I'm using Windows ME. It happens everytime when i tried to open a document. Even if i create a new document it shows a blank page but when i type in something it closes itself. What caused it? I think it's the Trojan that effected it. I couldn't remove it from the computer. It uses Rundll32. It always pop up a page of http://www.9ringtone.com/th/index.php .

Has anyone actually checked that link doesn't harm your PC.

Perhaps this thread should be closed?

I am facing the same problem...
no cure so far..

I managed to trick the worm.

rename iexplore.exe to iexplore1.exe it stops the annoying popup.. and a bit of work need to be done on the shortcuts.

apparently the worm launch the default browser. I installed firefox, and set it as default browser, the next thing happen is it popup using firefox.. :-|

so i uninstall it again.

anyone got the real cure?

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