3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for nicky-river

Hi everyone, This is just a short description on the various classes & interfaces that help you write an application, which can parse an XML document. The SAX API consists of the foll. packages :- [I]org.xml.sax[/I] - This package contains the basic interfaces of the SAX API. Some of the …

Member Avatar for ajithraj
Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy

I am creating a site where normally I would store this kind of information in a database. It is information that will most likely never.. EVER be changed again unless it needs administrative modification. Just possibly deleted ^^ I was thinking about storing a link in a database that leads …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for poizn

Hi all I have created a SOAP server, and want to register multiple functions, but only the last function is registered (well is useable). If I call any of the other functions, they just return FALSE! Here is my code [code] // register function 1 $server -> configureWSDL("func_1wsdl" , "urn:func_1wsdl"); …

Member Avatar for CelestialDog

Hi guys, I've been searching around trying to find a solution to this problem. Basically I wrote a simple php script to create an xml file of the information thats passed to it. Testing it locally works without a problem, but when I upload it to my web space I …

Member Avatar for CelestialDog
Member Avatar for emmanueloladele

Hello all, I want to transform an xml file on the fly using javascript. I want my xslt xpath information to be dymanically generated on firing an event. e.g. I want value to be passed to my xslt document when a user picks a drop down mennu or select a …

Member Avatar for mostafadotnet
Member Avatar for sbv

Hello friends.... I an unknown to XML. Is XML is used for Page formatting or as a stylesheet creater etc..... What this code is doing.................. [Code] var screenDocPath = Server.MapPath("screens/"+call+".xslt")//***APP VARIABLE var screenDoc = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument") screenDoc.async = false screenDoc.load(screenDocPath) <%=dataDoc.transformNode(screenDoc)%> [/code]

Member Avatar for sbv
Member Avatar for teddyzhai

Hi, there: I'm recently working on parsing xml file in c++. i have googled sort of libraries. just dont which one is better. Could someone who has experience say sth. about it. I mean, "right" easy to learn, light -weight... 3ks Regard Teddy

Member Avatar for teddyzhai
Member Avatar for Thinka

The title of the thread is my random yet hopefully simple question. I "googled" it but didn't find anything that seemed concrete, and so I'm hoping that someone on here will know. So again the question is, Is Vista based on XML, and if so, would it be correct to …

Member Avatar for Abertawe
Member Avatar for Member 164344

Dear all, how to dynamically build an XML document with IIS6 and 404 error custom handler? At the moment if I dinamically create an XML page with Response.Write(<xml code here>) I cannot remove header "404 errorpagepath" that IIS adds automatically. How to remove that header from Response object? Thank you …

Member Avatar for Kim Rowden
Member Avatar for shubha_mishra

Hi All, I have questions related to SAML. 1- As per my req. i shoudl be login into one system which is on windows xp and from that Ihave to login on third party system which can be netware or anything else. I want to know can I use SAML …

Member Avatar for nikk

Hi friends, I'm creating a website for my college project. I came to know that to run it through tomcat, you need to create web.xml file first. i saw the readymade file in root directory of tomcat, but could not understand, how to modify (or create) it so as to …

Member Avatar for nikk
Member Avatar for ptaylor965

Is it possible to issue SQL Style Commands to manipulate data from XML Files ie. SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE The reason i ask is the i want to write an appliclation that will store the database with the application but with out the user needing to have MSAssess (for …

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for nilay.rathod

Hello Frnds, I m configuring msxml in my VC++ but it s giving some errors like Error 13 fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found D:\Major_project\practice\validate\Debug\validate.dll Error 11 error LNK2005: "public: virtual __thiscall _com_error::~_com_error(void)" (??1_com_error@@UAE@XZ) already defined in stdafx.obj comsuppwd.lib Error 12 error LNK2005: "public: static long …

Member Avatar for hanifa

Hi, this is my requirement : I have a c++ library/API in the server and client computers running Java applets can send data over to the server and server after processing will send the resultant data back. What I have done: Following the excellant tutorial at [url]http://www.linux.com/feature/113947?&depth=5&order=1&sortby=3&render=flat[/url] titled "Creating Web …

Member Avatar for Ezani

Hi all! I'm really excited to be a part of this forum. I'm trying to open a SOAP file from a common dialog in VB6 and then use the MSSOAPReader to read the SOAP file's envelope, body, header, etc. My code is as follows :- [code] Dim Reader As New …

Member Avatar for bvalvo

Please excuse me if this is not the correct forum for this question. [B]"How do I code HTML to use XML data in a web link?"[/B] I want to use XML data to easily change server names for links on 15+ web sites with 100+ pages. Normally, a link would …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for pack

Hi I am not much experienced in JSP. I am facing one problem while printing a XML String on the screen. Code snippet -> String result = ab.returnResult(); result is returning a XML String..Suppose <A>123</A><B>SIR</B><C>21</C> I am printing -> <tr><td><%= result %></td></tr> I am getting 123SIR21 as output in the …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for nicky-river

Hi everyone, This is a small survey I am conducting on XML. Please read the question & please cast your votes on this topic. Thank you.

