If I buy a copy of Windows VISTA Premium and install that on my drive. Will that format the C and D drives and put my CPU back in factory set condition, Registers and ALL. I have no data to loose as I simply am playing Morrowind III and downloaded a spyware jokwnp.dll and, Norton and Yahoo Spyware says I have a spyware and Trojan Virus but they are too stupid to have a solution?

What OS do you have now?
Is this spyware affecting you in some way? I fond no reference to this file in Google, which maks me think it's not a big deal, or you've given a wrong file name.
Not all computers will run Vista, and those that will may not run it well.

What OS do you have now?
Is this spyware affecting you in some way? I fond no reference to this file in Google, which maks me think it's not a big deal, or you've given a wrong file name.
Not all computers will run Vista, and those that will may not run it well.

Sorry, I am running VISTA Home Basic. I am having corrupted file problems with morrowind. As the game is loosing the .nif files. Also I am currently directly linked with my cable modem. I Can't seem to get my WRT54G v.8. to be recognized and, I can't seem to reinstall software... I tried going to and resetting factory defaults. ? ? ?

Why not use your existing copy of Vista (Or your partition or restore disk) to reinstall?
What happens when you access

The virus is called jokwmp. It is a toolbar that apparently is being downloaded with the YAHOO ANTISPY TOOLBAR by MOZILLA. I was STUPID enough to give up WINDOWS LIVE DEFENDER for the joker Avti Vius called Norton. It is ALL OVER THE GOOGLE WEB. I found the jokwmp folder inside of my H_CLASS files in regedit and I was able to disable teh .dll files inside of the Program Manager. But the damage is done. The virus is on drive D as well... I just wondered F I BUY Windows Premium and install that , will that format the HD and erase all data and renew my system. Thanks The Bear.

HA ha. A 15 year old kid solved my problems. KYLETHEDARKEN The Laughing Man. Upon following his advice I had the HP Web Site he gave, reinstall my Nvidia drivers and then they FLASHED My BIOS, thus resetting my services. At this point my Computer software LINKSYS Magically FOUND my WRT54G v8 router and linked me with my home ISP and got me wireless again for the first time in a week. I have the JOKWMP disabled and have to install a new copy of VISTA Basic Full Blown. But who cares I am fixed and the crashing and reopening of 25 pages of windows and then shutting down my CPU has stopped..

KYLETHEDARKN You Are A GOD. Luve U man... Winter Thea Bear. :icon_cheesygrin:

PS: Give this man A job...
The Bear...

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