does anybody have any hints as to how i could make a user profile. smiliar to myspace/facebook/ etc...
i would like to use php

Are you asking how to make a social networking site?

basically, but it would be nowhere near as complicated. just a when someone logs in to my site it will take them to their page and basically they can post blogs, people can be friends, comments, a picture and just the basic info about the person.

Look into php/mysql basics. That's Facebook's platform. I'd suggest downloading Wamp or XAMPP, set up a db with phpmyadmin, and learn how to pull content from the db and place it in the page. There are literally tons of php tutorials on the web to help in learning the basics. Also, our php forum is one of the best on the web so if you get stuck, you've got more tech support than Micro$oft could ever offer.

basically, but it would be nowhere near as complicated. just a when someone logs in to my site it will take them to their page and basically they can post blogs, people can be friends, comments, a picture and just the basic info about the person.

Eep. That isn't very basic. But this is cool, I'm trying to learn how to do it too... :)

Once you've set-up a local test server (the xampp or wamp that buddylee mentioned), there is a thread with complete code on how to make a login or member system using php and a mySQL database here at daniweb. :)

Try following that tutorial (the 3rd or 4th post) and posting for help when you're stuck at some part.

yeah i am a beginner, but i do know how to connect to db's
and get info from the(not very well)
thats what i need help with.
actually showing the users info on the page to them.

Can I suggest you may get more help if you post this in either the PHP forum or the database design forum.

Not that the posts so far haven't been helpful, just more people that know about this sort of thing will be looking at the PHP forum.

It is a very big job to set up something robust that has those sort of features.

Good Luck!

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