can you help me to my fingerprint scanner .. do you have idea how will work to vb6 .. i am doing a time attendance.. its better if its a simple program.

Do you have any code that you are working on ?

can you help me to my fingerprint scanner .. do you have idea how will work to vb6 .. i am doing a time attendance.. its better if its a simple program.

Use Digital Persona FPreader with FREE One Touch SDK

Here's the sample FingerPrint Enrollment codes, If you want sample and with database or in VB.NET and MYSQl, just let me know.

Option Explicit

Private Sub Close_Click()
 Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate()
 ' Set properties to DPFPEnrollment object.
 On Error Resume Next
 EnrollmentDialog.DPFPEnrollmentControl1.MaxEnrollFingerCount = MainForm.MaxCount
 If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    MsgBox "Wrong parameter MaxEnrollFingerCount: " + Err.Description
    MainForm.MaxCount = 10
    Unload Me
    EnrollmentDialog.DPFPEnrollmentControl1.EnrolledFingersMask = MainForm.Mask
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
       MsgBox "Wrong parameter EnrolledFingersMask: " + Err.Description
       MainForm.Mask = 0
       Unload Me
    End If
 End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
 ' Show new fingerprint mask.
 MainForm.Mask = EnrollmentDialog.DPFPEnrollmentControl1.EnrolledFingersMask
 If EnrollmentDialog.DPFPEnrollmentControl1.EnrolledFingersMask > 0 Then
  MainForm.Verify.Enabled = True
  MainForm.Verify.Enabled = False
 End If
End Sub

Private Sub DPFPEnrollmentControl1_OnEnroll(ByVal Mask As Long, ByVal Templ As Object, ByVal Stat As Object)
   If MainForm.Failure.Value = True Then
    ' Emulate failure of enrollment operation.
    Stat.Status = EventHandlerStatusFailure
    ' Enrollment succeeded, so store the template.
    MainForm.SetTemplate Mask, Templ
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub DPFPEnrollmentControl1_OnDelete(ByVal Mask As Long, ByVal Stat As Object)
   If MainForm.Failure.Value = True Then
    ' Emulate failure of deletion operation.
    Stat.Status = EventHandlerStatusFailure
    ' Deletion succeeded, so remove the template from storage.
    MainForm.SetTemplate Mask, Nothing
   End If
End Sub

hi, Emond
as you said
"If you want sample and with database or in VB.NET and MYSQl, just let me know."
well am trying to build application in .net IDE i.e VB2012 with mysql as backend which enclose the use of fingerprint SDK. How can you be of helpin giving me the codes.

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