3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for Barry_6

ok, this is possibly an unusual one... I have a friend who owns a shed-load of domain names, which he's always had the intention of setting up with full blown sites over time he isn't a coder, but he is a really good ideas guy Obviously, this means he is …

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for mitchell.schols

So, i'm working on a layout that has to be in xhtml.. i changed the extension from html > xhtml and i got this prompt.. "This page contains the following errors: error on line 15 at column 8: Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 0 and head Below is …

Member Avatar for Pradosh_1
Member Avatar for subha_2
Member Avatar for Lughen

How does POS been coded? First, get orders then store it in a container like listview or datagridview Second save data from container to xml file then import data from xml to database.

Member Avatar for Tyron_1
Member Avatar for Keven_1

the code will show you what im trying to do, I hope you understand im new to programming but know the basics of java and im trying to add Object Oriented Programming to my apps so its not procedural thanks , if you need more info to understand just ask …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for mldardy

I'm trying to code this in C# so it will output the values for each element in XML. Sample XML: <APIVersion>4.0</APIVersion> <PackageTrackingInfo> <TrackingNumber>123456789</TrackingNumber> <PackageDestinationLocation> <City>Seattle</City> <StateProvince>WA</StateProvince> <PostalCode>98107</PostalCode> <CountryCode>US</CountryCode> </PackageDestinationLocation> <PackageDeliveryDate> <ScheduledDeliveryDate>2004-09-15</ScheduledDeliveryDate> <ReScheduledDeliveryDate>2004-09-18</ReScheduledDeliveryDate> </PackageDeliveryDate> <TrackingEventHistory> <TrackingEventDetail> <EventStatus>LK</EventStatus> <EventReason>AQ</EventReason> <EventDateTime>2004-08-22T11:00:00- 08:00</EventDateTime> <EventLocation> <City>SEATTLE</City> <StateProvince>WA</StateProvince> <PostalCode>98107</PostalCode> <CountryCode>US</CountryCode> </EventLocation> <SignedForByName>JOHN GALT</SignedForByName> </TrackingEventDetail> </PackageTrackingInfo> Here …

Member Avatar for mldardy
Member Avatar for mldardy

I am trying get c# to select multiple nodes in XML. I'm not sure how to do this here is the xml code followed by c#: <PackageTrackingInfo> <TrackingNumber>123456789</TrackingNumber> <PackageDestinationLocation> <City>Seattle</City> <StateProvince>WA</StateProvince> <PostalCode>98107</PostalCode> <CountryCode>US</CountryCode> </PackageDestinationLocation> <PackageDeliveryDate> <ScheduledDeliveryDate>2004-09-15</ScheduledDeliveryDate> And here is c# code: public string ProcessXML(string xmlRequest) { XmlDocument rsp = null; …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for spot_1
Member Avatar for Gloak

I am not a computer professional, only like to develop my own toys. I am using Globi Flow to get the info I need from the XML file. All is done, except for one instance where I do not have the closing tag Regular node with closing tag: <proper price>$4</price> …

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Member Avatar for pradeep_12

I have a ASP.net Web API, that I am trying to host on IIS 10 (Windows 10 Pro). If I access this Web API form Angular 2 app, I get the following error XMLHttpRequest cannot load Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Vishnu_11

Here is my source XML: <Chat> <Chat StartTime="2017-05-28T02:05:52"> <message userId="02A0592964A8F75F" timeShift="4"> <msgText> Hi </msgText> </message> <message userId="123458566666666B" timeShift="30"> <msgText> Hello.. How can I Help You. ? </msgText> </message </Chat> I need an XSL to trnsform the source as: <Chats> <message time="2017-05-28T02:05:56" userId="02A0592964A8F75F">Hi</message> <message time="2017-05-28T02:06:32" userId="02A0592964A8F75F">Hello.. How can I Help You. …

Member Avatar for adaykin

Hello, I am looking for an API that will feed me soccer stats from leagues like the EPL, Bundesliga, Serie A, and La Liga such as personal player information (name, height, weight, dob, etc.), player statistics (goals, assists, minutes played), as well as results from games. If anyone knows of …

Member Avatar for binkish
Member Avatar for Stat_1

XML File :http://goalserve.com/samples/soccer_inplay.xml Model: [XmlRoot(ElementName = "localteam")] public class Localteam { [XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "name")] public string Name { get; set; } [XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "goals")] public string Goals { get; set; } [XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "id")] public string Id { get; set; } } Controller: XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); List<Localteam> s …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for gahhon

<customers> <customer> <ID>C1</ID> <FirstName>Jack</FirstName> <SurName>Wong</SurName> <Email>jack@hotmail.com</Email> <Password>081292</Password> </customer> <customer> <ID>C2</ID> <FirstName>Ashley</FirstName> <SurName>Rachael</SurName> <Email>ashley@hotmail.com</Email> <Password>081292</Password> </customer> <customer> <ID>C3</ID> <FirstName>Vongola</FirstName> <SurName>Steve</SurName> <Email>vongola@hotmail.com</Email> <Password>081292</Password> </customer> </customers> I have a existing xml showing like that. I did some research through net, but they all were talking about one element. For example `<Email>xxx@hotmail.com</Email>` But what …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Jay_24

I think XML is declarative , I am not sure though if you have the right answer could you please provide sources doing a project for analysis of programming languages. This information would be greatly appreciated.