Member Avatar for rspercy

This is going to sound a little STUPID on my part. I am creating a vb 2K8 Ex. Ed. MP3 player. I would like to know how to creat an xml file. This is my table contents. Column Name Data Type Notes PlayListTitle nvarchar(50) Primary Key PlayList xml I have …

Member Avatar for abrou

I'm fairly new to XML and I have one question that I've been trying to figure out for a long time, but up to now I've been able to ignore. I now think it is causing me problems in my code. When is a node not an element node? What …

Member Avatar for Sayad2000

' For example in the following code I need to pick up an Attribute in an XML file, but for some nodes, the attribute is mispelt as "ANumberAnalysisCause" instead of "aNumberAnalysisCause". How can I pick up either of the two attribute node values? .. Set MoBN_AttributesNode = MoBN_Attributes.getNamedItem("aNumberAnalysisCause") MoAN_CAUSE(c_child) = …

Member Avatar for bushman_222
Member Avatar for majestic0110

Could someone please explain the difference between GML and SVG. I understand the GML is used to describe geographic data and that SVG is used to describe vector graphics, but how do the two link and what are the other fundamental differences? many thanks

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Member Avatar for TheAlex

Hello...I've been trying to figure out this problem for most of the week - it's my second attempt at any XML and my first at XSLT so I haven't got a complete grasp of what I'm doing yet. Any help will be muchly appreciated. :) The problem is, the code …

Member Avatar for TheAlex
Member Avatar for acampolonghi

Hi, This is My problem: I receive datas from an xml Feed and I always worked in this way: <cftry> <!--- fetch data from web service ---> <cfhttp url="http://www............. method="get" charset="utf-8"/> <cfset xmldata = cfhttp.fileContent> <cftry> <!--- extract data from XML document and convert to query ---> <cfset lstColumns = …

Member Avatar for l14n
Member Avatar for Dennis_Phils

Hi everyone, I'm having problem with the sequence of execution for xml.onload. It works fine if your not passing parameters to onload event but my code needs to pass parameter to its function. I'm able to research ablut passing parameters for onload event. However my problem is it only executes …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for cesarcesar

Hi, XML novice here with another question. I need to add a XML node like, [code] <child01> <child02> <text></text> <image>image 1</image> <image>image 2</image> </child02> </child01> [/code] into this node between the ending </child01> and beginning <child01> of the [code] <child01> <child02> <text></text> <image>image 1</image> <image>image 2</image> </child02> </child01> <child01> <child02> …

Member Avatar for cesarcesar
Member Avatar for cesarcesar

Howdy, I have an PHP page that edits XML files. I want ADD a new *id* attribute to all nodes on the page that do not have it all ready. Then i want to delete all of the values of *id* and set them as an incremental 1-x values down …

Member Avatar for dogma

I'm getting a problem with a database resource in Tomcat 5.5.25 The error (from the log) is: [code] Cannot create JDBC driver of class '' for connect URL 'null' java.lang.NullPointerException at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.getProtocol(JdbcOdbcDriver.java:507) at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.knownURL(JdbcOdbcDriver.java:476) at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.acceptsURL(JdbcOdbcDriver.java:307) at java.sql.DriverManager.getDriver(DriverManager.java:253) at org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSource.createDataSource(BasicDataSource.java:1143) at org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSource.getConnection(BasicDataSource.java:880) at org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.common.sql.QueryTagSupport.getConnection(QueryTagSupport.java:274) at org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.common.sql.QueryTagSupport.doStartTag(QueryTagSupport.java:159) at org.apache.jsp.test_002ddb_jsp._jspx_meth_sql_005fquery_005f7(test_002ddb_jsp.java:9766) at org.apache.jsp.test_002ddb_jsp._jspx_meth_c_005fcatch_005f7(test_002ddb_jsp.java:9732) …

Member Avatar for dogma
Member Avatar for Dha_King

Hello i'm trying to make a webpage that work well with handheld units (like a cellphone). Here is my problem. The admin should be able to delete post in a xml file, it's actually a guestbook with am xml page as database. Is there a way to delete this post …

Member Avatar for Agni

Hi, i'm a c++ programmer and for the first time i had to do some xml parsing in my code. i have been able to do that succesfully using the xercis library, fetching the value of each tag from an input XML file, however my concern is that what if …


The End.