Hi guys I'm new here at daniweb and I was wondering if you all could help me with some crazy problems going on with my computer.
1. Cut/Copy/Paste doesn't work
2. When I open WMP 9 it say's "Can't perform operation, low memory"
3. I can't open links that will open in a new window
4. I can't open certain links that will lead to opening WMP
5. When I try to open disk defragmenter and click analyze, nothing happens
6. When I try to download Norton or AVG it gives me an error message although I forgot what it says.
7. When I try to print it says "Windows cannot print due to current printer setup...."
8. Windows installer doesn't install anything, it say's "windows installer could not be accessed, this could occur if you are running in safe mode..." the problem is that I would be running in normal mode.

I have really been racking my brain trying 2 figure out what's wrong. I tried everything imaginable. I am running W2K Pro. If anyone could help I would truly appreciate it. Thanks for your help in advance!

erm that is alot of things wrong! So what i think you are best doing is rebooting your operating system. So get back to me telling me what OS you have and if you have the OS CD please Then I can give you a bit more worthwhile info!

I don't have the Windows 2000 Professional cd. A friend of mine is the one that used his cd to put it on my computer. I don't know if this is a virus, and I need 2 put it in the virus & spyware section. Sorry for the late response. Thank you.

Try to get us more error messages. Maybe then we can help you out. But, I'm of the same mind as manutdrule1990: Back up your data, find your original installation media, and prepare to have Windows reinstalled. It might be your best bet, considering what all you've got going on.

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