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Member Avatar for infoitmanoj

I was write code for excel vba xml database values write into text file. when i using without any special characters xml values parsed into their text file without any issues but when i using special characters xml cannot parse special characters (&,- etc) error getting on my macro page. …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for gahhon

customer.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <customers> <customer> <ID>C1</ID> <FirstName>Kah Hon</FirstName> <SurName>Wong</SurName> <Email>gahhon@hotmail.com</Email> <Password>081292</Password> </customer> </customers> login.js var xHRObject = false; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) xHRObject = new XMLHttpRequest(); else if (window.ActiveXObject) xHRObject = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); function reset() { document.getElementsByName('txtEmail').value = ""; document.getElementsByName('txtPassword').value = ""; } function login() { var email = document.getElementsByName('txtEmail').value; var pass …

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Member Avatar for Vijaysurya

Hai every body, i need help in how to import this xml file into database using php i tried this way only one record only inserted, any body plz help me. $comment = $this->filepath."\\".$file ; $content = file_get_contents($plan); // Break it into an array.... ! $content_x = explode("<comment>", $content); reset($content_x); …

Member Avatar for Varadharaj_1
Member Avatar for momo_1

I have a form on my checkout page that redirect to the payment gateway and at same time write customer info on database, but i don't know how to pass info that customer just fill on the checkout page to the payment gateway. I use php xml for the dynamic …

Member Avatar for momo_1
Member Avatar for Chiquito

Hello!. I am trying to sign an xml with a key (.pfx) and when I sent it to who should receive it I get in response "Incorrect reference digest value". I am working with C# and** I need your help** to solve my problem. Here is my code, which I …

Member Avatar for Traevel
Member Avatar for Phil_7

I have found a source of and aledged xml file (although it is named as solarxml.php, when I download it the data that I want is there, i.e. solarflux, aindex, kindex and sunspots, but I have no idea how to determine how to extract the 4 data fields I want, …

Member Avatar for Traevel
Member Avatar for Phil_7

I have found a source of and aledged xml file (although it is named as solarxml.php, when I download it the data that I want is there, i.e. solarflux, aindex, kindex and sunspots, but I have no idea how to determine how to extract the 4 data fields I want, …

Member Avatar for Traevel
Member Avatar for usmanabb

Hello Guys, I am working on a Movie Platform and using XML file to upload/Publish Movies on to the platform. So for each Movie title I have to Edit and create an XML which is very time consuming and to be honest stupid. I want your help to suggest me …

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Member Avatar for Dani

I'm just laying here in bed browsing DaniWeb on my iPhone and I randomly clicked a link to the RSS feed. An iOS dialogue box popped up saying it was going to open in the News App. Then the Apple News app opened and it proceeded to tell me that …

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Member Avatar for alina_3

I am writing a android and windows native app. The native app stores the login details as reated for mulitple other web apps, and logs them into this when browsing to them from the native app. one of the buttons in my app open a [prestashop](https://www.siteground.com/tutorials/prestashop/) site for a authenticated …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for niobi

Hello, is there someone that can help me about the syntactic form of the file XML for the italian "FATTURA PA"? From 2017/01/01 is changed the file's form (rel 1.2), and the file created by my procedure is not accepted from the SDI system (outcome: "error 0200 - file not …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for fayyaz

Hi I have writen a web service. this web service has a method that returnes a Table as XML format and I need to use it as a table. how can i use this web service as a table. is any way to convert XML format to Table format Thank …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Abhinav_6

Hi guys, I am reletively new to php and laravel, can somebody please help me understad how and what the code will be to parse the" part.xml" file using laravel framework, my aim is to parse the given xml file, display it on browser and at the same time store …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Amaina

My question is related to an [answered question](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/web-development/threads/506078/parsing-xml-to-extract-attributes) that was asked here on the ever reliable forum - Daniweb. I have been trying to insert the parsed data as a string into mysql table in vain. This is what i am trying to do..... From the solution in the link …

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Member Avatar for Devon_3

This is my xml parsor class: public class DataHandler { static XmlSerializer serializer; public static void Initialize() { serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( dataset ) ); serializer.UnknownNode += new XmlNodeEventHandler( serializer_UnknownNode ); serializer.UnknownAttribute += new XmlAttributeEventHandler( serializer_UnknownAttribute ); } public static void ReadXML( string filename ) { FileStream fs = …

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The End.