Hello Friend,

I have three ORM projects . I need to drop a ranking of this links .I have do all White Hat SEO TechNiques For this .If You Have Any Other Technique or way to drop a link please sujjest me as soon as possible send me PM.

Smiley Sansoni

Hi Smiley, Can you PM me details, I will then suggest you detailed plan for your website.

If you need to drop its ranking than the best thing is to spamming !!! ... heee....heee...

Hello you have to do spamming in forum sites and use all black hat seo techniques.
he he he

You need to use all black hat seo techniques for drop the ranking of your site,...

Use all black hat seo techniques, it is the best way of drop the website ranking.

I think your point is clear after reading all the comments but black hat is not a good way. FIrstly show the link.

Yo should try ORM plan to drop the ranking.

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