please redirect me to a more appropriate forum if needed. I've had a website for my wife for the last 12 years. She is an artist. I registered her domain name through Network Solutions. Her site has …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for happygeek

It's not often that Microsoft recommends that Windows users should disable a much hyped part of the OS, but that's exactly what has happened regarding the Windows Sidebar and Windows Gadgets found in Windows Vista and Windows 7. [Microsoft Security Advisory 2719662](http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/advisory/2719662) clearly states "Disabling the Windows Sidebar and Gadgets …

Member Avatar for chiccosilva
Member Avatar for sachintha81

In my C++ Win32 program I want to set the current Display Settings to "Extend" mode. I Googled and found out that SetDisplayConfig() is the way to go forward in Windows 7 (I'm on Windows 7) but now I am kind of stuck how to proceed as the MSDN explanation …

Member Avatar for sriv
Member Avatar for daudww

when i work in internet my computer works in internet but it does not work in other programs how i can solve this problem thanks

Member Avatar for johhny-marshal
Member Avatar for Q8iEnG

Dear friends, I'm trying to "Write" Chrome-OS.img to a USB flash which is of size 4GB, Booting Chrome OS from a USB flash. I'm using "win32diskimager-binary" to do that. The problem is when I try to "Write" the image, this error message appears: (Writing to a physical device can corrupt …

Member Avatar for Q8iEnG
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hello, anyone can suggest some tried apps which have reminders and/or to-do options available to use with Windows 7 64 bit?

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4
Member Avatar for kenth21v

Hi guys! I have a problem I can't resolve. My brother compressed the System Reserved drive in his Acer Aspire laptop. then the problem occur. APEJU IS COMPRESSED CRT + ALT + DELETE to restart. there. Anyone knows how to fix? thanks !

Member Avatar for kenth21v
Member Avatar for C0ding

Hello everyone, I would like to mention that i am not a Windows Vista user anymore since Windows 7 is out, But while i used to be with Windows Vista i never had any problems with it til yesterday... The problem i am having is with, is the Task Sheduler …

Member Avatar for sinthesisml
Member Avatar for alkha

i would like to know where or how to get windows 7 for my mac...please help me somewhere on the web or something....thnks*

Member Avatar for ehowmag
Member Avatar for caperjack

what a lowsy bunch of questions and answers on this site ,when your trying to find an answers or information ,[BS](https://www.google.ca/search?q=5600+error&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=rcs#hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=Pax&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial&channel=rcs&sclient=psy-ab&q=canon+error+5600+solution&oq=cannon+5600+error&gs_l=serp.1.1.0i22l2.33348.35652.0.38475.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=e406f5e9e17aa29b&biw=1600&bih=1032)

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for capton

Please how do i really hide the system reserved partition in windows 7 without any harm to my system. And i want to know what hiding a Drive's letter imply. Please!

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for darthlight

Hi guys, can someone help me with my problem on modifying a program (*specifically a 3rd party program for an Online game*)it has a one restriction that no one can use the program,except the ones listed on its "ALLOWED CHARS: .. can u help me guys? i cant post the …

Member Avatar for DELL_deepa
Member Avatar for askhari139

can anybbody suggest some browsers which are both userfriendly and consume less physical memory...

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for neokwazz

please i would like to know how i can get windows 7 home premium 32bit product key

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for mistycloud

I run Win 7 Home Premium. All of a sudden I got a problem with upstarting browsers. The browser processes start for a second, then disappear. Browsers (windows) do not start. Here is detail description. I have 2 browsers: firefox and IE. When I start my computer and try to …

Member Avatar for chronic.cohen
Member Avatar for Ruler286

Recently, i went to go do the IPconfig In CMD... it came up and said this... C:usersColtenipconfig 'ipconfig' is not recongnized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Then it creates a new line. Its like my classpath/Path or somthing is messed up.. All help Greatly …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for rokstarrdude

my internet connection is working but i am not able to sign in any messenger and not able to play online multiplayers games. I am facing this problem from last 3 days. I am using a wireless connection.

Member Avatar for Mike+9
Member Avatar for eposner

Greetings, I have a Toshiba Satellite Laptop running Windows7. Upon start-up, it goes to "Windows Error Recovery". I have tried F8 to start in Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking, Same Mode with Command Prompt, and it goes to "Loading Windows Files" and scolls for two seconds and stops, then …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Noodles156

I am attempting to boot a machine with windows 7 installed into safe mode but the option does not appear to be there. The only options availible are "start windows normally" and "Repair your Computer." The machine boots fine otherwise but I need to access safe mode for other printer …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for DeathsDesign

When using Remote assistance in windows 7 it shows a list(albeit a small one) of past addresses(ip or computername) that you have logged into. Problem is it is numeric/alphabetic order. Is there a registry setting I can change so it will show me this History in chronological order? TIA.

Member Avatar for DeathsDesign
Member Avatar for Manojit Ghosh

This is my first post in this forum. Suppose there is a web page with url : www.somesite.com/pages/1 I can save this page easily using Ctrl+s within a second. But my question is if there are say,600 web pages starting from www.somesite.com/pages/1 to www.somesite.com/pages/600 and I want to save all …

Member Avatar for LaxLoafer
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hello, I recently activated the hibernate option on my computer, but found out that the Hiberfil.sys file takes around 2-3GB of space on the hard-disk. Why is that so?

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4
Member Avatar for rika_257

so i had a little problem with hjsplit which is error:I/O 123 but before finding the solution for the error (which is simply changing the folder name) i made things worst i chose to "open with" "media player" and that changed the file name from avi.001, avi.002 to avi only …

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4
Member Avatar for Portalplay22

I got a new gaming pc yesterday, and it was working fine. The next day I hit the power button and it started to boot, and shuts of again after about 5 seconds, then turns back on and shuts off after 5 seconds, repeat. (until I turn off the master …

Member Avatar for HTMLperson5
Member Avatar for JacobJMLP

how to: make windows think I have a HP computer while I have a thoshiba? I have some Legal windows7 dvd's but can onley juse them win I have a HP(than I must not enter key) or windows recognize a HP computer but I don't now how to do that. …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for amqc

If your system is hanging, try this before you muck around with driver software and system settings. For a while my PC kept crashing / freezing and it was totally random. I couldn't find a solution to the problem so after searching, I came across the answer in another forum. …

Member Avatar for phill fenton
Member Avatar for Nickair

Is there a way to take an installation disc such as Office 2010 and create a bootable file that i can put on a flash drive and connect to a computer and run it like a setup file? I dont want to create a bootable usb. Just create a bootable …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for mmsasi

how to recover my window7 password from the laptop which doesn't have a cdwriter?

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Siberian

I've lost my Windows7 Administrator Password, causing me to be unable to install programs or do other system tasks. I've search this forum and found some answers, but none seem to work. I'd like to be able to change the password without doing anything extreme to Windows.

Member Avatar for firdousahmad
Member Avatar for fara26462

when i am switching on my laptop its showing starting windows but not proceeding after that i tried the option of repairs recommended and it found the problem your computer was unable to start and it resolved the problem and my laptop started but the other day i had same …

Member Avatar for JorgeM

The End.