e-Mac wont read Music cds or USB pen drive and wont let me upload pictures from digital camera. But it will read cds that ive burned my uni work on. Help me please someone, mac help is not helping :confused:


What version of OS X are you running on your eMac? Did you install the software that should have come with your digital camera?

I remember in an older day that my Powermac G3 would not accept memory cards in the PCMCIA slot under OS X, but they worked great under OS 9. I would verify that the software is properly installed.

I have not tried USB Pen drives on an e-Mac (or on any Mac for that matter). Music should not be a problem... but it could be the media that they are played on. I have had better luck with verbatim CD-ROMS and have had HORRIBLE success with Maxell's. My truck's audio player will not play any homemade Maxell, yet the Verbatim's work just fine.

Good Luck,


Am having similar problem!

I have an emac too. Firstly, the pen driver given was incompatible with OS X.3 (even though it said OS X.2 upwards). Had to download new driver from website.

Did work fine for months, but now one of the partitions on my pen (the big side) is not reading. Any ideas for that?

And superdrive gone totally pearshape after working fine for months. Any ideas there?

Am having similar problem!

I have an emac too. Firstly, the pen driver given was incompatible with OS X.3 (even though it said OS X.2 upwards). Had to download new driver from website.

Did work fine for months, but now one of the partitions on my pen (the big side) is not reading. Any ideas for that?

And superdrive gone totally pearshape after working fine for months. Any ideas there?

I have a similar problem on my G4/AGP PowerMac: it won't read CD-ROMs, eg DiskWarrior or Install disk, and many other CDs. It *does* read some, but I can find no pattern...

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