Hey guys, I've came across problem and wondering say if you have a 2 lists called user_list and pass_list and you have a prompt for username and password. Instead of 1 user name and password how could it be for all can be used at the same prompt? heres an example of my code:

#Start of the program
print "Welcome To the Server!"
#Varible i'm using for later on in the program
a = 0

#The list of user names
user_list = ['sam','bob','tom']
#And list of passwords
pass_list1 = ['12','13','14']

#The prompt ofr the username and password
username = raw_input("Username: ") % user_list
if username =='user_list':
    password = raw_input("Password: ") % pass_list1
 if password.lower() == 'pass_list1':

Hello, Looking at your code, you only need one thing changed, the if parts part.

#Start of the program
print "Welcome To the Server!"
#Varible i'm using for later on in the program
a = 0

#The list of user names
user_list = ['sam','bob','tom']
#And list of passwords
pass_list1 = ['12','13','14']

#The prompt ofr the username and password
username = raw_input("Username: ")
for user in user_list:
    if username == user:
        password = raw_input("Password: ")
for pass in pass_list1:
    if password.lower() == pass:
       <insert rest of code here>

If you have any more questions, just ask.

python has a keyword function in that would be useful in your example.

if password in pass_list1:
    # do something

Thanks guys for answering my question :)

also, another quick question why does it print one thing 3 times?

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