123 Topics

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Member Avatar for leiger

Python works fine in the console, but I'm having problems using python in a Java program. In case someone here has any ideas, I'm posting a link back to my original post (please reply there and not here): [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post1246152.html#post1246152[/url] Thanks!

Member Avatar for leiger
Member Avatar for zreed

I need to code a program for my friend and it has been giving me some difficulties. This needs to have two classes, one called Tester and another called Game. And the data in the Game class needs to be pulled to the tester class after the calculations are finished. …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Veneficae

[I]EDIT: For a console application, not sure if someone can add that to the end of the title?[/I] I could only think of it as a function, as I'm not too heavily into C# just yet. What I'm doing is creating a MUD-style game as a console application, so players …

Member Avatar for Veneficae
Member Avatar for zreed

I need to do the following program, but it need to have a do while loop, scanner for input, and a console program. Here are the instructions: Write a Java program that prompts the user for how many individuals they will be entering. Then program will then prompts for each …

Member Avatar for Katana24
Member Avatar for raseru

There's mountains of guides for learning C++ and they all cover from hello world to pointers, but I never see any of them make a peep about making an actual window. They all stay in consoles and that's that. Why is this? Do most people never mess with API and …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for thriek

Hey, im in need of a little help... im trying to have my .exe show an image with sdl, wait 2500 milliseconds, close the image and then return to the black console screen with my cout statments and whatnot appearing. But instead when i exit sdl, the whole program exits. …

Member Avatar for thriek
Member Avatar for aomran

[CODE] import java.util.*; import java.util.Scanner; public class InputconsoleArray2 { public static void main(String args[]) throws java.io.IOException { int[] a=new int[100]; // create an array of type interger size // Objects of type Scanner are useful for breaking down formatted input into tokens and // translating individual tokens according to their …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for jcao219

Most people would do something like this: [icode]input("Press any key to continue") #or raw_input[/icode] This way, if the user presses a key other than the Enter (return) key, then the program will still continue. It looks something like this: [URL="http://i42.tinypic.com/2yvp9hj.png"]http://i42.tinypic.com/2yvp9hj.png[/URL]

Member Avatar for newsguy

Now that's cool. Nintendo has confirmed via a [URL="http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2010/100323e.pdf"]press release[/URL] that it is set to release a brand new DS portable video game console, complete with 3D capability but without the need to look like a total dork and wear those silly glasses. Unfortunately though the Nintendo 3DS, how did …

Member Avatar for tech-kay
Member Avatar for sirko

The delphi app should subtract two sets that would represent two graphs Hi there! I've got a problem that I can't solve. Can anybody help me? The app should subtract two graphs (in this case a graph is meant to be a set of points) here's the beginning. program assignment; …

Member Avatar for ddanbe

Well, I don't think I can make this any simpler. I hope newbies in the C# language can learn from it.

Member Avatar for ebrutekim

[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include "Python.h" using namespace std; #define tP PyRun_SimpleString(pyCom.c_str()) double func(double x); int main() { //file to write numbers to ofstream file; file.open("numCache.txt"); //string for int to string conversion string temp; stringstream output; //string that is read from console string numCache; //returned number …

Member Avatar for Maheen Khalid

HEy, I am new to C# and dont know much about it. I am facing a problem while running my code in Visual Studio 2008. The problem is that the screen disappears immediately when the program ends. please help me. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for happygeek

Microsoft has kept it fairly quiet, no press releases or launch trumpeting, but it now looks like the Xbox 360 has been upgraded with the new Jasper motherboard. The new Xbox 360 has been spotted in the wild by the eagle eyed [URL="http://www.xbox-scene.com"]Xbox Scene[/URL] chaps and as a result we …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

A typically eloquent contribution from my colleague Happygeek tells us a great deal about the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3522.html"]games console wars[/URL]. Xbox is outselling the PS3 but they're both being trounced by the Wii. So far so good, but my guess is that the Xbox will still be the long-term loser. And I'll …

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Member Avatar for newsguy

According to [URL="http://www.biosmagazine.co.uk/article.php?id=6200"]BIOS Magazine [/URL] there is a new Xbox 360 Dashboard interface coming our way real soon now, like next month. In a move that has been designed to make it easier buy additional functionality as well as improve the social aspects of the Xbox 360 gaming experience, Microsoft …

