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Member Avatar for michael123

I have a question about php mail() function. This function allows multiple recipients that separated by comma, for example: $mailto=",,"; mail($mailto,$subject,$message,$headers); If all recipients address are correct, no problem, mail can be sent properly. However if one address is no longer valid (for instance he leave company), this mail function …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for michael123

What's the difference between "include", "include_once", "require", "require_once"? thanks.

Member Avatar for GuggiTanvi
Member Avatar for michael123

I created a from which includes a textarea, this data will be saved to mysql, when I retrieve it, I want to only display the first two lines of this textarea data(ignore the rest), and only limit to text format(not html), how can I do that? If I continue to …

Member Avatar for cicovy
Member Avatar for michael123

I have a file server in the network, I try to search for the file contents based on search keywords (this is not only search for file name), need to search files like ".doc", ".pdf", ".html", is there an easy way to do that? for example I need to list …

Member Avatar for rhandore
Member Avatar for michael123

Is there php function to remove the space inside the string? for example: $abcd="this is a test" I want to get the string: $abcd="thisisatest" How to do that? thanks.

Member Avatar for bhebs_quines
Member Avatar for michael123

I try to use PHP GD library to resize image to thumbnail size, however I found the small converted image has bad quality(distorted color), how can I improve the image quality by using PHP GD library: [code] $first=imagecreatefromjpeg($uploadfile); define(MAX_WIDTH, 180); define(MAX_HEIGHT, 135); $width = imagesx($first); $height = imagesy($first); $scale = …

Member Avatar for fahad.mahmood
Member Avatar for michael123

In php mail() function, how can I send attachments? I didn't find parameter to do this. any help will be appreciated.

Member Avatar for saiprem
Member Avatar for michael123

I turned on php Domxml module in php.ini and restart apache server, I can read domxml is enabled in phpinfo, however when I try to load XML file: $dom = DOMDocument::load($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); it shows me the error message: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: load() in c:\program files\apache group\apache\htdocs\bom\tool_rev_import.php on line …

Member Avatar for michelleradu
Member Avatar for michael123

When I try to use MS SQL Server Enterprise Manager to create table, I typed column name, data type as "int", however the length of "int" is 4, that is fixed I cannot change, now the problem is I need to use this column as record ID, my database is …

Member Avatar for Nemesis80
Member Avatar for michael123

I have a table for example: tb1 with data: [CODE]cse-12m cse-343k cse-mka cse-ptu cse-jpy[/CODE] How can I write a SELECT statement to retrieve data in one of these formats: 1) cse-three digits number 2) cse-p% and exclude other format data, any idea?

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for michael123

how can I pass GET url which contains character "?" to php file. for example I have url: [url][/url] I want to pass all string "file2.php?a1=1&a2=2&a3=3" into file1.php now on file1.php, if I use $v=$_REQUEST['string']; echo "$v"; I only get file2.php?a1=1 it lost rest "a2=2&a3=3" how can I fix this …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for michael123

I have one table in this format: [ICODE] Product Component --------------------------- A part1 A part2 B part1 B part4 A part3 C part5 D part1 [/ICODE] now I want to display product which components meet requested items, for example: I know component are "part1" and "part3", need to show product …

Member Avatar for cgyrob
Member Avatar for michael123

I need to manipulate two tables(in different DB) to print out data, what's the effective way to do that in php code? [ICODE] $conn = mssql_connect($intraserver, $intrauser, $intrapass); $db=mssql_select_db($intradb, $conn); $result0=mssql_query("select a from tb1");// in $db for ($i = 0; $i < @mssql_num_rows( $result0 ); ++$i) { $line = @mssql_fetch_row($result0); …

Member Avatar for Thyrosis
Member Avatar for michael123

Is there a function in php to remove the duplicate string variables, for example there is "abcd,ab,cd,abc,abc", how to change it to "abcd,ab,cd,abc"?thanks.

