Hi All,

I all of a sudden one morning had a problem with my wireless. All I got was the 'Cannot display this page' message no matter what I was trying to connect to. I have a Netgear wireless router and all the lights on it were lit as normal, and it automatically connected to my laptop as normal too. The signal was 'Excellent' and was showing as full connectivity, but I still couldn't connect. A little sentence came up at the bottom saying something about 'ieframes' and 'dnserror' but it was too quick to catch. BT could not help over the phone as it is not a BT approved router. My Bro-in-law who works for BT came round and could not identify problem, although he didn't have much time. My computer connected at work so I knew it must be the router/BT that was the problem, so he advised me to un-install it and re-install. I went into the add/remove programmes, and clicked on Netgear, then 'Change/Remove'. A box popped up with the options Modify, Repair and Un-install. I figured Repair would be the best first option, and so ran that. The programme ran a list of litte boxes with ticks down the side, and two boxes called 'Administrative Toolkit' and 'Pre Network Log on' (or words to that effect) had crosses on them, so figured they were the things needing repairing (daftly). It asked if I wanted to install them so I pressed yes. I then got a pop up advising me my computer needed to reboot before the changes would work and it asked if I wanted to reboot. I clicked yes and it began to shut down, but then the 'Ending... Please Wait' box appeared and it all froze, and the '[This Programme] is not responding... End Now?' box appeared (then the Microsoft error reporting send/dont send box), and then it shut down. The trouble is now when I reboot, I get a box entitled 'Log On To Windows' with the user name in, and a box for a password. I can move the mouse over everything and click into the box at that point, but once I enter something (or nothing for that matter), and click 'OK' (or press enter), it freezes! I really need to get back onto my computer - I have only just recently had to get a new hard drive and the things not even 18months old! I am using a Dell Inspiron 6400, with Windows XP. I have tons of memory/disk space on it, and I only defragged last week. I have few programmes on there as its a relatively new hard drive, and it was working perfectly before. Im sure this has something to do with the Netgear 'Pre Network log on' and my computer freezing halfway through reboot thingy... Thanks in advance!!!

repeatedly hitting f8 on startup and go to safe mode and try the fix from there

Hi Jack,

Thanks for your uinput - do you have any idea how one might go about fixing it? I hope a full uninstall / reinstall would do the trick...?

Many thanks.

Hi Jack,

Thanks for your uinput - do you have any idea how one might go about fixing it? I hope a full uninstall / reinstall would do the trick...?

Many thanks.

actuall ,i would first reset the router ,do this by using a paperclicp or the tip of a writing pen might do it .on the back of the router there is usually a small pin to reset the router ,disconnect the cat5 wires from the router and just leave the power plug in and hold the reset until all the lights start blinking and then let go of the reset .then using either the routers ip[usually on the back/under side of the router] address in internet explorer or the cdrom that came with the router

Pre-Network logon means that the system is trying to connect to your router before logging on and must still be having problems. Once in safe mode remove the pre-network logon.

Brill brill brill peeps. Thank you very much - I shall give it a go tonight and hopefully I can come back tomorrow and close this off. Thanks again, Joanne

good luck

If you have the issue again, sometimes if you unplug your router it will help "refresh" itself. Keep it unplugged for about a minute, and replug it in. Same with your computer. This seems to fix general issues, and it could save you time and a headache! Good luck!

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