my apple powerbook g4 is not starting up i only c the blue screen with the apple logo n the circl thing

olz help me

i was trying to install tiger n then it had erro cause my cd had broken
scraces /..can any 1 tell me how do i change back to panter


To zap the PRAM, hold down Command-Option-P-R after the startup chime.

However, you might want to do the following. Hold down Command-Option-O-F to go into Open Firmware. Once in there, type "reset-nvram" and hit return. Once returned to the prompt, typr "reset-all", hit Return, and the Mac will reboot. Be sure to leave out the quotes on both commands. Hope this helps.



Did you read this link posted later in the thread?

It explains very well what a kernel panic is, and how to resolve it. Specifically, the most common cause of kernel panics will be defective RAM. Try getting it tested with Remember, or test each DIMM module like the article suggested.

Run a Disk Utility check, and also use it to Repair Permissions.

And the last (but most drastic) thing you can do is reinstall Mac OS X (either Archive+Install will preserve your data, but will cause more HD bloat, whereas Erase+Install will not cause bloat, but will erase everything).

I Got No Data On It To Loose So,, I Will Try But I Cant Understend Waht They Say .. I Am New User..i Never Used Mac Before,,,

I'm getting this Unable to find driver for this platform "ACPI", on the kernel panic screen at startup.
I can't reboot into safe mode. In single user mod, the same error message appears and I can't type anything after it does. so any 1 can help me

"kernel panic"

i was installing MacOSX 10.4 tiger,i had 10.3.9 panrther. When I insert Disk I was told to restart the
computer to begin the installation but the cd had Scratches so i had to stop in middle...n after i stared my laptop again i could only c the grey screen with apple loading icon, that y i taught doing this :

Hold down Command-Option-O-F to go into Open Firmware. Once in there, type "reset-nvram" and hit return. Once returned to the prompt, typr "reset-all", hit Return, and the Mac will reboot. Be sure to leave out the quotes on both commands.

Then after doing this i found the "kernel panic",,,,

so know can u help

so know can u help

Yes I can. Buy a new Tiger disk, because there's no way you'll be able to complete the installation with the state your current disk is at. And reinstallation of OS X is the only way to fix this problem.

Hope this helps

Well I am having the Same Problem with my Powerbook G4 I am reinstalling Mac OS X Tiger. I keep Getting The Kernal Panic... My Disk is in Perfect condition. So there has to be another Explanation... Some one Help... Please

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