Member Avatar for newsguy

[URL="http://www.playstation.com/"]Sony Computer Entertainment[/URL] Europe has announced the availability of the latest system software for the PlayStation 3, finally taking it into V2.00 territory. To be honest it isn't that great a leap forward, although there is one nice new feature: the ability to turn a PS3 system on and off …

Member Avatar for John A

Microsoft has just announced the release of a Windows Live instant messaging client for its Xbox 360 game console, giving gamers the capability of chatting to their PC friends. There was already a video and voice chat feature via Xbox Live, but this feature enables players to connect with up …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for John A

Microsoft has already created a new "version" or "model" of their Xbox 360 console, dubbed "Elite". Aside from its black color and matching headset and wireless controller, it's not that much different, but it has a few important upgrades: [LIST] [*]They've upgraded the hard drive to make it a whole …

Member Avatar for John A

Everyone is up-in-the-arms about Nintendo's new console beating Sony's. The sales of the Wii in November (roughly 467,000) are more than double the PS3 sales (147,000), according to NPD. But what most articles about this don't talk about: the PS2 is still winning, and easily. It managed to sell 664,000 …

Member Avatar for MartinGM1983
Member Avatar for happygeek

Just as the games console which has the honor of being at once both one of the most innovative entertainment devices to arrive in our homes and the most stupidly named, the Nintendo Wii, arrives on the market so a lawsuit starts that attacks the very heart of that innovation: …

Member Avatar for sosmither
Member Avatar for John A

All 3 major game consoles have been released -- Microsoft's Xbox 360, Nintendo's Wii, and Sony's Playstation 3. Out of all of these, the [URL="http://today.reuters.com/news/articlebusiness.aspx?type=technology&storyID=nN29388999&from=business"]PlayStation 3 appears to be losing[/URL]. Why? The previous generation console, the PS2, dominated consoles created by Microsoft and Nintendo. The answer lies in the companies …

Member Avatar for 'Stein
Member Avatar for WolfPack

[COLOR=Red][B]This blog entry is regarding a registry hack for Windows XP. Be advised that twiddling with the registry requires care, and use the information here at your own risk. [URL="http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;322756"]Backing up[/URL] the registry before proceeding is adviced. [/B][/COLOR] This is a based on the [URL="http://www.petri.co.il/add_command_prompt_here_shortcut_to_windows_explorer.htm"]Add Command Prompt Here[/URL] tweak that …

Member Avatar for mikeandike22

You can now put a bootable copy of windows on a USB flash drive and then use it as an easy way to recover your windows files if it crashes or just to bring your xp wherever. You need 3 things for this a USB drive with at least 256mb …

Member Avatar for happygeek

[URL="http://metasploit.blogspot.com/"]H.D.Moore[/URL], he of Metasploit toolkit fame, has vowed to publish details of one browser vulnerability every day during July. Already he has been true to his word with exploit information relating to Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari but nothing that would help any would be attacker run unauthorized code on …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Get ready for [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/security"]Patch Tuesday[/URL]. July 13th will be the biggest update for 18 months, with no less than 12 security bulletins: 9 for the Windows OS, 2 for Office and 1 for Exchange. Of these, both Windows and Office updates include one flagged as critical, the highest Microsoft threat …

Member Avatar for kc0arf
Member Avatar for happygeek

Sony used to have game. Its hold on the console market anything but inscrutable, being down to a long standing dedication to technical innovation, game play and pricing. But could that all be due to change following the debut of the PlayStation 3, dubbed PayStation, at E3 last week? Not …

Member Avatar for kc0arf

The Washington Post, among other news agencies is reporting a "severe" security flaw that affects Microsoft Windows 98 - XP. According to the article, the flaw allows computer virus and spyware manufacturers to disribute malicious programs designd to take control of affected computers. Macintosh and Linux users are immune to …

Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for Catweazle

Along with the increased availability and use of fast internet, the popularity of onlline, browser based games has risen dramatically in recent times. [url=http://www.millionsofgames.com/]Millions of Games[/url] is a new website designed to make the task of finding games an easier one. 'Millions' may be an overstatement, but at the time …

Member Avatar for war_criminal
Member Avatar for Catweazle

In between Service Packs a lot of 'Hotfix' updates are developed and made available. A number of them get made available via Windows Update as Critical updates because they relate to security issues, but most don't. Instead, the 'Hotfixes' which relate to specific problems get mentioned or linked in Knowledgebase …

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The End.