I''m having an issue my page. When you mouse over an image a text box pops up - that's how i want it. However, I uploaded a few new pics and now every time you mouse over the image the box come up but it is partially hidden behind the picture next to it.Even more strange, the images that were there before do NOT have the same problem. I'm at a loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

here's the page : http://www.tannerscreekgardencenter.com/shrubs_page1.html

the pop up hides the image that is mouseovered, the bottom half to be more preciese, it itself is not hidden, i see no problem

This could be a z-index problem. Also, sometimes media elements don't behave themselves in layers.

I do so hate sites that do that. Inevitably the image that pops up hides the one I wanted, so I can't get to it.

Please don't make stuff happen unless I actually click.

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