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for michael123

I try to generate on-fly pdf files by php code, the pdf file will display the web page exactly the same as on browser, did some research but have no clue how to do that. The function: PDF_show_xy ( resource $p , string $text , float $x , float $y …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for michael123

I have a table in MS SQL DB, the data was recorded with redundancy, is there an easy way to remove all but keep only one, for example: [ICODE]id name age dept --------------------------- 1 alan 20 A 2 william 23 B 2 william 23 B 3 mike 30 C 3 …

Member Avatar for Doron_
Member Avatar for michael123

I am currently using MS SQL 2000 server as backend database for web site (written in php), now plan to switch DB to MS SQL 2008 Express, I have questions about this conversion: 1) Will MSSQL2008 support all sql statement that was written in MSSQL 2000? 2) I know SQL2008 …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for michael123

I am planing to write a php script which can display time schedule bar, based on start/end date, and each project(see attached image, start/end date and project name are saved in database), the length of time bar should be flexible upon start/end date, I have no idea how to implement …

Member Avatar for Miss84
Member Avatar for michael123

I have a MSSQL table that contains lots of duplicate records, is there a simple way to keep only one and remove all other duplicates? [CODE] mike M 60 mike M 60 mike M 60 [/CODE] I need only one record [CODE] mike M 60 [/CODE]

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for michael123

I try to copy and paste TAB delimited list into html text area, then save it to database, however when I retrieve it from DB, all TAB space are gone, does anyone can give me advice is there a way to keep these TAB? Thanks in advance. [CODE] test test …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for michael123

I can run the following javascript code succefully in IE browser: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"> document.formname.submit(); </script> this javascript automatically submit the form when running the page. However I have problem in Firefox browser, it's stuck at this code (cannot submit form). Any idea what I need to modify so it …

Member Avatar for Luckychap
Member Avatar for michael123

I have a form text field called "field_0", and javascript code: [ICODE] <script language="javascript"> function test() { var a=document.form1.field_0.value; alert (a); } </script> <form name=form1 ....> <input type=text name=field_0> <input type=text name=field_1> <....onclick='javascript: test();'> </form> [/ICODE] if I run this, it pops up correct message box with the "field_0" value. …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for michael123

how can I replace who string with certain beginning and ending, for example I have string: I want to replace this string with "this is a test", no matter what text in between, only "abc" and "xyz" are fixed. abc123xyz-->this is a test abcd1234xyz-->this is a test any idea?

Member Avatar for Designer_101
Member Avatar for michael123

How can I get future date by php date() function, for example today is 11/13/2007, I want to get the date after 60 days. Any advice will be appreciated.

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for michael123

I have a simple php file for example: [CODE] <? header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=file123.xls"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); print "test"; ?> [/CODE] What I want to do is export php result and save it in excel file. If I run this from web browser like IE,firefox, I have no …

Member Avatar for michael123
Member Avatar for michael123

I have a question about how to manipulate php string. For example, I have a text string: $text=" ---<updated:12/20/06>--- this is 2nd entry ---<updated:12/19/06>--- this is 1st entry "; Now if I want to remove "---<updated:XX/XX/XX>---" and only display: this is 2nd entry this is 1st entry how can I …

Member Avatar for vssp
Member Avatar for michael123

In html page I have two forms: [html]<form name=fm1 method=post action=aaa.html> <input type=text name=a1> <textarea name=a2></textarea> <input type=submit> </form> <form name=fm2 method=post action=bbb.html> <input type=text name=b1> <input type=submit> </form>[/html] Now the question is if I submit "fm2", is it possible to also submit the text area which is in "fm1"? …

Member Avatar for katarey
Member Avatar for michael123

I try to download IE7 and install it on my machine, however my pc is running on windows 2000, and there is no download version for win2000, does it mean IE7 cannot run on win2000? Thanks for any comment.

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for michael123

I have two tables: tb1: ID USERNAME 1 u11 2 u12 3 u13 tb2: ID USERNAME 2 u12 My question is how to retrieve records from tb1 and exclude one that is in tb2, so the result will be: ID USERNAME 1 u11 3 u13 Any comment? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for michael123
Member Avatar for michael123

I have a question about the possible string match in sql statement, for example I have variable "$val=abc", I can write: [CODE] SELECT * FROM table WHERE field like '%$val%' [/CODE] this will list all recoreds that the field contains sub-string "abc". Now the question is: if I have a …

Member Avatar for chmonalisa